

Here goes the most important theory, and it is a theorem about real
. This theorem explains the superiority of R \mathbb{R} R.
Theorem There exists an ordered field R \mathbb{R} R which has the
least-upper-bound property. Moreover, R \mathbb{R} R contains
Q \mathbb{Q} Q as a subfield.

Our proof of this theorem is a contruction process of R \mathbb{R} R from
Q \mathbb{Q} Q. In order to do it, we need a new concept which called

  1. A cut is by definition, and set α ⊂ Q \alpha \subset \mathbb{Q} αQ with
    the following properties.

    1. α \alpha α is not empty, and α ≠ Q \alpha\ne \mathbb{Q} α=Q.

    2. if p ∈ α , q ∈ Q p\in \alpha, q\in \mathbb{Q} pα,qQ, and q < p q<p q<p, then
      q ∈ α q\in \alpha qα.

    3. if p ∈ α p\in \alpha pα, then p < r p<r p<r for some r ∈ α r\in \alpha rα.

    The real numbers R \mathbb{R} R is just all the α \alpha α that
    constructed from Q \mathbb{Q} Q.

  2. Define α < β \alpha<\beta α<β to mean: α \alpha α is a proper subset of
    β \beta β. It means that R \mathbb{R} R is an ordered set.

  3. The ordered set R \mathbb{R} R has the least-upper-bound
    Let A A A be a nonempty subset of R \mathbb{R} R, and assume that
    β ∈ R \beta\in \mathbb{R} βR is an upper bound of A A A. Definte γ \gamma γ to
    be the union of all α ∈ A \alpha\in A αA. To prove γ \gamma γ is a cut of
    Q \mathbb{Q} Q and γ \gamma γ is the least upper bound of A A A in
    R \mathbb{R} R, we need two steps.

    1. γ \gamma γ is a cut.

      1. γ ≠ ∅ \gamma\ne \emptyset γ= because A ≠ ∅ A\ne \emptyset A=.
        γ ≠ Q \gamma\ne \mathbb{Q} γ=Q because A A A is bounded by
        β ∈ R \beta\in \mathbb{R} βR.

      2. If q ∈ Q q\in \mathbb{Q} qQ, p ∈ γ p\in \gamma pγ, and q < p q<p q<p, then
        q ∈ γ q\in \gamma qγ. It is because that
        p ∈ γ → p ∈ α 1 p\in \gamma\rightarrow p\in \alpha_1 pγpα1 for some
        α 1 ∈ A \alpha_1\in A α1A. q < p → q ∈ α 1 q<p\rightarrow q\in \alpha_1 q<pqα1, hence
        q ∈ γ q\in \gamma qγ.

      3. For any p ∈ γ p\in \gamma pγ, we have p ∈ α , α ∈ A p\in \alpha, \alpha\in A pα,αA.
        Because α \alpha α is a cut of Q \mathbb{Q} Q, there exists
        r > p , r ∈ α r>p, r\in \alpha r>p,rα, which means that γ \gamma γ doesn’t have a
        largest number in it.

      Thus, γ \gamma γ is a cut of Q \mathbb{Q} Q.

    2. γ \gamma γ is a least upper bound of A A A.

      1. It is clear that α ⩽ γ \alpha\leqslant \gamma αγ for every
        α ∈ A \alpha\in A αA.

      2. ∀ δ ( δ < γ ) \forall \delta(\delta<\gamma) δ(δ<γ) means that there exists
        s ∈ γ , s ∉ δ s\in \gamma, s\notin \delta sγ,s/δ. s ∈ γ s\in \gamma sγ indicates that
        s ∈ α , α ∈ A s\in \alpha, \alpha\in A sα,αA. Hence δ < α \delta<\alpha δ<α, and
        δ \delta δ is not an upper bound of A A A. This gives the
        desired result: γ = sup ⁡ A \gamma=\sup{A} γ=supA

  4. If α ∈ R , β ∈ R \alpha\in \mathbb{R}, \beta\in \mathbb{R} αR,βR we define
    α + β \alpha+\beta α+β to be the set of all sums r + s r+s r+s, where
    r ∈ α , s ∈ β r\in \alpha, s\in \beta rα,sβ. We define
    0 ∗ = { q ∈ Q ∣ q < 0 } 0^{*}=\{q\in \mathbb{Q}|q<0\} 0={qQq<0}. We also define
    1 ∗ = { q ∈ Q ∣ q < 1 } 1^{*}=\{q\in \mathbb{Q}|q<1\} 1={qQq<1}. With these definitions, we can
    prove that R \mathbb{R} R is an ordered field. However, the whole proof
    of this is pretty trivial. If you want details of this proof, you
    can find it in rudin’s principle of mathematical analysis.

  5. What about subfield Q \mathbb{Q} Q? To answer this question, we have
    to definie a related set Q ∗ \mathbb{Q}^{*} Q. We associate with each
    r ∈ Q r\in \mathbb{Q} rQ the set r ∗ r^{*} r which consists of all
    p ∈ Q p\in \mathbb{Q} pQ such that p < r p<r p<r. It is clear that r ∗ r^{*} r is a
    cut. All these r ∗ r^{*} r form Q ∗ \mathbb{Q}^{*} Q. The ordered field
    Q \mathbb{Q} Q is isomorphic to the ordered field Q ∗ \mathbb{Q}^{*} Q.
    The proof of this is also trivial, and we won’t present it here.





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