



        What is less clear is whether interest rates will be low enough to keep a lid on debt-to-gdp ratios. Perhaps the neutral rate, which incentivises an equal amount of savings as investment in an economy, will track economic growth, as many expect. A proliferation of old folk means more people saving for retirement. And a paucity of investments from young entrepreneurs means that these savers will have little choice but to accept lower rates. Yet Charles Goodhart of the London School of Economics and Manoj Pradhan of Talking Head Macroeconomics, a research firm, disagree that this is the most likely outcome. They think a spending spree by grey consumers, fuelled by government handouts to the old, could drive up the neutral rate of interest. Because governments would then struggle to repay even their existing debts, they will resort to inflating them away.

         利率是否低到足以控制债务率的程度还不够清楚。或许正如一些人预测的那样,中性利率,即一个经济体中存款和投资回报一致,会推动经济增长。激增的老龄人口会将更多养老金存入银行。加之缺乏年轻企业去投资,所以他们只能选择低利率将钱存入银行。然而来自伦敦经济学校的查尔斯·古德哈特(Charles Goodhart )和来自一所研究宏观经济学公司(Talking Head Macroeconomics)的普拉德汉( Manoj Pradhan)表示,他们不同意这是最有可能的结果。他们认为政府会给老人做宣传,引导老龄消费者点燃消费热情,从而提高中性利率。由于政府那时要偿还已有债务,所以会想法设法搞通货膨胀。

        一、理解错误。【 incentivises an equal amount of savings as investment in an economy】,incentivises表示鼓励,激励。 说明中性利率的作用是让储蓄和投资的资金达到相等状态。

        二、理解错误:【 will track economic growth】表示中性利率【会随经济增长而变动】。

        三、理解错误:【A proliferation of old folk means more people saving for retirement】表达【老年人口的增加意味着更多的人会为退休而储蓄

        四、【 fuelled by government handouts to the old】这里面的【handouts 】一词的含义是指政府提供的直接援助、补贴或福利。


        六、漏译。【Because governments would then struggle to repay even their existing debts】这里面的【struggle to】表示政府偿还现有债务的有困难的。

        尚不清楚的是,利率是否将低到足以控制债务与国内生产总值(GDP)之比。或许,正如许多人所预期的那样,中性利率——即一个经济体中储蓄与投资达到平衡的利率——将与经济增长保持一致。老年人口的增加意味着更多的人会为退休而储蓄。而年轻企业家投资的匮乏意味着这些储蓄者别无选择,只能接受较低的利率。然而,伦敦经济学院的查尔斯·古德哈特(Charles Goodhart)和宏观经济研究公司Talking Head Macroeconomics的曼诺杰·普拉德汉(Manoj Pradhan)不同意这是最有可能的结果。他们认为,由于政府给老年人的补贴,可能会刺激老年消费者的消费热潮,从而推高中性利率。届时,政府甚至难以偿还现有债务,因此他们将采取通货膨胀的手段来减轻债务负担。

        There are steps Western governments could take to soften the blow. Credible monetary policy, which reassures investors that central bankers will quash spending binges prompted by ageing populations, would help. If governments were to rein in deficits in anticipation of future danger, that would make an even bigger difference. Pensions will have to be cut back as public finances adjust to longer lifespans. The imf reckons that rich-world governments will need to raise the retirement age by five years by the end of the century, even as increases in life expectancy slow.


        一、理解错误。【which reassures investors that central bankers will quash spending binges prompted by ageing populations】基于上下文,这句再说央行通过遏制由于人口老龄化带来的支出激增,从而安慰道投资者的信心。

        二、【. If governments were to rein in deficits in anticipation of future danger, that would make an even bigger difference.】 不要死板理解。【 even bigger difference】 里面就是表示效果更大的意思。




        These reforms would be unpopular now. Who wants to be the politician to inform millions of retired bureaucrats, soldiers and teachers that their pensions are being slashed in order to look after future generations? But in years to come, when the grey vote carries even more sway, they will become just about impossible—making it all the more important for politicians to act sooner rather than later. Although assessing the impact of shrinking populations can sometimes feel like peering into a distant future, the threat is already playing on the mind of leaders such as Emmanuel Macron, France’s president. Last year he risked his position by proposing reform of the country’s pension system, and faced protests that were widespread even by French standards. Other politicians will have taken note. 

