A micro Lie theory for state estimation in robotics002

Introduction 引言

There has been a remarkable effort in the last years in the robotics community to formulate estimation problems properly.

This is motivated by an increasing demand for precision, consistency and stability of the solutions.

Indeed, a proper modeling of the states and measurements, the functions relating them, and their uncertainties, is crucial to achieve these goals.

This has led to designs involving what has been known as ‘manifolds’, which in this context are no less
than the smooth topologic surfaces of the Lie groups where the state representations evolve.

Relying on the Lie theory (LT) we are able to construct a rigorous calculus corpus to
handle uncertainties, derivatives and integrals with precisionand ease. Typically, these works have focused on the well known manifolds of rotation SO(3) and rigid motion SE(3).

依靠李理论(LT),我们能够构建一个严格的微积分语料库来精确容易地处理不确定性、导数和积分。 通常,这些工作都集中在 常见的旋转流形 SO(3) 和刚性运动 SE(3)。

When being introduced to Lie groups for the first time, it is important to try to regard them from different points of view.

The topological viewpoint, see Fig. 1,

involves the shape of the manifold and conveys powerful intuitions of its relation to the tangent space and the exponential map.

The algebraic viewpoint involves the group operations and their concrete
realization, allowing the exploitation of algebraic properties
to develop closed-form formulas or to simplify them.

The geometrical viewpoint, particularly useful in robotics, associates group elements to the position, velocity, orientation and/or other modifications of bodies or reference frames.
几何观点在机器人学中特别有用,它将群元素与 本体或参照标架的 位置、速度、方向 和/或 其他变量 相关联。

The origin frame may be identified with the group’s identity, and
any other point on the manifold represents a certain ‘local’ frame.

By resorting to these analogies, many mathematical abstractions of the LT can be brought closer to intuitive notions in vector spaces, geometry, kinematics and other more classical fields.

Lie theory is by no means simple.

To grasp a minimum idea of what LT can be, we may consider the following
three references.
要了解什么是 LT,我们可以考虑以下三个参考资料。

First, Abbaspour’s “Basic Lie theory” [1] comprises more than 400 pages. With a similar title, Howe’s
“Very basic Lie theory” [2] comprises 24 (dense) pages, and is sometimes considered a must-read introduction. Finally, the more modern and often celebrated Stillwell’s “NaiveLie theory” [3] comprises more than 200 pages. With such precedents labeled as ‘basic’, ‘very basic’ and ‘naive’, the aim of this paper at merely 17 pages is to simplify Lie theory even more (thus our adjective ‘micro’ in the title).
首先,阿巴斯普尔的“基本谎言理论”[1] 超过 400 页。 有一个类似的标题,豪的
“非常基本的李理论” [2] 包含 24(密集)页,有时被认为是必读的介绍。 最后,更现代、更广为人知的 Stillwell 的“NaiveLie 理论”[3] 包含 200 多页。 由于这些先例被标记为“基本”、“非常基本”和“天真”,(我们的)这篇仅 17 页的论文旨在进一步简化李理论(因此我们在标题中使用了形容词“微”)。

This we do in two ways. First, we select a small subset of material from the LT. This subset is so small that it merely explores the potential of LT.
我们通过两种方式做到这一点。 首先,我们从 LT 中选择一小部分材料。 这个子集非常小,它只是探索了 LT 的可能性。

However, it appears very useful for uncertainty
management in the kind of estimation problems we deal with in robotics (e.g. inertial pre-integration, odometry and SLAM,visual servoing, and the like), thus enabling elegant and rigorous designs of optimal optimizers.
但是,它在我们处理的机器人技术的不确定控制中的估计问题(例如惯性预积分、里程计和 SLAM,
视觉伺服等) 非常有效,从而有助于实现优雅和精确的优化器的严格设计。

Second, we explain it in a didactical way, with plenty of redundancy so as to reduce the entry gap to LT even more, which we believe is still needed.
其次,我们解释它以一种教学的方式,具有大量的冗余,以进一步减少与 LT 的进入差距,我们认为这仍然是必要的。

That is, we insist on the efforts in this direction of, to name a paradigmatic title, Stillwell’s [3], and provide yet a more simplified version.

The main text body is generic,though we try to keep the abstraction level to a minimum.

