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适用于初学者    经典c程序100例==31--40 【程序31】 题目:请输入星期几的第一个字母来判断一下是星期几,如果第一个字母一样,则继续    判断第二个字母。 1.程序分析:用情况语句比较好,如果第一个字母一样,则判断用情况语句或if语句判断第二个字母。 2.程序源代码: #include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" void main() { char letter; printf("please input the first letter of someday\n"); while((letter=getch())!='Y')/*当所按字母为Y时才结束*/ { switch (letter) { case 'S':printf("please input second letter\n"); if((letter=getch())=='a') printf("saturday\n"); else if ((letter=getch())=='u') printf("sunday\n"); else printf("data error\n"); break; case 'F':printf("friday\n");break; case 'M':printf("monday\n");break; case 'T':printf("please input second letter\n"); if((letter=getch())=='u') printf("tuesday\n"); else if ((letter=getch())=='h') printf("thursday\n"); else printf("data error\n"); break; case 'W':printf("wednesday\n");break; default: printf("data error\n"); } } getch(); } ============================================================== 【程序32】 题目:Press any key to change color, do you want to try it. Please hurry up! 1.程序分析:             2.程序源代码: #include "conio.h" #include "stdio.h" void main(void) { int color; for (color = 0; color < 8; color++) { textbackground(color);/*设置文本的背景颜色*/ cprintf("This is color %d\r\n", color); cprintf("Press any key to continue\r\n"); getch();/*输入字符看不见*/ } } ============================================================== 【程序33】 题目:学习gotoxy()与clrscr()函数    1.程序分析: 2.程序源代码: #include "conio.h" #include "stdio.h" void main(void) { clrscr();/*清屏函数*/ textbackground(2); gotoxy(1, 5);/*定位函数*/ cprintf("Output at row 5 column 1\n"); textbackground(3); gotoxy(20, 10); cprintf("Output at row 10 column 20\n"); getch(); } ============================================================== 【程序34】 题目:练习函数调用 1. 程序分析: 2.程序源代码: #include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" void hello_world(void) { printf("Hello, world!\n"); } void three_hellos(void) { int counter; for (counter = 1; counter <= 3; counter++) hello_world();/*调用此函数*/ } void main(void) { three_hellos();/*调用此函数*/ getch(); } ============================================================== 【程序35】 题目:文本颜色设置 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代码: #include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" void main(void) { int color; for (color = 1; color < 16; color++) { textcolor(color);/*设置文本颜色*/ cprintf("This is color %d\r\n", color); } textcolor(128 + 15); cprintf("This is blinking\r\n"); getch(); } ============================================================== 【程序36】 题目:求100之内的素数    1.程序分析: 2.程序源代码: #include "stdio.h" #include "math.h" #define N 101 main() { int i,j,line,a[N]; for(i=2;i<N;i++) a[i]=i; for(i=2;i<sqrt(N);i++) for(j=i+1;j<N;j++) { if(a[i]!=0&&a[j]!=0) if(a[j]%a[i]==0) a[j]=0; } printf("\n"); for(i=2,line=0;i<N;i++) { if(a[i]!=0) { printf("%5d",a[i]); line++; } if(line==10) { printf("\n"); line=0; } } getch(); } ============================================================== 【程序37】 题目:对10个数进行排序 1.程序分析:可以利用选择法,即从后9个比较过程中,选择一个最小的与第一个元素交换,       下次类推,即用第二个元素与后8个进行比较,并进行交换。        2.程序源代码: #include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" #define N 10 main() { int i,j,min,tem,a[N]; /*input data*/ printf("please input ten num:\n"); for(i=0;i<N;i++) { printf("a[%d]=",i); scanf("%d",&a[i]); } printf("\n"); for(i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%5d",a[i]); printf("\n"); /*sort ten num*/ for(i=0;i<N-1;i++) { min=i; for(j=i+1;j<N;j++) if(a[min]>a[j]) min=j; tem=a[i]; a[i]=a[min]; a[min]=tem; } /*output data*/ printf("After sorted \n"); for(i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%5d",a[i]); getch(); } ============================================================== 【程序38】 题目:求一个3*3矩阵对角线元素之和 1.程序分析:利用双重for循环控制输入二维数组,再将a[i][i]累加后输出。 2.