

class MSSSIML1(caffe.Layer):
    "A loss layer that calculates alpha*(1-MSSSIM)+(1-alpha)*L1 loss. Assuming bottom[0] is output data and bottom[1] is label, meaning no back-propagation to bottom[1]."

    def setup(self, bottom, top):
        params = eval(self.param_str)
        self.C1 = params.get('C1', 0.01) ** 2
        self.C2 = params.get('C2', 0.03) ** 2
        self.sigma = params.get('sigma', (0.5, 1., 2., 4., 8.))
        self.alpha = params.get('alpha', 0.025)

        # check input pair
        if len(bottom) != 2:
            raise Exception("Need two inputs to compute distance.")

        if (bottom[0].width%2) != 1 or (bottom[1].width%2) != 1 :
            raise Exception("Odd patch size preferred")

    def reshape(self, bottom, top):
        # check input dimensions match
        if bottom[0].count != bottom[1].count:
            raise Exception("Inputs must have the same dimension.")
        # loss output is scalar

		# initialize the size to 5D
        num_scale = len(self.sigma)
        self.width = bottom[0].width
        self.channels = bottom[0].channels
        self.batch = bottom[0].num

        self.w = np.empty((num_scale, self.batch, self.channels, self.width, self.width))
        self.mux = np.empty((num_scale, self.batch, self.channels, 1, 1))
        self.muy = np.empty((num_scale, self.batch, self.channels, 1, 1))
        self.sigmax2 = np.empty((num_scale, self.batch, self.channels, 1, 1))
        self.sigmay2 = np.empty((num_scale, self.batch, self.channels, 1, 1))
        self.sigmaxy = np.empty((num_scale, self.batch, self.channels, 1, 1))
        self.l = np.empty((num_scale, self.batch, self.channels, 1, 1))
        self.cs = np.empty((num_scale, self.batch, self.channels, 1, 1))

		# initialize the gaussian filters based on the bottom size
        for i in range(num_scale):
            gaussian = np.exp(-1.*np.arange(-(self.width/2), self.width/2+1)**2/(2*self.sigma[i]**2))
            gaussian = np.outer(gaussian, gaussian.reshape((self.width, 1)))	# extend to 2D
            gaussian = gaussian/np.sum(gaussian)								# normailization
            gaussian = np.reshape(gaussian, (1, 1, self.width, self.width)) 	# reshape to 4D
            gaussian = np.tile(gaussian, (self.batch, self.channels, 1, 1))
            self.w[i,:,:,:,:] = gaussian

    def forward(self, bottom, top):

		# tile the bottom blob to 5D
		self.bottom0data = np.tile(bottom[0].data, (len(self.sigma), 1, 1, 1, 1))
		self.bottom1data = np.tile(bottom[1].data, (len(self.sigma), 1, 1, 1, 1))

		self.mux = np.sum(self.w * self.bottom0data, axis=(3, 4), keepdims=True)
		self.muy = np.sum(self.w * self.bottom1data, axis=(3, 4), keepdims=True)
		self.sigmax2 = np.sum(self.w * self.bottom0data ** 2, axis=(3, 4), keepdims=True) - self.mux **2
		self.sigmay2 = np.sum(self.w * self.bottom1data ** 2, axis=(3, 4), keepdims=True) - self.muy **2
		self.sigmaxy = np.sum(self.w * self.bottom0data * self.bottom1data, axis=(3, 4), keepdims=True) - self.mux * self.muy
		self.l = (2 * self.mux * self.muy + self.C1)/(self.mux ** 2 + self.muy **2 + self.C1)
		self.cs = (2 * self.sigmaxy + self.C2)/(self.sigmax2 + self.sigmay2 + self.C2)
		self.Pcs =, axis=0)

		loss_MSSSIM = 1 - np.sum(self.l[-1, :, :, :, :] * self.Pcs)/(self.batch * self.channels)
		self.diff = bottom[0].data - bottom[1].data
		loss_L1 = np.sum(np.abs(self.diff) * self.w[-1, :, :, :, :]) / (self.batch * self.channels)  # L1 loss weighted by Gaussian

