SMOKE: Single-Stage Monocular 3D Object Detection via Keypoint Estimation 论文笔记

SMOKE: Single-Stage Monocular 3D Object Detection via Keypoint Estimation 论文笔记



一、 Problem Statement


二、 Direction

提出了一个multi-step disentangling(to separate different ideas or pieces of information that have become confused together) 的方法, 即消除2D检测分支,添加一个3D回归分支,直接在图片上预测3D点,也就是一个关键点和3D变量组成3D bounding box。

三、 Method

所谓的单目3D目标检测问题,可以认为是:给定了一个RGB图像 I ∈ R W × H × 3 I \in \R^{W \times H \times 3} IRW×H×3,找到类别 C C C和3D Bounding Box,后者可以表达为 ( h , w , l , x , y , z , θ ) (h,w,l,x,y,z,\theta) (h,w,l,x,y,z,θ)



  • Backbone
  • 3D detection
  • Loss function

1. Backbone



  • 使用Deformable Convolution Network替换所有的hierarchical aggregation connections。

  • 使用GN层替换所有的BN层。(对Batch Size less sensitive且对training noise更加鲁棒)

  • 输出特征图是相对于输入图像的4倍下采样。

2. 3D 检测网络


  • Keypoint Branch
  • Regression Branch
(1) Keypoint Branch

这一部分和CenterNet相似,也就是将目标用一个点表示。但这里不是检测2D Bounding Box的中心点,而是将目标的3D中心映射到2D平面。 如下图所示:


作者这样做的目的是因为投影的点能够很好的恢复3D位置。假设 [ x , y , z ] T [x,y,z]^T [x,y,z]T是每个目标的3D中心,那么投影到2D平面的3D点为 [ x c , y c ] T [x_c, y_c]^T [xc,yc]T,这是由相机内参矩阵 K K K得到的:
[ z ⋅ x c z ⋅ y c z ] = K 3 × 3 [ x y z ] \bigg[ \begin{aligned} z &\cdot x_c \\ z &\cdot y_c \\ &z \end{aligned} \bigg] = K_{3\times 3} \bigg[\begin{aligned} x \\ y\\ z \end{aligned}\bigg] [zzxcycz]=K3×3[xyz]

每个点对应的ground-truth keypoint,就是它们下采样后特征图中的位置,然后使用Gaussian Kernel分布。每一个在图像上的3D点都是由8个2D点所对应 [ x b , 1 ∼ 8 , y b , 1 ∼ 8 ] T [x_{b,1\sim 8}, y_{b, 1\sim 8}]^T [xb,18,yb,18]T,且标准差通过包围3D Box的最小2D box { x b m i n , y b m i n , x b m a x , y b m a x } \{x_b^{min}, y_b^{min}, x_b^{max}, y_b^{max}\} {xbmin,ybmin,xbmax,ybmax}计算。

(2) Regression Branch

作者对每一个在heatmap上的关键点预测了一个8维度的变量来构建3D Bounding Box, τ = [ δ z , δ x e , δ y e , δ h , δ w , δ l , sin ⁡ α , cos ⁡ α ] T \tau = [\delta_z, \delta_{x_e},\delta_{y_e},\delta_h, \delta_w, \delta_l, \sin \alpha , \cos \alpha]^T τ=[δz,δxe,δye,δh,δw,δl,sinα,cosα]T。其中, δ z \delta_z δz表示深度的偏差; δ x e , δ y e \delta_{x_e},\delta_{y_e} δxe,δye表示下采样导致的离散化偏差; δ h , δ w , δ l \delta_h, \delta_w, \delta_l δh,δw,δl表示边的维度; sin ⁡ α , cos ⁡ α \sin \alpha , \cos \alpha sinα,cosα是偏航角 α \alpha α的矢量表示。因此,回归的大小是 S r ∈ R H R × W H × 8 S_r \in \R^{\frac{H}{R} \times \frac{W}{H}\times 8} SrRRH×HW×8 。收到lifting transformation的启发,作者引入了类似的变换 F F F,用来转换投影的3D点到3D Bounding Box
B = F ( τ ) ∈ R 3 × 8 B = F(\tau) \in \R^{3 \times 8} B=F(τ)R3×8

