1. 将所有输入点按照x坐标排序,并将它们放在一个数组中。
2. 将整个点集分成两个子集,这些子集的点数相等或者相差不超过1,并且每个子集中的点都在xy平面上的一个矩形内。
3. 对于每个子集,递归地构建其Delaunay三角网。
4. 合并子集的Delaunay三角网,以便构成完整的Delaunay三角网。
1. 使用sort函数对输入点进行排序,按照x坐标为第一关键字,y坐标为第二关键字。
2. 使用递归函数divide_points将点集分成两个子集,并对每个子集递归地构建Delaunay三角网。
3. 使用merge_triangles函数将两个子集的Delaunay三角网合并成一个完整的Delaunay三角网。
function [triangles] = delaunay_divide_and_conquer(points)
% Sort the points by x-coordinate
points = sortrows(points, [1,2]);
% Divide the points into two subsets
mid = floor(size(points, 1)/2);
left_points = points(1:mid, :);
right_points = points(mid+1:end, :);
% Recursively build the Delaunay triangulation for each subset
left_triangles = divide_points(left_points);
right_triangles = divide_points(right_points);
% Merge the two triangulations
triangles = merge_triangles(left_points, right_points, left_triangles, right_triangles);
function [triangles] = divide_points(points)
% Base case: if the set of points is small enough,
% compute the Delaunay triangulation directly
if size(points, 1) <= 3
triangles = delaunay(points(:,1), points(:,2));
% Divide the points into two subsets
mid = floor(size(points, 1)/2);
left_points = points(1:mid, :);
right_points = points(mid+1:end, :);
% Recursively build the Delaunay triangulation for each subset
left_triangles = divide_points(left_points);
right_triangles = divide_points(right_points);
% Merge the two triangulations
triangles = merge_triangles(left_points, right_points, left_triangles, right_triangles);
function [triangles] = merge_triangles(left_points, right_points, left_triangles, right_triangles)
% Compute the convex hull of the left and right points
left_hull = convhull(left_points(:,1), left_points(:,2));
right_hull = convhull(right_points(:,1), right_points(:,2));
% Find the "bridge edge" between the two convex hulls
[~, idx] = min(right_points(right_hull,1) - left_points(left_hull,1));
left_idx = left_hull(idx);
right_idx = right_hull(idx);
% Find the triangles that need to be flipped
flip_left = find_incircle(left_points(left_triangles(:,1),:), left_points(left_triangles(:,2),:), left_points(left_triangles(:,3),:), right_points(right_idx,:));
flip_right = find_incircle(right_points(right_triangles(:,1),:), right_points(right_triangles(:,2),:), right_points(right_triangles(:,3),:), left_points(left_idx,:));
% Flip the triangles that need to be flipped
while ~isempty(flip_left) || ~isempty(flip_right)
% Flip a triangle in the left triangulation
if ~isempty(flip_left)
tri = flip_left(1);
left_triangles(tri,:) = fliplr(left_triangles(tri,:));
flip_left = find_incircle(left_points(left_triangles(:,1),:), left_points(left_triangles(:,2),:), left_points(left_triangles(:,3),:), right_points(left_points(left_triangles(tri, [1,2,3])),:));
% Flip a triangle in the right triangulation
if ~isempty(flip_right)
tri = flip_right(1);
right_triangles(tri,:) = fliplr(right_triangles(tri,:));
flip_right = find_incircle(right_points(right_triangles(:,1),:), right_points(right_triangles(:,2),:), right_points(right_triangles(:,3),:), left_points(right_points(right_triangles(tri, [1,2,3])),:));
% Combine the two triangulations
triangles = [left_triangles; right_triangles + size(left_points, 1)];
function [idx] = find_incircle(p1, p2, p3, p)
% Find the triangles with p in their circumcircle
d = 2 * (p1(:,1) .* (p2(:,2) - p3(:,2)) + p2(:,1) .* (p3(:,2) - p1(:,2)) + p3(:,1) .* (p1(:,2) - p2(:,2)));
x = ((p(:,1).^2 + p(:,2).^2) .* (p2(:,2) - p3(:,2)) + (p2(:,1).^2 + p2(:,2).^2) .* (p3(:,2) - p(:,2)) + (p3(:,1).^2 + p3(:,2).^2) .* (p(:,2) - p2(:,2))) ./ d;
y = ((p1(:,1).^2 + p1(:,2).^2) .* (p(:,2) - p3(:,2)) + (p(:,1).^2 + p(:,2).^2) .* (p3(:,2) - p1(:,2)) + (p3(:,1).^2 + p3(:,2).^2) .* (p1(:,2) - p(:,2))) ./ d;
r = sqrt((p(:,1) - x).^2 + (p(:,2) - y).^2);
idx = find(r.^2 <= ((p1(:,1) - x).^2 + (p1(:,2) - y).^2) .* ((p2(:,1) - x).^2 + (p2(:,2) - y).^2) .* ((p3(:,1) - x).^2 + (p3(:,2) - y).^2)));