		top[0].data[...] = self.alpha * loss_MSSSIM + (1-self.alpha) * loss_L1

    def backward(self, top, propagate_down, bottom):
        self.dl = 2 * self.w * (self.muy - self.mux * self.l) / (self.mux**2 + self.muy**2 + self.C1)
        self.dcs = 2 / (self.sigmax2 + self.sigmay2 + self.C2) * self.w * ((self.bottom1data - self.muy) - self.cs * (self.bottom0data - self.mux))

        dMSSSIM = self.dl[-1, :, :, :, :]
        for i in range(len(self.sigma)):
            dMSSSIM += self.dcs[i, :, :, :, :] / self.cs[i, :, :, :, :] * self.l[-1, :, :, :, :]
        dMSSSIM *= self.Pcs

        diff_L1 = np.sign(self.diff) * self.w[-1, :, :, :, :] / (self.batch * self.channels)		# L1 gradient weighted by Gaussian
        diff_MSSSIM = -dMSSSIM/(self.batch * self.channels)

        bottom[0].diff[...] = self.alpha * diff_MSSSIM + (1-self.alpha) * diff_L1
        bottom[1].diff[...] = 0


from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn

# Based on:

class MS_SSIMLoss(nn.Module):
    r"""Creates a criterion that computes MSSIM + L1 loss.

    According to [1], we compute the MS_SSIM + L1 loss as follows:

    .. math::
        \text{loss}(x, y) = \alpha \cdot \mathcal{L_{MSSIM}}(x,y)+(1 - \alpha) \cdot G_\alpha \cdot \mathcal{L_1}(x,y)

        - :math:`\alpha` is the weight parameter.
        - :math:`x` and :math:`y` are the reconstructed and true reference images.
        - :math:`\mathcal{L_{MSSIM}}` is the MS-SSIM loss.
        - :math:`G_\alpha` is the sigma values for computing multi-scale SSIM.
        - :math:`\mathcal{L_1}` is the L1 loss.


        sigmas: gaussian sigma values.
        data_range: the range of the images.
        K: k values.
        alpha : specifies the alpha value
        compensation: specifies the scaling coefficient.
        reduction : Specifies the reduction to apply to the
         output: ``'none'`` | ``'mean'`` | ``'sum'``. ``'none'``: no reduction will be applied,
         ``'mean'``: the sum of the output will be divided by the number of elements
         in the output, ``'sum'``: the output will be summed.

        The computed loss.

        - Input1: :math:`(N, C, H, W)`.
        - Input2: :math:`(N, C, H, W)`.
        - Output: :math:`(N, H, W)` or scalar if reduction is set to ``'mean'`` or ``'sum'``.

        >>> input1 = torch.rand(1, 3, 5, 5)
        >>> input2 = torch.rand(1, 3, 5, 5)
        >>> criterion = kornia.losses.MS_SSIMLoss()
        >>> loss = criterion(input1, input2)

    def __init__(
        sigmas: list[float] = [0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0],
        data_range: float = 1.0,
        K: tuple[float, float] = (0.01, 0.03),
        alpha: float = 0.025,
        compensation: float = 200.0,
        reduction: str = "mean",
    ) -> None:
        self.DR: float = data_range
        self.C1: float = (K[0] * data_range) ** 2
        self.C2: float = (K[1] * data_range) ** 2
        self.pad = int(2 * sigmas[-1])
        self.alpha: float = alpha
        self.compensation: float = compensation
        self.reduction: str = reduction

        # Set filter size
        filter_size = int(4 * sigmas[-1] + 1)
        g_masks = torch.zeros((3 * len(sigmas), 1, filter_size, filter_size))

        # Compute mask at different scales
        for idx, sigma in enumerate(sigmas):
            g_masks[3 * idx + 0, 0, :, :] = self._fspecial_gauss_2d(filter_size, sigma)
            g_masks[3 * idx + 1, 0, :, :] = self._fspecial_gauss_2d(filter_size, sigma)
            g_masks[3 * idx + 2, 0, :, :] = self._fspecial_gauss_2d(filter_size, sigma)

        self.register_buffer("_g_masks", g_masks)

    def _fspecial_gauss_1d(
        self, size: int, sigma: float, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None
    ) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Create 1-D gauss kernel.

            size: the size of gauss kernel.
            sigma: sigma of normal distribution.