        这些改革现在将不受欢迎。谁想成为这样的政策制定者,制定影响数百万退休官员、军人、医生退休金政策,缩减他们的退休金缩以便照顾未来几代人?但是随着时间的推迟,老年人投票者影响更大,会让这项政策的颁布变得不再可能。对于政策制定者来说,更重要的是越早颁布越好。虽然评估人口缩减的影响有时候会隐约感觉到有些遥远,但是威胁已经在某些领导人头上上演,例如法国总统伊曼纽尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)。去年他冒着丢了乌纱帽的危险推动国家养老金系统改革,面临了一场由法国标准协会(French standards)发起的大范围抗议活动。其他领导人也将会注意到这一点。

        一、【 These reforms would be unpopular now】注意这是对现在情况的一种假设性描述。【现在将不受欢迎】。

        二、【 grey vote】表示【老年选民】

        三、【Although assessing the impact of shrinking populations can sometimes feel like peering into a distant future】表示【尽管评估人口缩减的影响有时可能会感觉像是在凝视遥远的未来。】注意搭配【peering into a distant future】凝视/窥视遥远的未来。

        四、理解错误。【even by French standards】表示的是法国标准下....,不是法国标准协会。

        这些改革现在将不受欢迎。谁愿意成为这样的政策制定者,负责制定影响数百万退休官员、军人和医生退休金政策的决策,告知他们退休金将被削减,以照顾未来几代人的利益?但是随着时间的推移,老年选民的影响力日益增强,这项政策的颁布将变得几乎不可能。因此,对于政策制定者来说,重要的是尽早行动而不是拖延。虽然评估人口减少的影响有时似乎是在遥望遥远的未来,但这一威胁已经让一些领导人,如法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron),感到担忧。去年,他冒着失去职位的风险提出了改革国家养老金系统的提案,并遭遇了即使在法国标准下也堪称广泛的抗议活动。其他领导人也将注意到这一点。

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Transformer是一种用于机器翻译任务的神经网络结构。它在2017年被提出,并且在翻译效果和训练效率方面取得了显著的突破。相比于传统的基于循环神经网络(RNN)的模型,Transformer采用了自注意力机制(self-attention)来捕捉输入序列中的上下文信息,从而更好地建模长距离依赖关系。此外,Transformer还引入了位置编码(position encoding)来处理输入序列的顺序信息。 下面是一个使用Transformer进行英译汉的示例: ```python import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import Transformer # 定义Transformer模型 class TransformerTranslator(nn.Module): def __init__(self, src_vocab_size, tgt_vocab_size, d_model, nhead, num_layers): super(TransformerTranslator, self).__init__() self.embedding = nn.Embedding(src_vocab_size, d_model) self.transformer = Transformer(d_model, nhead, num_layers) self.fc = nn.Linear(d_model, tgt_vocab_size) def forward(self, src): src_embedded = self.embedding(src) output = self.transformer(src_embedded) output = self.fc(output) return output # 创建模型实例 src_vocab_size = 10000 # 源语言词汇表大小 tgt_vocab_size = 5000 # 目标语言词汇表大小 d_model = 512 # 模型维度 nhead = 8 # 注意力头数 num_layers = 6 # 编码器和解码器层数 model = TransformerTranslator(src_vocab_size, tgt_vocab_size, d_model, nhead, num_layers) # 加载预训练模型参数 model.load_state_dict(torch.load("transformer_model.pth")) # 准备输入数据 src_sentence = "Hello, how are you?" src_tokens = [token2id[token] for token in src_sentence.split()] src_tensor = torch.tensor(src_tokens).unsqueeze(0) # 添加batch维度 # 使用模型进行翻译 output = model(src_tensor) output_tokens = output.argmax(dim=-1).squeeze().tolist() tgt_sentence = " ".join([id2token[token] for token in output_tokens]) print("Translation:", tgt_sentence) ``` 这是一个简单的示例,实际使用中还需要进行数据预处理、模型训练等步骤。如果你想深入了解Transformer的细节和更多应用,请参考引用和引用中提供的文献。


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