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翻译 涉足荒野script_涉足深度学习,转移学习和快速人工智能

涉足荒野scriptI’ve wanted to get more into deep learning as of late, and while I have decent theoretical experience from classwork and courses, I have very little practical experience. Thus, I’ve decided ...

2020-08-28 17:04:06 200

翻译 摩尔定律和梅特卡夫定律_摩尔定律f

摩尔定律和梅特卡夫定律The GPT-3 (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer-3) is OpenAI’s latest and greatest natural language prediction model. Simply put, it generates text in response to any input text. It is a prog...

2020-08-28 16:54:28 698

翻译 守卫解救acm_让作家阻止了它的解救

守卫解救acmIn this post, I’ll show you how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) can be used to help you get a start on that novel you always wanted to write. I’ll begin with a brief back...

2020-08-28 16:44:55 263

翻译 机器学习与分布式机器学习_机器学习中的偏见

机器学习与分布式机器学习Whether you like it or not, the impact of machine learning on your life is growing very rapidly. Machine learning algorithms determine whether you would get the mortgage for your dream hom...

2020-08-28 16:34:43 432

翻译 ai人工智能_AI如何影响可访问性

ai人工智能Recently, I was involved in several “Human Rights by Design” discussions with fellow UX designers and product managers. One of the fascinating topics was about Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethic...

2020-08-28 16:25:38 3943

翻译 nlp和数据挖掘_混乱中的挖掘顺序nlp图论的巧妙和创造性融合

nlp和数据挖掘Machines learning algorithms, since their inception, have been designed to handle numbers. This worked well with data that could be easily converted into numerical form; be it images or sound,...

2020-08-28 16:16:21 443

翻译 闲聊机器人_讲个笑话,如何为您的虚拟客服人员聊天机器人增加闲聊支持

闲聊机器人 微软电源平台解决方案 (SOLUTIONS FOR MICROSOFT POWER PLATFORM)Whatever your Chatbot is designed for, and no matter how clear or simple its purpose is, your users will always try to chit-chat first. 无论您的Ch...

2020-08-28 15:44:09 372

翻译 从头学习计算机网络_用代码从头开始构建您的第一个神经网络

从头学习计算机网络I’m strongly of the opinion that it is crucial to build projects if one really wants to learn deep learning. So if you are looking to start making your own deep learning projects, you’re in t...

2020-08-28 15:33:11 383

翻译 blender2ogre_Blender Bot Part 2变压器

blender2ogreFacebook’s open sourced chatbot “Blender” is breaking all records previously set by Google’s “Meena”. In this post, we will go over the Poly-Encoders Transformer architecture, that forms t...

2020-08-28 15:13:17 270

翻译 机器学习和深度学习视频教程_如何使用深度学习代码教程创建假的有说有头的视频...

机器学习和深度学习视频教程Creating realistic computer-generated content has always been a challenging and time-consuming task in the movie and games industries. However, with the use of Deep Learning, we can trans...

2020-08-28 15:03:34 302

翻译 总结过去展望未来_未来的发生速度将比过去快得多

总结过去展望未来In 1965, a young engineer named Gordon Moore predicted that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would double every two years. 1965年,一位名叫戈登·摩尔 ( Gordon Moore)的年轻工程师预测集成电路中晶体管的数量每...

2020-08-28 14:54:19 108

翻译 人工智能+智能运维解决方案_如何建立对人工智能解决方案的信任

人工智能+智能运维解决方案I interviewed Marisa Tschopp who is an organizational psychologist conducting research about Artificial Intelligence from a humanities perspective with a focus on psychological and ethica...

2020-08-28 14:43:43 2289

翻译 蒙特卡洛树搜索 棋_蒙特卡罗树搜索赢得黑白棋

蒙特卡洛树搜索 棋With the COVID-19 pandemic still wreaking havoc around the world, many of us have been stuck at home with shelter-in-place orders. In Singapore, similar “circuit breaker” orders have been giv...

2020-08-28 14:33:57 2644

翻译 abbyy_abbyy neoml我们如何制作开源机器学习库以及为什么需要它

abbyyThe framework provides software developers with powerful deep learning and traditional machine learning algorithms for creating applications that fuel digital transformation. 该框架为软件开发人员提供了强大的深度学习...