Inserted examples serve as grounding base for the general concepts when applied to known groups (rotation and motion matrices, quaternions, etc.).

Also, plenty of figures with very verbose captions re-explain the same concepts once again.

We put special attention to the computation of Jacobians (a topic that is not treated in [3]), which are essential for most optimal optimizers and the source of much trouble when designing new algorithms.
我们特别关注雅可比矩阵的计算([3] 中未涉及的主题),这对于大多数最优优化器来说是必不可少的,也是设计新算法时许多麻烦的根源。

We provide a chapter with some applicative examples for robot localization and mapping, implementing EKF and nonlinear optimization algorithms based on LT.

And finally, several appendices contain ample reference for the most relevant details of the most commonly used groups in robotics:
unit complex numbers, quaternions, 2D and 3D rotation matrices, 2D and 3D rigid motion matrices, and the
trivial translation groups.
单位复数、四元数、2D 和 3D 旋转矩阵、2D 和 3D 刚性运动矩阵以及平凡的平移组。



Yet our most important simplification to Lie theory is in terms of scope. The following passage from Howe [2] may
serve us to illustrate what we leave behind:
然而,我们对李理论最重要的简化是在范围方面。Howe [2] 的以下段落可能为我们展示我们落下的东西:

“The essential phenomenon of Lie theory is that one may associate in a natural way to a Lie group G its Lie algebra g. The Lie algebra g is first of all a vector space and secondly is endowed with a bilinear nonassociative product called the Lie bracket […].
Amazingly, the group G is almost completely determined by g and its Lie bracket.
Thus for many purposes one can replace G with g.
Since G is a complicated nonlinear object and g is just a vector space, it is usually vastly simpler to work with g.
[…] This is one source of the power of Lie theory.”

“李理论的基本现象是,人们可以以一种自然的方式将李群 G 与李代数 g 联系起来。 李代数 g 首先是一个向量空间,其次被赋予一种称为李括号的双线性非关联乘积 […]
令人惊讶的是,群G 几乎完全由 g 及其李括号决定。
由于 G 是一个复杂的非线性对象,而 g 只是一个向量空间,因此使用 g 通常要简单得多。
[…] 这是李理论力量的来源之一。”

In [3], Stillwell even speaks of “the miracle of Lie theory”.

In this work we will effectively relegate the Lie algebra to a second plane in favor of its equivalent vector space Rn,and will not introduce the Lie bracket at all.
在这项工作中,我们将有效地将李代数降级到 第二个平面,以支持其等效向量空间 Rn,并且根本不会引入李括号。

Therefore, the connection between the Lie group and its Lie algebra will not be made here as profound as it should.

Our position is that,given the target application areas that we foresee, this material is often not necessary.

Moreover, if included, then we would fail in the objective of being clear and useful, because the reader would have to go into mathematical concepts that, by their abstraction or subtleness, are unnecessarily complicated.

Our effort is in line with other recent works on the subject [4], [5], [6], which have also identified this need of bringing the LT closer to the robotician.
我们的努力与最近关于该主题的其他工作一致 [4]、[5]、[6],这些工作也确定了使 LT 更接近机器人技术的必要性。

Our approach aims at appearing familiar to the target audience of this paper: an audience that is skilled in state estimation (Kalman filtering, graph-based optimization, and the like), but not yet familiar with the theoretical corpus of the Lie theory.

We have for this taken some initiatives with regard to notation, especially in the definition of the derivative, bringing it close to the vectorial counterparts, thus making the chain rule clearly visible.

As said, we opted to practically avoid the material proper to the Lie algebra,
and prefer instead to work on its isomorphic tangent vector space Rn, which is where we ultimately represent uncertainty or (small) state increments.

而是更喜欢在其同构切向量空间 Rn 上工作,这是我们最终表示不确定性或(小)状态增量的地方。

All these steps are undertaken with absolutely no loss in precision or exactness,and we believe they make the understanding of the LT and the manipulation of its tools easier.
所有这些步骤都是在绝对不损失精度或准确度的情况下进行的,我们相信它们使 LT 的理解及其工具的操作更容易。

This paper is accompanied by a new open-source C++ header-only library, called manif [7], which can be found
at https://github.com/artivis/manif. manif implements the widely used groups SO(2), SO(3), SE(2) and SE(3), with
support for the creation of analytic Jacobians. The library is designed for ease of use, flexibility and performance.