程序源代码: #include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" /* 如果使用的是TC系列编译器则可能需要添加下句 */ static void dummyfloat(float *x){ float y; dummyfloat(&y);} main() { float a[3][3],sum=0; int i,j; printf("please input rectangle element:\n"); for(i=0;i<3;i++) for(j=0;j<3;j++) scanf("%f",&a[i][j]); for(i=0;i<3;i++) sum=sum+a[i][i]; printf("duijiaoxian he is %6.2f",sum); getch(); } ============================================================== 【程序39】 题目:有一个已经排好序的数组。现输入一个数,要求按原来的规律将它插入数组中。 1. 程序分析:首先判断此数是否大于最后一个数,然后再考虑插入中间的数的情况,插入后      此元素之后的数,依次后移一个位置。 2.程序源代码: #include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" main() { int a[11]={1,4,6,9,13,16,19,28,40,100}; int temp1,temp2,number,end,i,j; printf("original array is:\n"); for(i=0;i<10;i++) printf("%5d",a[i]); printf("\n"); printf("insert a new number:"); scanf("%d",&number); end=a[9]; if(number>end) a[10]=number; else { for(i=0;i<10;i++) { if(a[i]>number) { temp1=a[i]; a[i]=number; for(j=i+1;j<11;j++) { temp2=a[j]; a[j]=temp1; temp1=temp2; } break; } } } for(i=0;i<11;i++) printf("%6d",a[i]); getch(); } ============================================================== 【程序40】 题目:将一个数组逆序输出。 1.程序分析:用第一个与最后一个交换。 2.程序源代码: #include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" #define N 5 main() { int a[N]={9,6,5,4,1},i,temp; printf("\n original array:\n"); for(i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%4d",a[i]); for(i=0;i<N/2;i++) { temp=a[i]; a[i]=a[N-i-1]; a[N-i-1]=temp; } printf("\n sorted array:\n"); for(i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%4d",a[i]); getch(); }
Hello World MVC 1 Component - frame [翻译]教程:如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件(一) 教程:如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件(二) 教程:如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件(三) 教程:如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件(四)创建 View 教程:如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件(五) 创建模板 教程:如何创建一个MVC模式的组件(六) 创建 hello.xml Hello World MVC 2 Component - model 教程:如何创建一个MVC模式的组件(七) 添加model Hello World MVC 3 Component - table 如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件教程(八) 使用数据库 上 如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件教程(九) 使用数据库下 Hello World MVC 4 Component - The admin interface 如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件教程(十) - 创建管理员界面 如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件教程(十一) - 创建管理员界面Hellos Model 如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件教程(十二) - 创建管理员界面Hellos view 如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件教程(十三) - 创建管理员界面Hellos Template 如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件教程(十四) - 创建管理员界面 增加管理功能 如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件教程(十五) - 创建管理员界面 增加编辑功能 上 如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件教程(十六) - 创建管理员界面 增加编辑功能 下 如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件教程(十七) - 创建管理员界面 保存记录功能上 如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件教程(十八) - 创建管理员界面 保存记录功能下 如何创建一个MVC模式的Joomla组件教程(十九) - 创建管理员界面 删除记录
Chapter 2 Magic coins example. magic_coins1.py Chapter 3 Favourite sports. favourite_sports.py Furniture placeholder. furniture_placeholder.py A list of lists. list_of_lists.py A letter from Malcolm Dithering dithering_letter.py Escaping quotes quote_escaping.py The Wizard List wizard_list.py Chapter 4 The turtle draws a square. turtle1.py The turtle draws two parallel lines. turtle2.py Chapter 5 If statements if_statements.py Conditions in if-statements. conditions.py Else-if (elif) statements. elif_statements.py Strings and numbers. strings_and_numbers.py Chapter 6 Five Hellos. five_hellos.py Huge hairy pants (example 1). huge_hairy_pants1.py Huge hairy pants (example 2). huge_hairy_pants2.py Magic coins (example 2). magic_coins2.py A while-loop with multiple conditions. while_loop_multiple_conditions.py Looping through the wizard list. wizard_list_loop.py Chapter 7 A function to calculate your savings. savings.py Building a spaceship. spaceship_building.py Test function (example 1). test_function1.py Test function (example 2). test_function2.py Your age function. your_age.py Chapter 8 Giraffes (example 1). giraffes1.py Giraffes (example 