2020-08-28 13:55:06 497

翻译 oracle 同步序列_行业中的ai为什么要按时间序列同步功能

oracle 同步序列You do not need to be a Data Scientist to know this feeling: this is the winter season, you open the tap on “hot” in the morning and it takes a few seconds (sometimes more) before the water...

2020-08-28 13:44:49 150

翻译 auto 超参数调整_4种超参数调整技术

auto 超参数调整 介绍 (Introduction)Wikipedia states that “Hyperparameter optimization or tuning is the problem of choosing a set of optimal hyperparameters for a learning algorithm” Wikipedia指出“ H 超参数优化或调整是...

2020-08-28 13:34:20 441

翻译 ai人工智能将替代人类_AI和人类如何优化空气污染监测

ai人工智能将替代人类 空气污染监测 (Air-pollution monitoring)Air pollution is responsible for 4.2 million deaths per year according to the World Health Organization (WHO). No wonder we should dedicate resources to u...

2020-08-28 13:23:28 417

翻译 爬十格阶梯每次一步或两步_爬上信息阶梯

爬十格阶梯每次一步或两步 如何将数据转化为信息 (How to turn data into information)Many organisations have a lot of data without much idea what to do with it. Data Science (loosely used as a term to encompass Business Intel...

2020-08-28 13:03:56 570

翻译 神经网络 对话_我确定或不确定与神经网络的对话

神经网络 对话If your cell phone is suggesting whether a mushroom you just picked up from your backyard for your dinner is poisonous, it better be sure about it! Computer vision applications are now dominate...

2020-08-28 12:53:43 454

翻译 数据分析如何进行预测分析_可以进行预测分析来防止未来的大流行

数据分析如何进行预测分析As science gets more advanced, we realise how interconnected our world is. The smallest things can have the biggest impacts. For instance, researchers are today looking at how the sand tha...

2020-08-28 12:44:34 1552

翻译 像素到像素gan_听像素

像素到像素gan 内部AI (INSIDE AI)Human perception is multidimensional and a balanced combination of hearing, vision, smell, touch, and taste. Recently, many pieces of research have tried to step forward on t...

2020-08-28 12:35:31 464

翻译 甲壳虫远程控制_认为甲壳虫

甲壳虫远程控制 认为披头士乐队 (Think The Beatles)For the average person, there’s so much in the news these days that having enough bandwidth to consider the merits of artificial intelligence seems like too much wo...

2020-08-28 12:15:42 765

翻译 ai人工智能_对人工智能的追求

ai人工智能“Artificial Intelligence began with an ancient wish to forge the Gods.” -Pamela McCorduck “人工智能始于古老的铸就众神的愿望。” -帕梅拉·麦考德克(Pamela McCorduck) Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) refers to the abil...

2020-08-28 11:33:56 878

翻译 ai人工智能将替代人类_急于将AI推向极限

ai人工智能将替代人类Earlier this year, Apple announced its US$200 million acquisition of Seattle-based edge-AI startup Xnor.ai. This was one of its many other moves to bring the AI-inferencing from cloud to th...

2020-08-28 11:24:52 166

翻译 owin 怎么部署在云中_从几乎未能在云中部署简单的机器学习模型中学到的教训...

owin 怎么部署在云中Through this article we are going to present you with the main mistakes we made during — what was supposed to be — a simple project which aimed to deploy an age guessing Neural Network mod...

2020-08-28 11:04:36 304

翻译 使用词嵌入的基于内容的推荐系统

机器学习 (Machine Learning)In my previous article, I have written about a content-based recommendation engine using TF-IDF for Goodreads data. In this article, I am using the same Goodreads data and bui...

2020-08-28 10:54:37 356

翻译 mvp模型_从计算机视觉创意到MVP模型第2部分

mvp模型This article talks about the model that was built for multi-class bulb classification. 本文讨论了为多类灯泡分类构建的模型。 What will we look at with this Article?1.Build a multiclass classifier from scratch on G...