            1D kernel (size).
        coords = torch.arange(size, device=device, dtype=dtype)
        coords -= size // 2
        g = torch.exp(-(coords**2) / (2 * sigma**2))
        g /= g.sum()
        return g.reshape(-1)

    def _fspecial_gauss_2d(
        self, size: int, sigma: float, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None
    ) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Create 2-D gauss kernel.

            size: the size of gauss kernel.
            sigma: sigma of normal distribution.

            2D kernel (size x size).
        gaussian_vec = self._fspecial_gauss_1d(size, sigma, device, dtype)
        return torch.outer(gaussian_vec, gaussian_vec)

    def forward(self, img1: torch.Tensor, img2: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Compute MS_SSIM loss.

            img1: the predicted image with shape :math:`(B, C, H, W)`.
            img2: the target image with a shape of :math:`(B, C, H, W)`.

            Estimated MS-SSIM_L1 loss.
        if not isinstance(img1, torch.Tensor):
            raise TypeError(f"Input type is not a torch.Tensor. Got {type(img1)}")

        if not isinstance(img2, torch.Tensor):
            raise TypeError(f"Output type is not a torch.Tensor. Got {type(img2)}")

        if not len(img1.shape) == len(img2.shape):
            raise ValueError(f"Input shapes should be same. Got {type(img1)} and {type(img2)}.")

        g_masks: torch.Tensor = torch.jit.annotate(torch.Tensor, self._g_masks)

        CH: int = img1.shape[-3]
        mux = F.conv2d(img1, g_masks, groups=CH, padding=self.pad)
        muy = F.conv2d(img2, g_masks, groups=CH, padding=self.pad)
        mux2 = mux * mux
        muy2 = muy * muy
        muxy = mux * muy

        sigmax2 = F.conv2d(img1 * img1, g_masks, groups=CH, padding=self.pad) - mux2
        sigmay2 = F.conv2d(img2 * img2, g_masks, groups=CH, padding=self.pad) - muy2
        sigmaxy = F.conv2d(img1 * img2, g_masks, groups=CH, padding=self.pad) - muxy

        lc = (2 * muxy + self.C1) / (mux2 + muy2 + self.C1)
        cs = (2 * sigmaxy + self.C2) / (sigmax2 + sigmay2 + self.C2)
        lM = lc[:, -1, :, :] * lc[:, -2, :, :] * lc[:, -3, :, :]
        PIcs =

        # Compute MS-SSIM loss
        loss_ms_ssim = 1 - lM * PIcs

        # TODO: pass pointer to function e.g. to make more custom with mse, cosine, etc.
        # Compute L1 loss
        loss_l1 = F.l1_loss(img1, img2, reduction="none")

        # Compute average l1 loss in 3 channels
        gaussian_l1 = F.conv2d(loss_l1, g_masks[-CH:], groups=CH, padding=self.pad).mean(1)

        # Compute MS-SSIM + L1 loss
        loss = self.alpha * loss_ms_ssim + (1 - self.alpha) * gaussian_l1 / self.DR
        loss = self.compensation * loss

        if self.reduction == "mean":
            loss = torch.mean(loss)
        elif self.reduction == "sum":
            loss = torch.sum(loss)
        elif self.reduction == "none":
            raise NotImplementedError(f"Invalid reduction mode: {self.reduction}")
        return loss




class MSSSIML2(caffe.Layer):
    "A loss layer that calculates alpha*(1-MSSSIM)+(1-alpha)*L2 loss. Assuming bottom[0] is output data and bottom[1] is label, meaning no back-propagation to bottom[1]."

    def setup(self, bottom, top):
        params = eval(self.param_str)
        self.C1 = params.get('C1', 0.01) ** 2
        self.C2 = params.get('C2', 0.03) ** 2
        self.sigma = params.get('sigma', (0.5, 1., 2., 4., 8.))
        self.alpha = params.get('alpha', 0.1)

        # check input pair
        if len(bottom) != 2:
            raise Exception("Need two inputs to compute distance.")

        if (bottom[0].width%2) != 1 or (bottom[1].width%2) != 1 :
            raise Exception("Odd patch size preferred")

    def reshape(self, bottom, top):
        # check input dimensions match
        if bottom[0].count != bottom[1].count:
            raise Exception("Inputs must have the same dimension.")
        # loss output is scalar

