actionlib使用client-server工作模式,ActionClient 和ActionServer通过"ROS Action Protocol"进行通信,"ROS Action Protocol"以ROS消息方式进行传输。此外ActionClient 和ActionServer给用户提供了一些简单的接口,用户使用这些接口可以完成goal请求(client-side客户端)和goal执行(server-side服务端)。
ActionClient 和ActionServer之间使用action protocol通信,action protocol就是预定义的一组ROS message,这些message被放到ROS topic上在 ActionClient 和ActionServer之间进行传实现二者的沟通。
action Interface
ROS Messages:
goal - Used to send new goals to servers. 代表一个任务,可以被ActionClient发送到ActionServer。
cancel - Used to send cancel requests to servers.
status - Used to notify clients on the current state of every goal in the system.
feedback - Used to send clients periodic auxiliary information for a goal. 服务端定期告知Client当前Goal执行过程中的情况。
result - Used to send clients one-time auxiliary information upon completion of a goal.
SimpleActionServer(std::string name, ExecuteCallback execute_callback, bool auto_start)
SimpleActionServer(std::string name, bool auto_start)
SimpleActionServer(ros::NodeHandle n, std::string name, ExecuteCallback execute_callback, bool auto_start)
SimpleActionServer(ros::NodeHandle n, std::string name, bool auto_start)
Server State Transitions
setAccepted - After inspecting a goal, decide to start processing it.
setRejected - After inspecting a goal, decide to never process it because it is an invalid request (out of bounds, resources not available, invalid, etc).
setSucceeded - Notify that goal has been successfully processed.
setAborted - Notify that goal encountered an error during processsing, and had to be aborted.
setCanceled - Notify that goal is no longer being processed, due to a cancel request.
CancelRequest: The client notifies the action server that it wants the server to stop processing the goal.
Pending - The goal has yet to be processed by the action server
Active - The goal is currently being processed by the action server
Recalling - The goal has not been processed and a cancel request has been received from the action client, but the action server has not confirmed the goal is canceled
Preempting - The goal is being processed, and a cancel request has been received from the action client, but the action server has not confirmed the goal is canceled
Rejected - The goal was rejected by the action server without being processed and without a request from the action client to cancel
Succeeded - The goal was achieved successfully by the action server
Aborted - The goal was terminated by the action server without an external request from the action client to cancel
Recalled - The goal was canceled by either another goal, or a cancel request, before the action server began processing the goal
Preempted - Processing of the goal was canceled by either another goal, or a cancel request sent to the action server