常用消息 nav_msgs/Odometry Message

常用消息 nav_msgs/Odometry Message

1. nav_msgs/Odometry Message (里程计信息)

Raw Message Definition

# This represents an estimate of a position and velocity in free space.  
# The pose in this message should be specified in the coordinate frame given by header.frame_id.
# The twist in this message should be specified in the coordinate frame given by the child_frame_id
Header header
string child_frame_id
geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance pose
geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovariance twist

Compact Message Definition

std_msgs/Header header
string child_frame_id
geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance pose
geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovariance twist

1.1. Header

Raw Message Definition

# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.
# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data 
# in a particular coordinate frame.
# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID 
uint32 seq
#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:
# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')
# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')
# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library
time stamp
#Frame this data is associated with
string frame_id

Compact Message Definition

uint32 seq
time stamp
string frame_id

1.2. geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance

Raw Message Definition

# This represents a pose in free space with uncertainty.

Pose pose

# Row-major representation of the 6x6 covariance matrix
# The orientation parameters use a fixed-axis representation.
# In order, the parameters are:
# (x, y, z, rotation about X axis, rotation about Y axis, rotation about Z axis)
float64[36] covariance

Compact Message Definition

geometry_msgs/Pose pose
float64[36] covariance
1.2.1 geometry_msgs/Pose

Raw Message Definition

# A representation of pose in free space, composed of position and orientation. 
Point position
Quaternion orientation

Compact Message Definition

geometry_msgs/Point position
geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation geometry_msgs/Point

Raw Message Definition

# This contains the position of a point in free space
float64 x
float64 y
float64 z

Compact Message Definition

float64 x
float64 y
float64 z geometry_msgs/Quaternion

Raw Message Definition

# This represents an orientation in free space in quaternion form.
float64 x
float64 y
float64 z
float64 w

Compact Message Definition

float64 x
float64 y
float64 z
float64 w

1.3 geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovariance

Raw Message Definition

# This expresses velocity in free space with uncertainty.

Twist twist

# Row-major representation of the 6x6 covariance matrix
# The orientation parameters use a fixed-axis representation.
# In order, the parameters are:
# (x, y, z, rotation about X axis, rotation about Y axis, rotation about Z axis)
float64[36] covariance

Compact Message Definition

geometry_msgs/Twist twist
float64[36] covariance
1.3.1 geometry_msgs/Twist

Raw Message Definition

# This expresses velocity in free space broken into its linear and angular parts.
Vector3  linear
Vector3  angular

Compact Message Definition

geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear
geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular geometry_msgs/Vector3

Raw Message Definition

# This represents a vector in free space. 
# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not
# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a 
# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the
# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the
# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.

float64 x
float64 y
float64 z

Compact Message Definition

float64 x
float64 y
float64 z geometry_msgs/Vector3
# This represents a vector in free space. 
# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not
# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a 
# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the
# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the
# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.

float64 x
float64 y
float64 z

Compact Message Definition

float64 x
float64 y
float64 z
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nav_msgs/Odometry是ROS (Robot Operating System) 中的一个消息类型,用于传递机器人的运动信息。Odometry(里程计)表示机器人通过跟踪车轮或其他运动传感器的旋转和位移来估计自身位置和姿态。 这个消息类型包含了机器人的位置、姿态和速度信息。具体来说,包括了机器人在世界坐标系下的位置(坐标和方向),机器人在地图坐标系下的位置(坐标和方向),机器人当前线速度和旋转速度等。 这个消息类型的主要组成部分包括: 1. Header:包含了消息的时间戳和坐标系信息。 2. Child Frame ID:表示相对于哪个坐标系计算得出的位置和姿态。 3. Pose:包含了机器人在世界坐标系下的位置和姿态。 4. Pose Covariance:包含了位置和姿态的协方差矩阵,用于描述位置和姿态的不确定性。 5. Twist:包含了机器人的线速度和旋转速度。 6. Twist Covariance:包含了线速度和旋转速度的协方差矩阵,用于描述线速度和旋转速度的不确定性。 机器人在运动过程中,通过传感器获取到的旋转和位移信息会被用于计算机器人的新位置,并更新Odometry消息中的位置和姿态。这个消息类型在导航、路径规划、SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping,同时定位与地图构建)等机器人领域非常常用,可以帮助机器人实时获取自身的运动状态,并为后续的决策和控制提供依据。


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