        # initialize the size to 5D
        num_scale = len(self.sigma)
        self.width = bottom[0].width
        self.channels = bottom[0].channels
        self.batch = bottom[0].num

        self.w = np.empty((num_scale, self.batch, self.channels, self.width, self.width))
        self.mux = np.empty((num_scale, self.batch, self.channels, 1, 1))
        self.muy = np.empty((num_scale, self.batch, self.channels, 1, 1))
        self.sigmax2 = np.empty((num_scale, self.batch, self.channels, 1, 1))
        self.sigmay2 = np.empty((num_scale, self.batch, self.channels, 1, 1))
        self.sigmaxy = np.empty((num_scale, self.batch, self.channels, 1, 1))
        self.l = np.empty((num_scale, self.batch, self.channels, 1, 1))
        self.cs = np.empty((num_scale, self.batch, self.channels, 1, 1))

		# initialize the gaussian filters based on the bottom size
        for i in range(num_scale):
            gaussian = np.exp(-1.*np.arange(-(self.width/2), self.width/2+1)**2/(2*self.sigma[i]**2))
            gaussian = np.outer(gaussian, gaussian.reshape((self.width, 1)))	# extend to 2D
            gaussian = gaussian/np.sum(gaussian)								# normailization
            gaussian = np.reshape(gaussian, (1, 1, self.width, self.width)) 	# reshape to 4D
            gaussian = np.tile(gaussian, (self.batch, self.channels, 1, 1))
            self.w[i,:,:,:,:] = gaussian

    def forward(self, bottom, top):

		# tile the bottom blob to 5D
		self.bottom0data = np.tile(bottom[0].data, (len(self.sigma), 1, 1, 1, 1))
		self.bottom1data = np.tile(bottom[1].data, (len(self.sigma), 1, 1, 1, 1))

		self.mux = np.sum(self.w * self.bottom0data, axis=(3, 4), keepdims=True)
		self.muy = np.sum(self.w * self.bottom1data, axis=(3, 4), keepdims=True)
		self.sigmax2 = np.sum(self.w * self.bottom0data ** 2, axis=(3, 4), keepdims=True) - self.mux **2
		self.sigmay2 = np.sum(self.w * self.bottom1data ** 2, axis=(3, 4), keepdims=True) - self.muy **2
		self.sigmaxy = np.sum(self.w * self.bottom0data * self.bottom1data, axis=(3, 4), keepdims=True) - self.mux * self.muy
		self.l = (2 * self.mux * self.muy + self.C1)/(self.mux ** 2 + self.muy **2 + self.C1)
		self.cs = (2 * self.sigmaxy + self.C2)/(self.sigmax2 + self.sigmay2 + self.C2)
		self.Pcs =, axis=0)

		loss_MSSSIM = 1 - np.sum(self.l[-1, :, :, :, :] * self.Pcs)/(self.batch * self.channels)
		self.diff = bottom[0].data - bottom[1].data
		loss_L2 = np.sum((self.diff**2) * self.w[-1, :, :, :, :]) / (self.batch * self.channels) / 2.  # L2 loss weighted by Gaussian

		top[0].data[...] = self.alpha * loss_MSSSIM + (1-self.alpha) * loss_L2

    def backward(self, top, propagate_down, bottom):
        self.dl = 2 * self.w * (self.muy - self.mux * self.l) / (self.mux**2 + self.muy**2 + self.C1)
        self.dcs = 2 / (self.sigmax2 + self.sigmay2 + self.C2) * self.w * ((self.bottom1data - self.muy) - self.cs * (self.bottom0data - self.mux))

        dMSSSIM = self.dl[-1, :, :, :, :]
        for i in range(len(self.sigma)):
            dMSSSIM += self.dcs[i, :, :, :, :] / self.cs[i, :, :, :, :] * self.l[-1, :, :, :, :]
        dMSSSIM *= self.Pcs

        diff_L2 = self.diff * self.w[-1, :, :, :, :] / (self.batch * self.channels)		# L2 gradient weighted by Gaussian
        diff_MSSSIM = -dMSSSIM/(self.batch * self.channels)

        bottom[0].diff[...] = self.alpha * diff_MSSSIM + (1-self.alpha) * diff_L2
        bottom[1].diff[...] = 0


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