

I'm a natural for basketball,I have the aptitude you know,I've got the knack of those dribbles,the shootings,the layups .Anyway,this sport is a pushover for me.

I'm a natural for mathematics/numbers,I have the aptitude you know,I've got the knack of how to solve equations,derivation of formulars,and the basic calculations. Anyway,this subject is a pushover for me.


You know, Geographical distance(Expensive education) is no longer a barrier for us,We don't need to go to the physical place in person,it can really save a lot time in commute,and this really bring us much convenience and flexibility.We can make good use of time and energy,you know just make things more efficient and productive.So I like this technology. 


I viscerally/honestly believe ...

beautiful = captivating.迷人的.Math is captivating and effervescent.


I have no aversion to this thing but it just holds little appeal to me.这个东西我不抵触但确实对我来说没有什么吸引力。You know,just inaccessible to me.

inaccessible= impenetrable 在这个语境结合你的语气,夸大成分 ,其实就是imcomprehensible for me.

I am not omnipotent or ominiscient.


You know I have no aversion to chit-chat,but this thing holds little appeal to me,you know the gossips and rumors are just so inaccessible and impenetrable to me,and I just seem to blur the distinction between them.So it's really demanding for me to be flexible in the chat group.

The cost of time is too high,it's really demanding for me to learn a lot.


To improve myself, I strive to expand my repertoire of abilities and skills. This helps me put a foothold in society and sharpen my competitive edge. //simple

To achieve greater success in life, it is important to constantly work on expanding one's repertoire of abilities and skills. This will help us to stay relevant and adaptable in an ever-changing world. Additionally, it is crucial to put a foothold in society by building strong relationships, networks, and community ties. This will not only give us a sense of belonging but also provide us with opportunities for growth and development. Furthermore, we should always strive to sharpen our competitive edge by staying up to date with industry trends, learning from our competitors, and continuously improving our performance. Finally, it is important to separate ourselves from the group by developing our unique strengths and talents, and showcasing them in a way that sets us apart from others. Overall, self-improvement is a continuous process that requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn and grow.


gregarious=friendly=sophisticated=affable=identify with(与感同身受)=precious characteristic
He is affable to everybody and he is able to identify with others feelings.

Stephen Curry I mean he is sophisticated and gregarious,he is affable to every team mate,and can identify with their feelings.That guy is really different and he really got the precious characteristic which is different from all other superstars.So that's why I admire him.
out of question.毫无疑问

环比可以翻译为"MoM",即Month on Month,也可以翻译为"Sequentially"。

同比可以翻译为"YoY",即Year on Year,也可以翻译为"Year-over-Year"或是"Annualized".

Here's an example sentence:

"The company's revenue increased 10% YoY in Q3 2021, but decreased 5% MoM from the previous quarter."



To some people who like computer games it just like an antidote to my stress.
therapeutic a.有助于精神放松的
Watching Friends is therapeutic for me.
enliven a.使某事更有趣
Communication really enliven your boring/monotonous life.
What did you do last weekend?
I went to the concert with my friends,you know,it's about the hipop music,you know that was,the life show was really amazing,the melodies,those rhythms the vibe were just therapeutic and just like antidote to my stress,it was really amazing and I viscerally think it's effervescent.

放松 - 旅行的经历、童年喜欢做的事情、一本喜欢的书和电影,他都可以令你放松,介绍一个拥挤的地方 演唱会这样放松就用上了。最后都会问how do you feel about this experience.
When I feel stressed and anxious /Drained and exhausted/Overwhelmed by sth./ Swamped with study/work/family affairs 忙得不可开交, I tend to/ am inclined to do sth. 

I think it's therapeutic and refreshing, which can elevate my spirits
So when I totally immerse myself in sth./Be engrossed in sth. I can declutter my mind and leave those worries behind.

So I really like music, It is a great pastime which can spice up my routine life. 让我的日常生活更有趣。

Declutter your mind 整理思绪 放空大脑 





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