对于深度 z z z,它是由预先定义的尺度和偏移参数 σ z , μ z \sigma_z, \mu_z σz,μz计算得到的:
z = μ z + δ z σ z z = \mu_z + \delta_z \sigma_z z=μz+δzσz

所以,有了深度 z z z之后,与它投影的中心 [ x c , y c ] T [x_c, y_c]^T [xc,yc]T和下采样偏差 [ δ x e , δ y e ] [\delta_{x_e},\delta_{y_e}] [δxe,δye]相结合,就可以得到3D坐标点:
[ x y z ] = K 3 × 3 − 1 [ z ⋅ ( x c + δ x e ) z ⋅ ( y c + δ y e ) z ] \bigg[\begin{aligned} x \\ y\\ z \end{aligned}\bigg] = K_{3\times 3}^{-1} \bigg[\begin{aligned} z &\cdot (x_c+ \delta_{x_e})\\ z &\cdot (y_c+\delta_{y_e}) \\ &z \end{aligned}\bigg] [xyz]=K3×31[zz(xc+δxe)(yc+δye)z]
而3D Bounding Box的长宽高, [ h , w , l ] [h, w, l] [h,w,l],作者使用预先计算好整个数据集的category-wise average dimension [ h ˉ , w ˉ , l ˉ ] [\bar{h}, \bar{w}, \bar{l}] [hˉ,wˉ,lˉ]来计算。

[ h w l ] = [ h ˉ ⋅ e δ h w ˉ ⋅ e δ w l ˉ ⋅ e δ l ] \bigg[\begin{aligned} h \\ w\\ l \end{aligned}\bigg] = \bigg[\begin{aligned} \bar{h} \cdot e^{\delta_h} \\ \bar{w} \cdot e^{\delta_w} \\ \bar{l} \cdot e^{\delta_l} \end{aligned}\bigg] [hwl]=[hˉeδhwˉeδwlˉeδl]

我们选择回归观测角度 α \alpha α,而不是偏航角 θ \theta θ



θ = α z + arctan ⁡ ( x z ) \theta = \alpha_z + \arctan (\frac{x}{z}) θ=αz+arctan(zx)

最后3D Bounding Box的8个角点为:

B = R θ [ ± h / 2 ± w / 2 ± l / 2 ] + [ x y z ] B = R_{\theta} \bigg[ \begin{aligned} \plusmn h/2 \\ \plusmn w/2 \\ \plusmn l/2 \end{aligned} \bigg] + \bigg[ \begin{aligned} x \\ y \\ z \end{aligned} \bigg] B=Rθ[±h/2±w/2±l/2]+[xyz]

3. 损失函数

整体的Loss Function为:
L = L c l s + ∑ i = 1 3 L r e g ( B ^ i ) L = L_{cls} + \sum_{i=1}^3 L_{reg}(\hat{B}_i) L=Lcls+i=13Lreg(B^i)

(1) Keypoint Classification Loss

这一部分使用的是penality-reduced focal loss。可以从网络框架图中看到,粉红色的大小为: H 4 × W 4 × C \frac{H}{4} \times \frac{W}{4} \times C 4H×4W×C,其中 C C C代表C个类别,也就是每个类别有一个keypoint loss。假设 s i , j s_{i,j} si,j是heatmap中位置 ( i , j ) (i,j) (i,j)预测的值,然后 y i , j y_{i,j} yi,j为Gaussian Kernel中每个点的ground-truth值。

y ^ i , j = { 0 , i f y i , j = 1 y i , j , o t h e r w i s e , s ^ i , j = { s i , j , i f y i , j = 1 1 − s i , j , o t h e r w i s e \hat{y}_{i,j} = \bigg \{ \begin{aligned} &0, \qquad if \quad y_{i,j} =1 \\ &y_{i,j}, \quad otherwise \end{aligned} , \quad \hat{s}_{i,j} = \bigg \{ \begin{aligned} &s_{i,j}, \qquad if \quad y_{i,j} =1 \\ &1-s_{i,j}, \quad otherwise \end{aligned} y^i,j={0,ifyi,j=1yi,j,otherwise,s^i,j={si,j,ifyi,j=11si,j,otherwise

