一文搞定细菌基因组De Novo测序分析

本文转自基因的生物信息学分析,链接 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/xWOlv5WVJ7LwTuRQDXmGzg

以一个细菌的测序数据为例子,介绍细菌基因组测序分析流程。本次实验中的细菌基因组大小为3.4M,通过illumina PE150bp测序,获得测序数据量为~800M,通过拼接得到该样本的草图基因组序列,并进行基因注释等分析。


1  概述

2  基因组de novo测序的分析

    2.1  分析流程图

    2.2  测序数据格式

    2.3  数据准备

    2.4  数据质控

    2.5  基因组组装

    2.6  组装结果统计

    2.7  组装示意图

    2.8  基因组注释

3  在线分析网站

4  词汇表




细菌基因组测序,可分为细菌基因组de novo测序和细菌基因组重测序两类。细菌基因组de novo测序,即从头测序,是指在没有任何现有的序列信息的情况下,对某个细菌物种进行测序,利用生物信息学分析手段对序列进行拼装,从而获得该细菌物种的基因组序列。细菌基因组重测序是对已有参考基因组序列(Reference Sequence)的物种的不同个体进行基因组测序,并以此为基础进行个体或群体水平的差异性分析。可关注大量的单核苷酸多态性位点(SNP)、插入缺失(InDel, Insertion/Deletion)、结构变异(Structure Variation,SV)等变异信息。

本篇文章将重点介绍细菌基因组de novo测序的分析流程。

基因组de novo测序的分析



根据barcode序列区分样本,提取出的数据以标准的fastq格式保存。以双端测序(PE:paired-end)数据为例,每一个样本有read1.fastq和read2.fastq两个文件,分别代表5’ -> 3’和 3’->5’的测序结果。在生信入门:Fasta与Fastq格式文件详解里面,我们已经初步认识了fastq格式。

第4行是该序列的测序质量,每个字符对应为第2行每个碱基的测序质量值,用Phred值+33后,所对应的ASCII字符来表示。Phred值的计算方法为:Q =-10*log10(e) 其中e是碱基错误率。


Phred Quality ScoreProbability of incorrect base callBase call accuracy
101 in 1090%
201 in 10099%
301 in 100099.9%
401 in 1000099.99%



test_1.fq.gz  test_2.fq.gz

通过ls命令查看,发现当前目录下有两个fastq的压缩文件,它们是illumina测序获得的原始数据,也是通常要提交到NCBI SRA数据库的文件。关于如何提交请参考生信入门:如何将测序原始数据上传NCBI



!fastqc -t 10 test_1.fq.gz test_2.fq.gz
Started analysis of test_1.fq.gz
Started analysis of test_2.fq.gz
Approx 5% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 5% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 10% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 10% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 15% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 15% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 20% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 20% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 25% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 25% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 30% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 30% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 35% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 35% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 40% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 40% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 45% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 45% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 50% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 50% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 55% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 55% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 60% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 60% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 65% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 65% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 70% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 70% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 75% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 75% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 80% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 80% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 85% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 85% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 90% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 90% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Approx 95% complete for test_1.fq.gz
Approx 95% complete for test_2.fq.gz
Analysis complete for test_1.fq.gz
Analysis complete for test_2.fq.gz


!ls -t  test*html #-t sort by modification time, newest first
test_1_fastqc.html  test_2_fastqc.html




!fastp -i test_1.fq.gz -I test_2.fq.gz -o clean_1.fq.gz -O clean_2.fq.gz
Read1 before filtering:
total reads: 2783612
total bases: 417541800
Q20 bases: 409754276(98.1349%)
Q30 bases: 398333598(95.3997%)
Read1 after filtering:
total reads: 2708145
total bases: 406146010
Q20 bases: 401516631(98.8602%)
Q30 bases: 391420330(96.3743%)
Read2 before filtering:
total reads: 2783612
total bases: 417541800
Q20 bases: 399039636(95.5688%)
Q30 bases: 376827191(90.249%)
Read2 aftering filtering:
total reads: 2708145
total bases: 406146010
Q20 bases: 392948823(96.7506%)
Q30 bases: 372542262(91.7262%)
Filtering result:
reads passed filter: 5416290
reads failed due to low quality: 149360
reads failed due to too many N: 1574
reads failed due to too short: 0
reads with adapter trimmed: 9616
bases trimmed due to adapters: 157916
JSON report: fastp.json
HTML report: fastp.html
fastp -i test_1.fq.gz -I test_2.fq.gz -o clean_1.fq.gz -O clean_2.fq.gz
fastp v0.12.2, time used: 66 seconds


