1,add a frame (C++)
tf builds up a tree structure of frames; it does not allow a closed loop in the frame structure. This means that a frame only has one single parent, but it can have multiple children. Currently our tf tree contains three frames: world, turtle1 and turtle2. The two turtles are children of world. If we want to add a new frame to tf, one of the three existing frames needs to be the parent frame, and the new frame will become a child frame.tf建立了frames的树形结构,在这个结构中不允许闭环,意思是一个frame只能有一个父母,但是它可以有很多孩子,这个例子中包含了三个frame:world,turtle1和turtle2,其中turtle1和turtle2是world的孩子,如果我们想要建立一个新的frame,这个新的frame需要成为这三个frame的其中一个的孩子。
1 #include <ros/ros.h>
2 #include <tf/transform_broadcaster.h>
4 int main(int argc, char** argv){
5 ros::init(argc, argv, "my_tf_broadcaster");
6 ros::NodeHandle node;
8 tf::TransformBroadcaster br;
9 tf::Transform transform;
11 ros::Rate rate(10.0);
12 while (node.ok()){
13 transform.setOrigin( tf::Vector3(0.0, 2.0, 0.0) );
14 transform.setRotation( tf::Quaternion(0, 0, 0) );
15 br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time::now(), "turtle1", "carrot1"));
16 rate.sleep();
17 }
18 return 0;
19 };
2, learning about tf and time
In the previous tutorials we learned about how tf keeps track of a tree of coordinate frames. This tree changes over time, and tf stores a time snapshot for every transform (for up to 10 seconds by default). Until now we used the lookupTransform() function to get access to the latest available transforms in that tf tree, without knowing at what time that transform was recorded. This tutorial will teach you how to get a transform at a specific time.在前面的教程里面我们知道了tf跟随记录树形结构的坐标系,即当这棵树随着时间变化时,每次变化(默认为10s)tf就储存了时间快照。我们使用的是lookupTransform()函数查看tf树的最近可能的变化,不用知道什么时候变换被记录。这里教你如何得到一个transform在一个特殊的时间。
3 time travel with tf
Now, instead of making the second turtle go to where the first turtle is now, make the second turtle go to where the first turtle was 5 seconds ago
ros::Time now = ros::Time::now(); ros::Time past = now - ros::Duration(5.0); listener.waitForTransform("/turtle2", now, "/turtle1", past, "/world", ros::Duration(1.0)); listener.lookupTransform("/turtle2", now, "/turtle1", past, "/world", transform);
The advanced API for lookupTransform() takes six arguments:
- Give the transform from this frame,
- at this time ...
- ... to this frame,
- at this time.
- Specify the frame that does not change over time, in this case the "/world" frame, and
- the variable to store the result in.