L c l s = − 1 N ∑ i , j = 1 h , w ( 1 − y ^ i , j ) β ( 1 − s ^ i , j ) α log ⁡ ( s ^ i , j ) L_{cls} = -\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i,j=1}^{h,w}(1-\hat{y}_{i,j})^{\beta}(1-\hat{s}_{i,j})^{\alpha} \log(\hat{s}_{i,j}) Lcls=N1i,j=1h,w(1y^i,j)β(1s^i,j)αlog(s^i,j)

其中, N N N是每张图片中关键点的数量。 ( 1 − y i , j ) (1-y_{i,j}) (1yi,j)对应于点ground truth位置的penalty reduction。

(2) Regression Loss

作者在每个feature map位置上对回归的尺度和角度参数添加了channel-wise activation,用来保持一致性。激活函数选择sigmoid function σ \sigma σ和使用了L2 Norm。

[ δ h δ w δ l ] = σ ( [ o h o w o l ] ) − 1 2 , [ sin ⁡ α cos ⁡ α ] = [ o sin ⁡ / o s i n 2 + o c o s 2 o cos ⁡ / o s i n 2 + o c o s 2 ] \bigg[ \begin{aligned} \delta_h \\ \delta_w \\ \delta_l \end{aligned} \bigg] = \sigma \bigg( \begin{aligned} \bigg[ \begin{aligned} o_h \\ o_w \\ o_l \end{aligned} \bigg] \end{aligned}\bigg) - \frac{1}{2}, \bigg[ \begin{aligned} \sin \alpha \\ \cos \alpha \end{aligned}\bigg] = \bigg[ \begin{aligned} o_{\sin} / \sqrt{o^2_{sin} + o^2_{cos}} \\ o_{\cos} / \sqrt{o^2_{sin} + o^2_{cos}} \end{aligned}\bigg] [δhδwδl]=σ([ohowol])21,[sinαcosα]=[osin/osin2+ocos2 ocos/osin2+ocos2 ]

这里的 o o o 表示网络的输出。使用L1 distance来作为3D bounding box regression loss。
L r e g = λ N ∣ ∣ B ^ − B ∣ ∣ 1 L_{reg} = \frac{\lambda}{N} ||\hat{B} - B||_1 Lreg=NλB^B1

这里的 B ^ \hat{B} B^是预测的变换, B B B为ground-truth。




五、 Conclusion

简单的单目3D目标检测,用在了新版本的APOLLO上。直接回归3D参数,没有通过2D Bounding Box。在构造回归分支的损失函数时,将多个属性对损失函数的贡献解耦,加速模型收敛。速度较快。


  • 使用常规卷积替换可变性卷积,从而能转换为onnx或libtorch,便于模型部署;
  • 增加了一个用于预测2D边界框中心点与3D边界框中心点投影之间的偏移量的head,然后将该偏移量与2D边界框中心点相加来替换- 原有的3D边界框中心点投影预测,以应对部分截断障碍物的3D中心点投影出现在图像以外区域,以至于被过滤掉的问题;
  • 原有的SMOKE框架没有预测2D边界框,Apollo在部署的时候仍然加入了2D边界框的预测。通过预测2D边框的中心点、宽度和高度,计算出障碍物的2D边框。