!ls -t
clean_2.fq.gz  fastp.html  test_1_fastqc.html  test_1_fastqc.zip  test_1.fq.gz
clean_1.fq.gz  fastp.json  test_2_fastqc.html  test_2_fastqc.zip  test_2.fq.gz


使用SPAdes (版本:3.11) 短序列组装软件对Clean Data进行组装,经多次调整参数后获得最优组装结果;然后reads将比对回组装获得的Contig上,再根据reads的paired-end和overlap关系,对组装结果进行局部组装和优化

!spades.py -h
SPAdes genome assembler v3.11.0
Usage: /usr/local/bin/spades.py [options] -o <output_dir>
Basic options:
-o    <output_dir>    directory to store all the resulting files (required)
--sc            this flag is required for MDA (single-cell) data
--meta            this flag is required for metagenomic sample data
--rna            this flag is required for RNA-Seq data
--plasmid        runs plasmidSPAdes pipeline for plasmid detection
--iontorrent        this flag is required for IonTorrent data
--test            runs SPAdes on toy dataset
-h/--help        prints this usage message
-v/--version        prints version
Input data:
--12    <filename>  file with interlaced forward and reverse paired-end reads
-1    <filename>  file with forward paired-end reads
-2    <filename>  file with reverse paired-end reads
-s    <filename>  file with unpaired reads
--pe<#>-12    <filename>  file with interlaced reads for paired-end library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9)
--pe<#>-1    <filename>  file with forward reads for paired-end library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9)
--pe<#>-2    <filename>  file with reverse reads for paired-end library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9)
--pe<#>-s    <filename>  file with unpaired reads for paired-end library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9)
--pe<#>-<or>    orientation of reads for paired-end library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9; <or> = fr, rf, ff)
--s<#>        <filename>  file with unpaired reads for single reads library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9)
--mp<#>-12    <filename>  file with interlaced reads for mate-pair library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9)
--mp<#>-1    <filename>  file with forward reads for mate-pair library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9)
--mp<#>-2    <filename>  file with reverse reads for mate-pair library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9)
--mp<#>-s    <filename>  file with unpaired reads for mate-pair library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9)
--mp<#>-<or>    orientation of reads for mate-pair library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9; <or> = fr, rf, ff)
--hqmp<#>-12    <filename>  file with interlaced reads for high-quality mate-pair library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9)
--hqmp<#>-1    <filename>  file with forward reads for high-quality mate-pair library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9)
--hqmp<#>-2    <filename>  file with reverse reads for high-quality mate-pair library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9)
--hqmp<#>-s    <filename>  file with unpaired reads for high-quality mate-pair library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9)
--hqmp<#>-<or>    orientation of reads for high-quality mate-pair library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9; <or> = fr, rf, ff)
--nxmate<#>-1    <filename>  file with forward reads for Lucigen NxMate library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9)
--nxmate<#>-2    <filename>  file with reverse reads for Lucigen NxMate library number <#> (<#> = 1,2,..,9)
--sanger    <filename>  file with Sanger reads
--pacbio    <filename>  file with PacBio reads
--nanopore    <filename>  file with Nanopore reads
--tslr    <filename>  file with TSLR-contigs
--trusted-contigs    <filename>  file with trusted contigs
--untrusted-contigs    <filename>  file with untrusted contigs
Pipeline options:
--only-error-correction    runs only read error correction (without assembling)
--only-assembler    runs only assembling (without read error correction)
--careful        tries to reduce number of mismatches and short indels
--continue        continue run from the last available check-point
--restart-from    <cp>    restart run with updated options and from the specified check-point ('ec', 'as', 'k<int>', 'mc')
--disable-gzip-output    forces error correction not to compress the corrected reads
--disable-rr        disables repeat resolution stage of assembling
Advanced options:
--dataset    <filename>  file with dataset description in YAML format
-t/--threads    <int>       number of threads
                [default: 16]
-m/--memory    <int>       RAM limit for SPAdes in Gb (terminates if exceeded)
                [default: 250]
--tmp-dir    <dirname>   directory for temporary files
                [default: <output_dir>/tmp]
-k        <int,int,...>   comma-separated list of k-mer sizes (must be odd and
                less than 128) [default: 'auto']
--cov-cutoff    <float>     coverage cutoff value (a positive float number, or 'auto', or 'off') [default: 'off']
--phred-offset    <33 or 64>  PHRED quality offset in the input reads (33 or 64)
                [default: auto-detect]

