
类BRepClass_FaceClassifier(它的基类是 BRepClass_FClassifier )提供有构造方法,提供一个ToppDS_Face F和一个该三维正则曲面上的点P(或者一个gp_Pnt2d通过u,v坐标指定的三维点),通过State() 返回值判断点是在边界上TopAbs_ON,在F里面TopAbs_IN,在F外TopAbs_OUT,如果点在F边界上,Edge()还返回该点所在的边。

它的实现经过review后分布在src/brepclass和src/topclass中,会用到很多2d line和2dcurve求交计算,调试时有intana2d intres2d geom2dint intcurve目录中实现代码的这类连续的调用堆栈。

基本上是平面射线法求和轮廓的交点,但是轮廓是有向的,轮廓边的left side right side是指示了轮廓的in side或者out side,可以通过沿着射线靠近P的最近交点和最近轮廓边判断点是否在polygon2d的in或者out,传统平面算法的通过射线交点总数的奇偶判断点在多边形里面,是由于polygon并没有要求保证手相性,即轮廓edge并没有指示哪边是in side,但是边界表达法的是拓扑上精确的,可以通过edge知道哪边是inside。


变换成一种point2d_polygon2d_side case分类问题,只不过这时的平面polygon 不像CGAL中都是由直线段组成的,它还有平面二次曲线例如圆弧或者平面样条曲线,二次曲线和直线求交点有代数解析方法,或者多项式曲线和直线求交的数值迭代法。实现的开始也是计算了平面多边形的AABB以尽快发现out side的情况。

class BRepClass_FClassifier 
  Standard_EXPORT BRepClass_FClassifier();
  //! Returns the result of the classification.
  Standard_EXPORT TopAbs_State State() const;
  //! Returns  True when  the   state was computed by  a
  //! rejection. The state is OUT.
    Standard_Boolean Rejected() const;
  //! Returns True if  the face  contains  no wire.  The
  //! state is IN.
    Standard_Boolean NoWires() const;
  //! Returns   the    Edge  used   to    determine  the
  //! classification. When the State is ON  this  is the
  //! Edge containing the point.
  Standard_EXPORT const BRepClass_Edge& Edge() const;
  //! Returns the parameter on Edge() used to determine  the
  //! classification.
  Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real EdgeParameter() const;
  //! Returns the  position of  the   point on the  edge
  //! returned by Edge.
    IntRes2d_Position Position() const;

//! Provides Constructors with a Face.
class BRepClass_FaceClassifier  : public BRepClass_FClassifier


  //! Empty constructor, undefined algorithm.
  Standard_EXPORT BRepClass_FaceClassifier();
  //! Creates an algorithm to classify the Point  P with
  //! Tolerance <T> on the face described by <F>.
  Standard_EXPORT BRepClass_FaceClassifier(BRepClass_FaceExplorer& F, const gp_Pnt2d& P, const Standard_Real Tol);
  //! Creates an algorithm to classify the Point  P with
  //! Tolerance <T> on the face <F>.
  //! Recommended to use Bnd_Box if the number of edges > 10
  //! and the geometry is mostly spline
  Standard_EXPORT BRepClass_FaceClassifier(const TopoDS_Face& theF, const gp_Pnt2d& theP, const Standard_Real theTol, 
                   const Standard_Boolean theUseBndBox = Standard_False, const Standard_Real theGapCheckTol = 0.1);

  //! Classify  the Point  P  with  Tolerance <T> on the
  //! face described by <F>.
  //! Recommended to use Bnd_Box if the number of edges > 10
  //! and the geometry is mostly spline
  Standard_EXPORT void Perform (const TopoDS_Face& theF, const gp_Pnt2d& theP, const Standard_Real theTol, 
                   const Standard_Boolean theUseBndBox = Standard_False, const Standard_Real theGapCheckTol = 0.1);
  //! Creates an algorithm to classify the Point  P with
  //! Tolerance <T> on the face <F>.
  //! Recommended to use Bnd_Box if the number of edges > 10
  //! and the geometry is mostly spline
  Standard_EXPORT BRepClass_FaceClassifier(const TopoDS_Face& theF, const gp_Pnt& theP, const Standard_Real theTol,
                   const Standard_Boolean theUseBndBox = Standard_False, const Standard_Real theGapCheckTol = 0.1);
  //! Classify  the Point  P  with  Tolerance <T> on the
  //! face described by <F>.
  //! Recommended to use Bnd_Box if the number of edges > 10
  //! and the geometry is mostly spline
  Standard_EXPORT void Perform (const TopoDS_Face& theF, const gp_Pnt& theP, const Standard_Real theTol,
                   const Standard_Boolean theUseBndBox = Standard_False, const Standard_Real theGapCheckTol = 0.1);

在使用 OpenCASCADE 库进行几何计算时,可以使用 BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier 类来判断在模型内外。 以下是一个示例代码,展示了如何使用 OpenCASCADE 判断在模型内外: ```cpp #include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex.hxx> #include <BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox.hxx> #include <BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier.hxx> int main() { // 创建一个简单的模型 - 此处以立方体为例 double boxX = 10.0; double boxY = 10.0; double boxZ = 10.0; gp_Pnt boxCenter(0, 0, 0); BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox boxMaker(boxCenter, boxX, boxY, boxZ); TopoDS_Shape solid = boxMaker.Shape(); // 创建待判断 gp_Pnt pointToTest(5, 5, 5); BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex vertexMaker(pointToTest); TopoDS_Vertex vertex = vertexMaker.Vertex(); // 使用 BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier 判断在模型内外 BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier classifier(solid, vertex); classifier.Perform(); if (classifier.State() == TopAbs_IN) std::cout << "Point is inside the solid." << std::endl; else if (classifier.State() == TopAbs_OUT) std::cout << "Point is outside the solid." << std::endl; else if (classifier.State() == TopAbs_ON) std::cout << "Point is on the boundary of the solid." << std::endl; return 0; } ``` 上述代码创建了一个简单的立方体模型,并判断了一个是否在该模型内部。根据判断结果,输出相应的信息。 注意:在使用 OpenCASCADE 进行几何计算时,需要正确设置和引入相关的头文件和库文件,并进行正确的编译和链接操作。
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