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原创 Machine Learning - Logistic Regression - Multi-class Classification

This article contains Logistic Regression for Multi-class Classification (one-vs-all classification)

2016-02-18 14:41:31 3524

原创 Machine Learning - Logistic Regression - Two-class Classification

This article contains some topic about Logistic Regression, including two-class classification, decision boundary and cost function of logistic regression.

2016-02-18 11:56:54 3456

原创 Machine Learning - Gradient Descent in Practice

This article contains some skills in the implementation of Gradient Descent, including feature scaling, mean normalization and choosing learning rate.

2016-02-15 23:44:46 1797

原创 Machine Learning - Linear Regression with Multiple Variables

This article contains linear regression with multiple variables, gradient decent for multiple variables, how to chose features, polynomial regression and normal equation solution for linear regression.

2016-02-15 21:47:47 1773

原创 Machine Learning - Linear Regression with One Variable

This article contains learning model representation, cost function and Gradient Descent algorithm to solve linear regression problem.

2016-02-13 17:22:49 1713

原创 Machine Learning - An Introduction

This article contains the definition of Machine Learning, Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Learning.

2016-02-13 10:07:41 2100

原创 Arduino接口-week4-Lesson3

This article is the study notes of "Interfacing with the Arduino" week4, lesson 3. It mainly talk about Arduino WiFi Shields.

2016-02-04 09:46:14 887

原创 Arduino接口-week4-Lesson2

This article is the study notes of "Interfacing with the Arduino" week4, lesson 2. It mainly talk about Ethernet Client and Ethernet Server.

2016-02-04 09:17:00 1115

原创 Arduino接口-week4-Lesson1

This article is the study notes of "Interfacing with the Arduino" week4, lesson 1. It mainly talk about Arduino Shields, Ethernet Shields and Ethernet Library.

2016-02-02 21:49:07 1264

原创 Arduino接口-week3-Lesson3

This article is the study notes of "Interfacing with the Arduino". It mainly talk about Wire Library, Master Communication and Slave Operation.

2016-01-31 11:16:49 1023

原创 Arduino接口-week3-Lesson2

This article is the study notes of "Interfacing with the Arduino ". It mainly talk about I2C Communication, I2C Transactions and Sending Bits.

2016-01-31 10:50:58 978

原创 Arduino接口-week3-Lesson1

This article is the study notes of "Interfacing with the Arduino". It mainly talk about Arduino libraries, EEPROM and Masking.

2016-01-20 20:21:38 1446

原创 Arduino接口-week2-Lesson3

This article is the study notes of "Interfacing with the Arduino", and it is mainly talk about some demos of making sounds.

2016-01-19 22:52:54 697

原创 Arduino接口-week2-Lesson2

This article is the study notes of "Interfacing with the Arduino", and it is mainly talk about Actuators and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).

2016-01-19 21:47:01 1111

原创 Arduino接口-week2-Lesson1

This article is the study notes of "Interfacing with the Arduino", and it is mainly talk about sensors and resistive sensors.

2016-01-19 21:15:23 1058

原创 Arduino接口-week1-Lesson3

This articles is the study notes of "Interfacing with the Arduino", week 1, lessen 3. It includes: Wiring, Wiring Demo- Pushbutton and Wiring Demo- Potentiometer.

2016-01-11 22:11:21 884

原创 Arduino接口-week1-Lesson2

This articles is the study notes of "Interfacing with the Arduino", week 1, lessen 2. It includes: Electrical Components, Diodes, Switches and Potentiometers.

2016-01-11 21:49:24 1132

原创 Arduino接口-week1-Lesson1

This articles is the study notes of "Interfacing with the Arduino", week 1, lessen 1. It includes: Electrical Circuits, Electrical Properties and Ohm's Law.

2016-01-11 21:20:59 1224

原创 Arduino - 串口操作函数与示例代码大全


2015-12-16 22:36:02 147668 18

原创 word2007无法使用宏的解决方法-设置宏与安装VBA组件


2015-12-11 21:16:58 23258 2

原创 Arduino 平台与C语言程序设计-week4-Arduino Programs-Lesson3

This series of articles are the study notes of "An Arduino platform and C Programming", by Prof. Harris, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine. This article is the notes of week 4, lessen 3.

2015-12-11 12:24:14 881

原创 Arduino 平台与C语言程序设计-week4-Arduino Programs-Lesson2

This series of articles are the study notes of "An Arduino platform and C Programming", by Prof. Harris, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine. This article is the notes of week 4, lessen 2.

2015-12-11 12:06:28 1192

原创 Arduino 平台与C语言程序设计-week4-Arduino Programs-Lesson1

This series of articles are the study notes of "An Arduino platform and C Programming", by Prof. Harris, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine. This article is the notes of week 4, lessen 1.

