OGL(教程32)——Vertex Array Objects


The Vertex Array Object (a.k.a VAO) is a special type of object that encapsulates all the data that is associated with the vertex processor. Instead of containing the actual data, it holds references to the vertex buffers, the index buffer and the layout specification of the vertex itself. The advantage is that once you set up the VAO for a mesh you can bring in the entire mesh state by simply binding the VAO. After that you can render the mesh object and you don’t need to worry about all of its state. The VAO remembers it for you. If your application needs to deal with meshes whose vertex layout slightly differs from one another the VAO takes care of it also. Just make sure to set up the correct layout when you create the VAO and forget about it. From now on it “sticks” to the VAO and becomes active whenever that VAO is used.

When used correctly, VAOs can also represent an optimization opportunity for the driver of the GPU. If the VAO is set up once and used multiple times the driver can take advantage of knowing the mapping between the index buffer and the vertex buffers as well as the vertex layout in the buffers. Obviously, this depends on the specific driver that you are using and it is not guaranteed that all drivers will behave the same. At any rate, keep in mind that it is best to set up the VAO once and then reuse it over and over.

In this tutorial we are going to update the Mesh class and base it on top of a VAO. In addition, we will organize the vertex data in the buffers in a method known as SOA (Structure Of Arrays). Up till now our vertex was represented as a structure of attributes (position, etc) and the vertex buffer contained structures of vertices lined up one after the other. This is called AOS (Array Of Structure). SOA is simply a transpose of this scheme. Instead of an array of attribute structures we have one structure that contains multiple arrays. Each array contains only one attribute. In order to setup the vertex the GPU uses the same index to read one attribute from each array. This method can sometimes be more approriate for some of the 3D file formats and it is interesting to see different ways of accomplishing the same thing.

The following picture illustrates AOS and SOA:


Source walkthru

class Mesh


    bool LoadMesh(const std::string& Filename);

    void Render();

    bool InitFromScene(const aiScene* pScene, const std::string& Filename);
    void InitMesh(const aiMesh* paiMesh,
                std::vector& Positions,
                std::vector& Normals,
                std::vector& TexCoords,
                std::vector& Indices);

    bool InitMaterials(const aiScene* pScene, const std::string& Filename);
    void Clear();


#define INDEX_BUFFER 0 
#define POS_VB 1
#define NORMAL_VB 2
#define TEXCOORD_VB 3 

    GLuint m_VAO;
    GLuint m_Buffers[4];

    struct MeshEntry {
            NumIndices = 0;
            BaseVertex = 0;
            BaseIndex = 0;
            MaterialIndex = INVALID_MATERIAL;

        unsigned int BaseVertex;
        unsigned int BaseIndex;
        unsigned int NumIndices;
        unsigned int MaterialIndex;

    std::vector m_Entries;
    std::vector m_Textures;

All the changes in this tutorial are encapsulated in the mesh class whose declaration appears above with changes marked in bold face. We have switched from an array of VB/IB elements to four buffers - index buffer, position buffer, normal buffer and texture coordinates buffer. In addition, the Mesh class has a new member called m_VAO that stores the vertex array object. Since our model can be made of multiple subcomponents each with its own texture we have a vector called m_Entries that contains the material index as well as the location of the subcomponent. NumIndices is the number of indices in the subcomponent, BaseVertex is where the subcomponent starts in the vertex buffers and BaseIndex is where the subcomponent starts inside the index buffer (because all the subcomponents are stored one after the other inside the same buffers). Before rendering a subcomponent of the mesh we need to bind its texture and then submit a draw command for subcomponent vertices. We will later see how to do this.


bool Mesh::LoadMesh(const string& Filename)
    // Release the previously loaded mesh (if it exists)

    // Create the VAO
    glGenVertexArrays(1, &m_VAO); 

    // Create the buffers for the vertices atttributes
    glGenBuffers(ARRAY_SIZE_IN_ELEMENTS(m_Buffers), m_Buffers);

    bool Ret = false;
    Assimp::Importer Importer;

    const aiScene* pScene = Importer.ReadFile(Filename.c_str(), aiProcess_Triangulate |
                                aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals | aiProcess_FlipUVs);

    if (pScene) {
        Ret = InitFromScene(pScene, Filename);
    else {
        printf("Error parsing '%s': '%s'\n", Filename.c_str(), Importer.GetErrorString());

    // Make sure the VAO is not changed from outside code

    return Ret;

Not much has changed in the main function that loads the mesh. We generate the VAO using glGenVertexArrays() by providing the number of elements in an array of GLuint and the address of the array itself (in our case we only need one GLuint). After that we bind the VAO using glBindVertexArray(). There can only be one VAO bound at any time. From now on, any change to the state of the vertex processor will affect this VAO. The four buffers are generated using glGenBuffers() and the mesh is loaded using the Open Asset Import Library (see below). A very important function call is glBindVertexArray(0) at the end of the function. By binding zero as the VAO we guarentee that no further changes to the vertex processor will affect our VAO (OpenGL will never generate a VAO with the value of zero so this is safe).


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