六、 Reference

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### 回答1: Triangulation Learning Network (TLN) 是一个用于从单目图像到立体图像的三维物体检测的算法,其存在一些主要问题,包括: 1. 训练数据缺乏:TLN 算法需要大量的训练数据才能准确地预测三维物体的位置和姿态。但是,由于三维物体检测数据集的获取成本很高,因此当前可用的数据集相对较少,这可能会影响算法的性能。 2. 姿态估计不准确:TLN 算法依赖于对相机姿态的准确估计,但是在实际应用中,姿态估计可能会出现误差。这些误差可能会导致算法无法准确地确定物体的三维位置和姿态。 3. 光照和背景干扰:TLN 算法对光照和背景的变化敏感,这可能会对其检测性能产生负面影响。在不同光照条件和背景下进行测试时,算法可能会出现误报或漏报。 4. 计算复杂度高:TLN 算法需要进行复杂的三角测量和卷积计算,因此需要较高的计算资源。这可能会限制算法在实时应用中的使用。 总之,尽管TLN 算法在三维物体检测方面取得了一些进展,但是它仍然面临着一些挑战和限制,需要进一步研究和改进。 ### 回答2: Triangulation Learning Network (TLN) is a type of deep learning model used for monocular to stereo 3D object detection. However, there are several main problems that currently exist with this approach. 首先,monocular-based 3D object detection methods, including TLN, heavily rely on depth estimation from a single image. This poses a challenge because estimating accurate depth information from a monocular image is inherently difficult. Monocular depth estimation is an ill-posed problem, as there are multiple possible depth solutions for a single input image. Therefore, the quality of depth estimation directly affects the accuracy of 3D object detection, and the current performance of monocular-based methods is still limited due to inaccurate depth estimation. 其次,TLN relies on stereo vision to improve the accuracy of 3D object detection. However, stereo vision has its limitations as well. It requires the presence of two or more cameras with known spatial calibration, which can be expensive and cumbersome to implement in real-world scenarios. Moreover, in challenging environments with poor lighting conditions or occlusions, the accuracy of stereo vision-based methods can be significantly affected. 此外,TLN suffers from the problem of ambiguous depth inference. Even with accurate depth estimation, it is still challenging to determine the exact 3D position of an object. This is because an object can have multiple possible 3D positions that are consistent with the observed 2D image. It becomes even more complex when multiple objects overlap or occlude each other, leading to further ambiguities in 3D object detection results. 最后,TLN requires a large amount of training data to achieve satisfactory performance. Collecting and annotating such data, especially for stereo 3D object detection, can be time-consuming, costly, and error-prone. This limits the scalability and practicality of TLN, as acquiring a diverse and representative dataset for training can be challenging. In summary, the main problems currently existing with Triangulation Learning Network (TLN) for monocular to stereo 3D object detection are inaccurate depth estimation, limitations of stereo vision, ambiguous depth inference, and the requirement for a large amount of training data. Addressing these challenges is essential for improving the accuracy, robustness, and practicality of TLN-based 3D object detection methods. ### 回答3: 目前Triangulation Learning Network: from Monocular to Stereo 3D Object Detection存在以下主要问题: 1. 数据需求高:从单目到立体的3D物体检测需要更多的数据支持。单目图像中的物体深度信息是模糊的,缺乏对立体视觉中物体准确深度的直接观测。因此,为了训练Triangulation Learning Network,需要大量的立体图像数据集,这样的数据集很难获得且成本较高。 2. 精度限制:尽管Triangulation Learning Network提供了改善单目到立体3D物体检测的方法,但其精度仍然受到一些限制。由于立体视觉中的散射和遮挡问题,物体表面的纹理信息可能会受到影响并导致深度估计的误差。此外,图像中物体的姿态和形状也会对准确的深度估计产生影响。 3. 依赖立体匹配:Triangulation Learning Network的核心思想是通过使用立体图像中的匹配点将单目图像的深度信息转换为立体深度。然而,立体匹配本身是一个复杂和计算密集的任务,尤其在具有高度纹理变化或遮挡的场景中,可能存在匹配错误的情况。 4. 硬件要求高:Triangulation Learning Network需要用于获取立体图像的专门的硬件设备,如立体相机或深度相机。这些硬件设备的成本较高,因此部署这种方法可能会面临一定的技术和经济挑战。 综上所述,尽管Triangulation Learning Network提供了一种从单目到立体的3D物体检测方法,但仍然存在着数据需求高、精度限制、依赖立体匹配和硬件要求高等问题。随着技术的进步,相信这些问题将逐渐得到解决,从而更好地推动Triangulation Learning Network的发展和应用。


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