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### 回答1: 线性状态估计器(linear state estimators)在永磁同步电机(PMSM)系统的负载估计中起着重要的作用。 PMSM系统中的负载估计是指通过对电机的运行状态进行实时监测和估计来推测负载的情况。负载估计在许多应用中都是必需的,例如在工业自动化中,负载估计可以帮助控制电机的运行,实现精确的位置和速度控制。在智能交通领域,负载估计可以帮助计算车辆的载荷,从而改善能源利用和减少排放。 线性状态估计器是一种常用的估计算法,它使用系统的线性模型和测量数据来对系统的状态进行估计。对于PMSM系统,线性状态估计器可以通过测量电机的输入和输出电流、电压以及角速度等信息,利用系统的动力学模型对负载进行估计。 线性状态估计器通过将测量数据与系统的模型进行协调,可以实时地估计负载的情况。这种方法具有快速、准确的特点,通过优化算法可以进一步提高估计的精度。 总之,线性状态估计器在PMSM系统的负载估计中具有重要作用。它可以通过结合系统的动力学模型和测量数据,实时估计负载的情况。通过负载估计,可以实现对电机运行状态的精确监测和控制,从而提高系统的性能和效率。 ### 回答2: 线性状态估计器用于PMSM系统负载估计。PMSM系统是一种常用的电机控制系统,它广泛应用于各种工业和家用设备中。负载估计是在控制系统中非常重要的一项任务,它可用于优化电机的性能和提高电机控制的效率。线性状态估计器是一种常用的方法,可以通过测量和模型来估计系统的状态和负载。 在PMSM系统中,负载估计通常使用线性状态估计器来实现。该估计器基于数学模型和测量数据,通过使用卡尔曼滤波器或其他线性估计器来估计系统的状态和负载。这些估计器通常被设计为线性的,因为线性模型更容易处理和计算,而且在实际应用中具有良好的性能。 线性状态估计器的基本原理是通过将系统的状态和负载表示为状态向量和观测向量的线性组合来估计系统的状态和负载。状态向量代表系统的内部状态,比如电机的电流、速度和位置等。观测向量代表通过传感器测量到的物理量,比如电流、电压和转矩等。估计器使用状态和观测的线性关系,通过最小化估计误差来求解状态和负载的估计值。 线性状态估计器在PMSM系统的负载估计中具有广泛应用。它们可以提供准确和实时的负载估计,用于电机控制器的反馈和优化。通过估计负载,可以实现更精确的电机控制,提高系统的动态响应和能源利用效率。线性状态估计器还可以用于故障诊断和预测维护,提高系统的可靠性和可用性。 总之,线性状态估计器是一种有效的方法,用于PMSM系统中负载估计的实现。通过利用数学模型和测量数据,估计器可以准确地估计系统的状态和负载,并用于电机控制和优化。线性状态估计器在实际应用中表现出良好的性能和可靠性,对于提高PMSM系统的性能和效率具有重要意义。 ### 回答3: 线性状态估计器(linear state estimators)是一种用于永磁同步电机(PMSM)系统中负载估计的方法。 在PMSM系统中,负载估计是一项重要的任务,它可以帮助我们了解电机系统的负载状况,并对系统的运行性能进行优化。线性状态估计器是一种基于系统状态方程和测量数据的方法,它可以通过对电机系统进行建模和观测来估计负载。 线性状态估计器的设计基于线性系统理论,通过建立电机系统的状态方程和观测方程来描述系统的动态行为。状态方程描述了系统的演化规律,而观测方程描述了测量数据与系统状态之间的关系。 负载估计的目标是利用观测数据来推断未知的负载状态。线性状态估计器通过最小二乘估计等方法,将观测数据与状态方程进行融合,从而得到对负载状态的估计。 线性状态估计器的优势在于其简单性和计算效率。它可以通过线性系统的特性进行分析和设计,使得估计结果具有较高的准确性和鲁棒性。 总之,线性状态估计器是一种用于PMSM系统中负载估计的方法。通过建立状态方程和观测方程,利用观测数据对负载状态进行估计,可以帮助我们了解电机系统的负载状况,并对系统的运行性能进行优化。




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