ROS实战_1.2 Pioneer 3DX ROSARIA使用教程

0. Package Summary

    Information from the robot base, and velocity and acceleration control, is implemented via a RosAria node, which publishes topics providing data recieved from the robot's embedded controller by ARIA, and sets desired velocity, acceleration and other commands in ARIA when new commands are received from command topics.


    ROS topics are channels by which other nodes can communicate with ROSARIA by sending or reading messages. For more information on ROS topics, see Topics and rostopic.

    ROS services are channels by which other nodes can cause specific events to occur on the robot via ROSARIA. For more information on services, see Services and rosservice.

    Parameters are used to configure the behavior of the RosAria node during initial startup of the node, such as how to connect to the robot controller. They may be set on the command line when running rosrun or in a launch file when using roslaunch. Parameters are stored by the ROS parameter server. See also Parameter Serverrosparamrosrun and roslaunch.

    Some parameters can also be dynamically changed using dynamic_reconfigure.

0.2 RosAria

Simple node that uses ARIA to control the robot

    Subscribed Topics:

cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)

  • receives new velocity commands. Desired velocities are set in ARIA; the robot will achieve and maintain these velocities. ARIA will continue to send the velocity commands to the robot controller, but if no cmd_vel messages are received after 600ms (configurable or disabled via cmd_vel_timeout parameter, see below), rosaria will stop the robot. So cmd_vel commands are only needed to change velocity, or to to reset the watchdog timeout.
    Published Topics:
pose  ( nav_msgs/Odometry )
  • publishes odometry information (rate depends on the robot, normally 10Hz)
bumper_state  ( rosaria/BumperState )
  • publishes bumper states (thanks to Arturo Ribes of the Spanish National Research Council)
sonar  ( sensor_msgs/PointCloud )
  • publishes sonar readings (thanks to Michiel Blokzijl of the Imperial College London). Readings are taken if there are subscribers on the topic. When the last subscriber unsubscribes from both this and sonar_pointcloud2 topic, sonars are turned off. Only available on robots with sonar. The point cloud is two dimensional, and its coordinate frame matches the robot position. X and Y are points on the plane of the robot. Z data is always 0.
sonar_pointcloud2  ( sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 )
  • publishes sonar readings as sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 type. Readings are taken if there are subscribers on the topic. When the last subscriber unsubscribes from both this and sonar topic, sonars are turned off. Only available on robots with sonar. The point cloud is two dimensional, and its coordinate frame matches the robot position. X and Y are points on the plane of the robot. Z data is always 0.
battery_state_of_charge  ( std_msgs/Float32 )
  • Battery state-of-charge percentage, range (0.0, 1.0). Only published if robot type supports state of charge (e.g. Pioneer LX, Seekur, Seekur Jr.)
battery_voltage  ( std_msgs/Float64 )
  • Battery voltage measurement (DC volts).
battery_recharge_state  ( std_msgs/Int8 )
  • Recharging status. Only published on Pioneer LX robot. 0 if not charging, > 0 if recharging, and < 0 on error or no data.
motors_state  ( std_msgs/Bool )
  • Indicates whether the motors are enabled (true) or disabled (false). (You can use the enable_motors and disable_motors services to enable/disable the motors.)
<lasername>_pointcloud  ( sensor_msgs/PointCloud )
  • Only published if publish_aria_lasers parameter is true. Provides laser data as a point cloud. <lasername> will be ARIA's identifier for the laser. May be repeated with different laser names if multiple lasers are configured in ARIA robot parameter file(s).
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ros_arduino_bridge 是一个 ROS 软件包,它可以将 Arduino 板与 ROS 系统进行通信。下面是关于 ros_arduino_bridge 的安装和使用步骤: 安装: 1. 首先,在你的系统上安装 Arduino IDE。你可以从 Arduino 官方网站下载并安装适合你操作系统的版本。 2. 确保你的系统上已经正确安装了 ROS. 如果没有,请按照 ROS 官方网站的说明进行安装。 3. 在 ROS 中创建一个工作空间,可以使用以下命令: ``` mkdir -p ~/ros_arduino_bridge_ws/src cd ~/ros_arduino_bridge_ws/src catkin_init_workspace ``` 4. 将 ros_arduino_bridge 软件包克隆到你的工作空间中的 src 目录下: ``` git clone ``` 5. 使用以下命令编译并安装软件包: ``` cd ~/ros_arduino_bridge_ws catkin_make source devel/setup.bash ``` 使用: 1. 首先,打开 Arduino IDE,并将你的 Arduino 板连接到电脑上。 2. 使用 Arduino IDE 打开 ros_arduino_bridge 软件包中的 Arduino 代码文件。代码文件位于 ros_arduino_firmware 文件夹中。 3. 在 Arduino IDE 中按下上传按钮将代码上传到你的 Arduino 板上。 4. 在终端中,使用以下命令启动 ros_arduino_bridge: ``` roslaunch ros_arduino_bridge arduino.launch ``` 5. 现在,你可以通过发布 ROS 消息来与 Arduino 板进行通信。例如,可以使用 rostopic 命令发布消息。可以通过查看软件包文档了解更多关于 ROS 消息和话题的信息。 以上就是关于安装和使用 ros_arduino_bridge 的简要步骤。通过这个软件包,你可以在 ROS 系统中与 Arduino 板进行通信并控制各种传感器和执行器。


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