2015-12-10 21:36:41 1826

原创 Arduino 平台与C语言程序设计-week3-Arduino Programs-Lesson3

This series of articles are the study notes of "An Arduino platform and C Programming", by Prof. Harris, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine. This article is the notes of week 3, Arduino Programs, lessen 3.

2015-12-06 23:03:06 835

原创 Arduino 平台与C语言程序设计-week3-Arduino Programs-Lesson2

This series of articles are the study notes of "An Arduino platform and C Programming", by Prof. Harris, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine. This article is the notes of week 3, Arduino Programs, lessen 2.

2015-12-06 22:44:31 1684

原创 Arduino 平台与C语言程序设计-week3-Arduino Programs-Lesson1

This series of articles are the study notes of "An Arduino platform and C Programming", by Prof. Harris, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine. This article is the notes of week 3, Arduino Programs, lessen 1.

2015-12-06 22:26:36 1906 1

原创 Arduino 平台与C语言程序设计-week2-C Programming-Lesson3

This series of articles are the study notes of "An Arduino platform and C Programming", by Prof. Harris,Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine. This articleis the notes of week 2, C Programming, lessen 3.

2015-12-06 22:06:54 1547

原创 Arduino 平台与C语言程序设计-week2-C Programming-Lesson2

This series of articles are the study notes of "An Arduino platform and C Programming", by Prof. Harris,Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine. This article is the notes of week 2, C Programming, lessen 2.

2015-12-06 21:49:23 1068

原创 Arduino 平台与C语言程序设计-week2-C Programming-Lesson1

This series of articles are the study notes of "An Arduino platform and C Programming", by Prof. Harris, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine. This article is the notes of week 2, C Programming, lessen 1.

2015-12-06 21:19:42 1844

原创 Arduino 平台与C语言程序设计-week1-Arduino Environment-Lesson3

This series of articles are the study notes of "An Arduino platform and C Programming", by Prof. Harris, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine. This article is the notes of week 1, lessen 3.

2015-12-06 17:25:29 1048

原创 Arduino 平台与C语言程序设计-week1-Arduino Environment-Lesson2

This series of articles are the study notes of "An Arduino platform and C Programming", by Prof. Harris, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine. This article is the notes of week 1, lessen 2.

2015-12-06 17:01:10 1522

原创 Arduino 平台与C语言程序设计-week1-Arduino Environment-Lesson1

This series of articles are the study notes of "An Arduino platform and C Programming", by Prof. Harris, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine. This article is the notes of week 1, lessen 1.

2015-12-04 00:15:35 1964

原创 NTKO控件安装:“文件存取错误”问题


2015-12-02 19:46:03 49354 2

原创 NTKO控件安装:“不能装载文档控件,请在检查浏览器的选项中检查浏览器的安全设置”问题


2015-12-02 12:29:58 319101 2

原创 Arduino-DFRduino 4WD机器车平台安装

DFRduino 4WD Cherokey带电机驱动电路和供电、蓝牙、主控模块安装位置,是一款大而方便的4轮4驱移动机器人平台。到手已经快一个月了,这两天忙里偷闲把它给装起来了。中间一些安装顺序和tips,官方说明书里没写,本文对平台组装过程做一个小结。

2015-11-28 12:19:12 2306 1

原创 Arduino- 编译引用 IRremote 出现 error: ‘TKD2′ was not declared in this scope

Arduino 编译引用 IRremote 出现 error: ‘TKD2′ was not declared in this scope的解决方法

2015-11-28 11:06:05 7004 2

原创 推荐一个Arduino学习模拟器: 123D Circuites

123D Circuites是AutoDesk发布的一个专业电子模拟器网站,网址为:https://123d.circuits.io/ 你可以通过虚拟Arduino 板和实验电路板来研究电子问题,可以使用内置的代码编辑器进行Arduino 编程和仿真,方便用户进行原理性验证和实验。

2015-11-21 11:11:55 20914 3

原创 Arduino - 正弦波数值的采样与应用

嵌入式系统中许多应用中需要对正弦函数采样,得到一个范围在[0, 1]按正弦规则变化的数组。简单的例子如呼吸灯和警报声等。本文以Arduino UNO为平台总结正弦函数采样的方法及使用例子。

2015-11-21 10:34:39 13746

原创 物联网与嵌入式系统概论-week4-Networking and the Internet-Lesson3: Network Layers and MANETS

This articles is the study notes of week 4, Lessen 3: Network Layers and MANETS.

2015-11-21 09:35:04 931

原创 物联网与嵌入式系统概论-week4-Networking and the Internet-Lesson2: Internet Protocol

This articles is the study notes of week 4, Lessen 2: Internet Protocols.

2015-11-20 23:38:23 1128





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