2). giraffes2.py Three turtles. three_turtles.py Chapter 9 Using the abs (absolute) function. abs_function.py Using the exec (execute) function. exec_function.py Using the len (length) function. len_function.py Using the max and min functions. max_and_min.py Using the range function. range_function.py Using the sum function. range_function.py Opening a file. opening_a_file.py Writing to a file. writing_to_a_file.py Chapter 10 Copying objects (example 1). copying_objects1.py Copying objects (example 2). copying_objects1.py Guess a random number. guess_a_number.py Random desserts. random_desserts.py Using the time module. timing_lots_of_numbers.py Using pickle to save information. pickle_saving.py Using pickle to load information. pickle_loading.py Chapter 11 Drawing an eight point star. eight_point_star.py Drawing a many point star. many_point_star.py Drawing a spiral star. spiral_star.py Drawing a nine point star. nine_point_star.py Drawing a car. car.py Drawing a yellow circle. yellow_circle.py Drawing a filled green circle. green_circle.py Drawing a dark-green circle. dark_green_circle.py Drawing squares using a function. square_function.py Drawing filled and unfilled squares. filled_squares.py Drawing stars using a function. star_function.py Chapter 12 Clickable button (example 1). clickable_button1.py Clickable button (example 2). clickable_button2.py Drawing a diagonal line. diagonal_line.py Drawing a square. square.py Drawing a horizontal rectangle. horizonal_rectangle.py Drawing a vertical rectangle. horizonal_rectangle.py Drawing random rectangles. random_rectangles.py Drawing coloured rectangles. coloured_rectangles.py Using the color chooser. rectangle_colorchooser.py Drawing arcs. drawing_arcs.py Drawing polygons. drawing_polygons.py Drawing text. drawing_text.py Drawing images. drawing_images.py Basic animation (example 1). basic_animation1.py Basic animation (example 2). basic_animation2.py Using events (example 1). using_events1.py Using events (example 2). using_events1.py Using the move function. using_move.py Using the itemconfig function. using_itemconfig.py Chapter 13 Bounce (example 1) - this one doesn't do anything when it's run. bounce1.py Bounce (example 2) - stationary ball. bounce2.py Bounce (example 3) - ball moving upwards. bounce3.py Bounce (example 4) - ball moving up and down. bounce4.py Bounce (example 5) - ball moving around the screen. bounce5.py Chapter 14 Bounce (example 6) - adding the paddle. bounce6.py Bounce (example 7) - moving paddle. bounce6.py Bounce (example 8) - bouncing the ball when it hits the paddle. bounce6.py Bounce (example 9) - ending the game when the ball hits the floor. bounce6.py Chapter 15 Transparent Image - 27 by 30 pixels. transparent-image.gif 6 Stick Figure Images - left and right. stickfigure.zip 3 Platform images. platform.zip 2 Door images. door.zip Background image. background.gif Chapter 16 Stickman Game, version 1 - displaying the background. stickmangame1.py Stickman Game, version 2 - adding the within functions. stickmangame2.py Stickman Game, version 3 - adding the platform. stickmangame3.py Stickman Game, version 4 - adding lots of platforms. stickmangame4.py Chapter 17 Stick figure sprite class. stickfiguresprite.py Stickman Game, version 5 - adding the stick figure. stickmangame5.py Chapter 18 Stickman Game, version 6 - animating the stick figure. stickmangame6.py Stickman Game, version 6 - adding the door sprite. stickmangame7.py Afterword Pygame2 example. pygame-example.py Hello World Java example. HelloWorld.java Hello World C example. helloworld.c Hello World C++ example. helloworld.cpp Hello World C# example. helloworld.cs Hello World PHP example. helloworld.php Hello World Objective-C example. helloworld.m Hello World Perl example. helloworld.pl Hello World Ruby example. helloworld.rb Hello World Javascript example. helloworld.js Hello World Javascript Browser example. helloworld-js.html


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