2020-08-28 10:43:50 374

翻译 blender_Blender Bot第三部分,许多架构

blenderWe have been looking into Facebook’s open-sourced conversational offering, Blender Bot. 我们一直在研究Facebook的开源对话产品Blender Bot。 In Part-1 we went over in detail about the DataSets used in the pre-t...

2020-08-28 10:34:18 1068

翻译 项目风险管理 已知未知_用深度神经网络了解已知的未知数

项目风险管理 已知未知Deep neural networks (DNNs) are easy-to-implement, versatile machine learning models that can achieve state-of-the-art performance in many domains (for example, computer vision, natural lan...

2020-08-28 10:24:12 908

翻译 彩票假设调查

Metaphors are powerful tools to transfer ideas from one mind to another. Alan Kay introduced the alternative meaning of the term ‘desktop’ at Xerox PARC in 1970. Nowadays everyone — for a glimpse of a...

2020-08-28 10:13:35 1913

翻译 抢货机器人bot_机器人上的一些东西是要抢走我工作的机器人

抢货机器人botEver since I started investing in early stage AI and automation startups, I’ve regularly found myself explaining what robotic process automation (RPA) is, and repeating my “schtick” over and o...

2020-08-28 10:04:11 1690

翻译 et 大脑接口_听说过大脑计算机接口

et 大脑接口 重点 (Top highlight)What would it be like to control everything around you just by the sense of thought? Imagine controlling a drone not by a physical controller but instead by the waves emitted...

2020-08-28 09:54:20 491

翻译 深度学习 下采样层_您应该了解深度学习中的子采样层

深度学习 下采样层 说明 (Explanation)Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have characteristics that enable invariance to the affine transformations of images that are fed through the network. This provides the a...

2020-08-28 09:25:28 2589

翻译 主动和半监督机器学习8月17 28

Here is to the inaugural issue of my new Active Learning newsletter (to come out on a weekly or biweekly basis, depending on the number of relevant preprints in the preceding week). I have done someth...

2020-08-28 09:14:56 145

翻译 算法偏见是什么_算法有何偏见

算法偏见是什么After the end of the Second World War, the Nuremberg trials laid bare the atrocities conducted in medical research by the Nazis. In the aftermath of the trials, the medical sciences established...

2020-08-28 09:04:08 3174

翻译 让·阿方索·德纳(Jean Alfonso decena)引领对话式人工智能创新并颠覆菲律宾金融科技...

技术系列中的女性 (WOMEN IN TECHNOLOGY SERIES)Over the past few years, tech companies and researchers all over the world have been competing to advance the frontiers of artificial intelligence. With the broa...

2020-08-28 08:44:23 623

翻译 树莓派 web控制_Web应用程序,通过启用AI的推理引擎来控制大量树莓派(第3部分)...

树莓派 web控制A web-based solution to control a swarm of Raspberry Pis, featuring a real-time dashboard, a deep learning inference engine, 1-click Cloud deployment, and dataset labeling tools. 基于Web的解决方案,用...

2020-08-28 08:34:00 295

翻译 图像分割技术语义分割代码_用5行代码对150类对象进行语义分割

图像分割技术语义分割代码It is now possible to perform segmentation on 150 classes of objects using ade20k model with PixelLib. Ade20k model is a deeplabv3+ model trained on ade20k dataset, a dataset with 150 clas...

2020-08-28 08:03:10 780

翻译 机器学习与数据科学_机器学习工程师与数据科学家

机器学习与数据科学With the development of Artificial Intelligence, there are new job vacancies trending in the market. And its more confusing especially with role machine learning engineer vs. data scientist, ...

2020-08-28 07:42:19 283

翻译 foreach变异非变异_神经网络产生了一堆看起来很变异的新动物

foreach变异非变异 一位名叫Aldo Cortesi的程序员创造了一种疯狂的算法:一种为不存在的动物绘制轮廓的算法。 其中一些看起来合理,而另一些看起来像来自Alex Garland 2018年科幻电影《歼灭》中的怪异混合体。 (A programmer named Aldo Cortesi has created a crazy algorithm: one that draws silh...

2020-08-28 07:33:13 110



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