
When generating a bitstream, the following error messages occur:
ERROR: [Drc 23-20] Rule violation (NSTD-1) Unspecified I/O Standard - 3 out of 3 logical ports use I/O standard (IOSTANDARD) value ‘DEFAULT’, instead of a user assigned specific value. This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the board power or connectivity affecting performance, signal integrity or in extreme cases cause damage to the device or the components to which it is connected. To correct this violation, specify all I/O standards. This design will fail to generate a bitstream unless all logical ports have a user specified I/O standard value defined. To allow bitstream creation with unspecified I/O standard values (not recommended), use set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks NSTD-1]. Problem ports: clk, din, dout.
ERROR: [Drc 23-20] Rule violation (UCIO-1) Unconstrained Logical Port - 3 out of 3 logical ports have no user assigned specific location constraint (LOC). This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the board power or connectivity affecting performance, signal integrity or in extreme cases cause damage to the device or the components to which it is connected. To correct this violation, specify all pin locations. This design will fail to generate a bitstream unless all logical ports have a user specified site LOC constraint defined. To allow bitstream creation with unspecified pin locations (not recommended), use set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks UCIO-1]. Problem ports: clk, din, dout.
The error message is to notify customers that they need to set IOSTANDARD and PACKAGE_PIN, in order to protect devices from accidental damage that could be caused by the tools randomly choosing a pin location or IOSTANDARD without knowledge of the board voltage or connections.
For example:
If a pin is tied to ground on a board and Vivado chooses this pin as an output that is driving high, this causes contention.
If you have a termination scheme on the board for a pin that is the HSTL or SSTL recommended termination, and Vivado chooses LVCMOS18 (default), the signal integrity of the signal will be less than optimal.
The default I/O standard for the 7 Series is LVCMOS18 for single-ended signals for all banks. The default I/O standard was LVCMOS25 in previous architectures.

Below are possible solutions to these errors.

  1. (Recommended) Add IOSTANDARD and PACKAGE_PIN constraints for all I/Os in the design.
  2. If you do not care about those unconstrained I/Os, you use one of below solutions.

For a GUI project flow, create a .tcl file and put below two commands in it. Specify this .tcl file in the “tcl.pre” option in “Bitstream Settings”. Then you can re-run “Generate Bitstream” without re-running Implementation.
set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks NSTD-1]
set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks UCIO-1]
set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks RTSTAT-1]

### 回答1: drc nstd-1是一种数字电路设计规则检查工具,用于检查电路设计是否符合特定的设计规则和标准。它可以帮助设计师在设计过程中发现潜在的问题,提高设计的可靠性和稳定性。 drc ucio-1是一种电路布局规则检查工具,用于检查电路布局是否符合特定的规则和标准。它可以帮助设计师在布局过程中发现潜在的问题,提高布局的可靠性和稳定性。 ### 回答2: DRC NSTC-1(数字无线前端测试套件-1)和DRC UCIO-1(数字无线接口测试套件-1)是一种用于测试和评估数字无线通信设备的测试装置。 DRC NSTC-1是一个数字无线前端测试套件,用于测试和评估无线通信系统中的前端部分,包括射频前端和基带前端。它可以用于测试各种无线通信技术,如2G、3G、4G和5G。测试套件包括各种测试模块,例如信号发生器、频谱分析仪和功率计,可以对设备的射频性能进行严格的测试。使用DRC NSTC-1可以确保无线设备在各种环境和条件下能够正常工作,并提供稳定的通信性能。 DRC UCIO-1是一个数字无线接口测试套件,用于测试和评估无线通信设备的接口性能。它可以用于测试设备的各种接口,如天线接口、数字接口和模拟接口。该测试套件具有多个测试模块,如测试器和信号分析仪,可以对设备的接口进行全面而准确的测试。使用DRC UCIO-1可以确保设备的接口能够按照规范和要求进行通信,并提供高质量的数据和信号传输。 总之,DRC NSTC-1和DRC UCIO-1是用于测试和评估数字无线通信设备的关键工具。它们可以对设备的前端和接口进行全面而准确的测试,以确保设备的稳定性和性能。这些测试套件在无线通信领域具有广泛的应用,并为无线设备的研发和生产提供了重要的支持。




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