机器人领域顶刊TRO最受欢迎的TOP 50文章盘点


众所周知,TRO是机器人领域的绝对顶刊,每一篇文章都是质量极高的。最近在看TRO官网的时候,发现官网给出了在TRO发布文章中最收欢迎的TOP 50 paper list。下面来看看都有哪些文章?是不是和您想的一样?下面文章的顺序即给出的排名(截止时间:2024.07),由高往低排序。

TRO TOP50 Popular Article list

  • VINS-Mono: A Robust and Versatile Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimator

  • ORB-SLAM3: An Accurate Open-Source Library for Visual, Visual–Inertial, and Multimap SLAM

  • ORB-SLAM: A Versatile and Accurate Monocular SLAM System

  • Not Only Rewards but Also Constraints: Applications on Legged Robot Locomotion

  • Parallel-Continuum Robots: A Survey

  • Optimization-Based Control for Dynamic Legged Robots

  • Disturbance-Adaptive Tapered Soft Manipulator With Precise Motion Controller for Enhanced Task Performance

  • ABENICS: Active Ball Joint Mechanism With Three-DoF Based on Spherical Gear Meshings

  • RACER: Rapid Collaborative Exploration With a Decentralized Multi-UAV System

  • Autonomous Drone Racing: A Survey

  • FAST-LIO2: Fast Direct LiDAR-Inertial Odometry

  • Soft Robots Modeling: A Structured Overview

  • Safe Multiagent Motion Planning Under Uncertainty for Drones Using Filtered Reinforcement Learning

  • ORB-SLAM2: An Open-Source SLAM System for Monocular, Stereo, and RGB-D Cameras

  • Perceptive Locomotion Through Nonlinear Model-Predictive Control

  • Adaptive-Force-Based Control of Dynamic Legged Locomotion Over Uneven Terrain

  • Tube Acceleration: Robust Dexterous Throwing Against Release Uncertainty

  • Present and Future of SLAM in Extreme Environments: The DARPA SubT Challenge

  • General-Purpose Sim2Real Protocol for Learning Contact-Rich Manipulation With Marker-Based Visuotactile Sensors

  • A Survey on Active Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: State of the Art and New Frontiers

  • Past, Present, and Future of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: Toward the Robust-Perception Age

  • RL-Based Adaptive Controller for High Precision Reaching in a Soft Robot Arm

  • A Tree-Based Next-Best-Trajectory Method for 3-D UAV Exploration

  • Perching and Grasping Using a Passive Dynamic Bioinspired Gripper

  • Invariant Smoother for Legged Robot State Estimation With Dynamic Contact Event Information

  • Fast Kinodynamic Planning on the Constraint Manifold With Deep Neural Networks

  • PRIMP: PRobabilistically-Informed Motion Primitives for Efficient Affordance Learning From Demonstration

  • On-Manifold Preintegration for Real-Time Visual--Inertial Odometry

  • Kimera-Multi: Robust, Distributed, Dense Metric-Semantic SLAM for Multi-Robot Systems

  • Continuous Occupancy Mapping in Dynamic Environments Using Particles

  • Majorization Minimization Methods for Distributed Pose Graph Optimization

  • Enabling Versatility and Dexterity of the Dual-Arm Manipulators: A General Framework Toward Universal Cooperative Manipulation

  • Precise Control of Soft Robots Amidst Uncertain Environmental Contacts and Forces

  • Geometrically Constrained Trajectory Optimization for Multicopters

  • Deep Learning Approaches to Grasp Synthesis: A Review

  • Past, Present, and Future of Aerial Robotic Manipulators

  • An Underactuated Active Transfemoral Prosthesis With Series Elastic Actuators Enables Multiple Locomotion Tasks

  • MINRob: A Large Force-Outputting Miniature Robot Based on a Triple-Magnet System

  • BarrierNet: Differentiable Control Barrier Functions for Learning of Safe Robot Control

  • Safe Control With Learned Certificates: A Survey of Neural Lyapunov, Barrier, and Contraction Methods for Robotics and Control

  • Information-Theoretic Model Predictive Control: Theory and Applications to Autonomous Driving

  • Teleoperation of Humanoid Robots: A Survey

  • Analytical Model and Experimental Testing of the SoftFoot: An Adaptive Robot Foot for Walking Over Obstacles and Irregular Terrains

  • Stability Analysis of Tendon Driven Continuum Robots and Application to Active Softening

  • Robot Collisions: A Survey on Detection, Isolation, and Identification

  • Adaptive Tracking and Perching for Quadrotor in Dynamic Scenarios

  • Continuum Robots for Medical Applications: A Survey

  • Data-Driven Control of Soft Robots Using Koopman Operator Theory

  • Tactile Sensing—From Humans to Humanoids

  • Fast Contact-Implicit Model Predictive Control





  • https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/topAccessedArticles.jsp?punumber=8860&topArticlesDate=July%202024

机器⼈领域的SCI期刊介绍 现在很多⼤学和研究所都开展了机器⼈研究,对于博⼠⽣,有些单位要求发表SCI论⽂才能毕业。我统计了机器⼈学科的SCI期刊信息(排名不分先后)。由于 影响因⼦会变动,我没有列出,⼤家如果需要可以到期刊官⽹或查询。我只列出了最相关的部分,还有⼀些⽐如 Journal of Field Robotics 这样的针对某⼀ 具体⽅向的期刊没有统计,欢迎⼤家继续补充。 1. Autonomous Robots 1. Autonomous Robots 双⽉刊,⽆版⾯费,但彩⾊图⽚收费。(Online publication of color illustrations is free of charge. For color in the print version, authors will be expected to make a contribution towards the extra costs.) 接收范围 接收范围:报道实际机器⼈在⾮结构环境中的表现和性能,包括机动性、⾃主性能和智能⾏为。主要针对⾃给⾃⾜的可移动机器⼈(尤其是仿⽣机器⼈)的 控制、学习、传感器融合、⾃修复和⾃复制智能系统。⽂章最好包含机器⼈在真实环境中的性能数据,只有仿真数据被接收的概率较低。接收会议论⽂的扩充。 ⽂章长度不能超过75000字符。(Papers which have previously appeared in conference proceedings will also be considered, and this should be so indicated at the time of submission. Papers should be no longer than 75,000 characters, including spaces. Each figure is equivalent to 2000 characters. Papers longer than the limit may be returned without review.) 期刊简介 期刊简介:The primary goal of Autonomous Robots is to report on the theory and applicationsof robotic systems capable of some degree of self-sufficiency. Thus, the journal is aimed at the growing trend in robotics toward mobility, intelligenceand autonomy in an unstructured world. This trend has been made possible bysmall, inexpensive, high-performance computers. The term `robot' implies thatthe systems described here are capable of performing purposeful behaviors in the real world. They obtain inputs from the world through sensors and act uponthe world through actuators. The connection between sensing and actuation maybe simple signal processing or it may involve complex decision making, goal interpretation and other aspects of reasoning. Most autonomous systems displaysome form of mobility: on land, under water, in the air or in space. The mobility may make use of wheels, legs, fins, rotors or other actuators. Thefocus is on the ability to move and be self-sufficient, not on whether thesystem is an imitation of biology. Of course, biological models for robotic systems are of




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