simple car model

simple car model

最简单的模型了把,后驱车辆模型, 坐标原点可定义在前轮中心, 后轮中心,以及中间的中心位置好, 原点定义不同,公式略有区别。 一般以后轴中心为原点分析。


最大的方向盘转角 steering angle < pi / 2;  

最大的方向盘转角 steering angle 决定最小的转弯半径;

对于速度v or s 而言, 最小转弯半径时,如果速度过大是不合理,这里涉及到动力学的范畴了;

|v|  <=  |v_max|

∣θ∣⩽θ_max​ <π/2​

vs  tricycle

   三轮车模型 最大转角 允许等于 pi/2 , 如果前驱,可以原地打转, 最小转弯半径为0

vs bicycle

   simple car model 转弯角 最大必须< pi/2,  只能选择 {-θmax, +θmax} 两档。

vs dubins

|v| = |v_max|

v = v_max

|θ| = |θ_max|

|θ| <=θ_max <  pi/2

vs reeds-shepps 

v ∈ {-v_max, v_max}    

|phi| <= max <  pi/2

vs Ackerman turning geometry



转向中心, 变成了前后轴中心点

半杯茶的小酒杯 - 自动驾驶中的车辆运动学模型


Planning Algorithm - A simple car

Simple Understanding of Kinematic Bicycle Model

Instantaneous Center of Rotation ( ICR )

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I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I am not able to submit program code or screenshots of program output. However, I can provide you with guidance on how to approach this problem. To develop a vehicle rental system, you can use a programming language like Python and create a console-based interface using the built-in input and print functions. Here is a general outline of how you can implement the system: 1. Create a list of vehicle models with their specific information (e.g., brand, model, seating capacity, fuel type, etc.), daily rent, and discount information (e.g., 10% off for renting more than 7 days). 2. Display the list of vehicle models and their information to the user using the print function. 3. Prompt the user to input the model of the vehicle they want to rent, as well as the number of days they want to rent it for, using the input function. 4. Validate the input to ensure that the user has entered a valid model and a positive number of days. If the input is invalid, display an error message and prompt the user to input again. 5. Calculate the rent based on the daily rent and any applicable discounts, and display the total rent to the user using the print function. 6. End the program. Here is some example code to get you started: ``` # Define the list of vehicle models and their information vehicles = [ { 'model': 'Sedan', 'info': 'Brand: Honda | Model: Civic | Seating Capacity: 5 | Fuel Type: Gasoline', 'daily_rent': 50, 'discount': 0.1 }, { 'model': 'SUV', 'info': 'Brand: Toyota | Model: RAV4 | Seating Capacity: 7 | Fuel Type: Gasoline', 'daily_rent': 70, 'discount': 0.15 }, { 'model': 'Coach', 'info': 'Brand: Mercedes | Model: Tourismo | Seating Capacity: 50 | Fuel Type: Diesel', 'daily_rent': 300, 'discount': 0.2 } ] # Display the list of vehicle models and their information print('Available Vehicles:') for vehicle in vehicles: print(vehicle['model']) print(vehicle['info']) print('Daily Rent:', vehicle['daily_rent']) print('Discount:', vehicle['discount']) print() # Prompt the user to input the model and number of days model = input('Enter the model of the vehicle you want to rent: ') days = input('Enter the number of days you want to rent it for: ') # Validate the input valid_input = False while not valid_input: try: days = int(days) if days <= 0: print('Error: Number of days must be positive') else: for vehicle in vehicles: if vehicle['model'] == model: rent = vehicle['daily_rent'] * days * (1 - vehicle['discount']) print('Total Rent:', rent) valid_input = True break else: print('Error: Invalid vehicle model') break except ValueError: print('Error: Number of days must be an integer') break ``` This is just a basic example, and you may need to customize it further to meet your specific requirements and handle more edge cases.




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