运行spades程序进行组装,可以自定义-k 选项获得最佳组装结果

!spades.py -k 77,87,97,117 --careful  --only-assembler
-1 clean_1.fq.gz  -2 clean_2.fq.gz  -o assembly -t 20


QUAST 用于基因组和宏基因组的拼接评估

!quast.py -h
QUAST: QUality ASsessment Tool for Genome Assemblies
Version: 4.5
Usage: python /usr/local/bin/quast.py [options] <files_with_contigs>
-o  --output-dir  <dirname>   Directory to store all result files [default: quast_results/results_<datetime>]
-R                <filename>  Reference genome file
-G  --genes       <filename>  File with gene coordinates in the reference (GFF, BED, NCBI or TXT)
-O  --operons     <filename>  File with operon coordinates in the reference (GFF, BED, NCBI or TXT)
-m  --min-contig  <int>       Lower threshold for contig length [default: 500]
-t  --threads     <int>       Maximum number of threads [default: 25% of CPUs]
Advanced options:
-s  --scaffolds                       Assemblies are scaffolds, split them and add contigs to the comparison
-l  --labels "label, label, ..."      Names of assemblies to use in reports, comma-separated. If contain spaces, use quotes
-L                                    Take assembly names from their parent directory names
-f  --gene-finding                    Predict genes using GeneMarkS (prokaryotes, default) or GeneMark-ES (eukaryotes, use --eukaryote)
    --glimmer                         Use GlimmerHMM for gene prediction (instead of the default finder, see above)
    --mgm                             Use MetaGeneMark for gene prediction (instead of the default finder, see above)
    --gene-thresholds <int,int,...>   Comma-separated list of threshold lengths of genes to search with Gene Finding module
                                      [default: 0,300,1500,3000]
-e  --eukaryote                       Genome is eukaryotic
    --est-ref-size <int>              Estimated reference size (for computing NGx metrics without a reference)
    --gage                            Use GAGE (results are in gage_report.txt)
    --contig-thresholds <int,int,...> Comma-separated list of contig length thresholds [default: 0,1000,5000,10000,25000,50000]
-u  --use-all-alignments              Compute genome fraction, # genes, # operons in QUAST v1.* style.
                                      By default, QUAST filters Nucmer's alignments to keep only best ones
-i  --min-alignment <int>             Nucmer's parameter: the minimum alignment length [default: 0]
    --min-identity <float>            Nucmer's parameter: the minimum alignment identity (80.0, 100.0) [default: 95.0]
-a  --ambiguity-usage <none|one|all>  Use none, one, or all alignments of a contig when all of them
                                      are almost equally good (see --ambiguity-score) [default: one]
    --ambiguity-score <float>         Score S for defining equally good alignments of a single contig. All alignments are sorted
                                      by decreasing LEN * IDY% value. All alignments with LEN * IDY% < S * best(LEN * IDY%) are
                                      discarded. S should be between 0.8 and 1.0 [default: 0.99]
    --strict-NA                       Break contigs in any misassembly event when compute NAx and NGAx
                                      By default, QUAST breaks contigs only by extensive misassemblies (not local ones)
-x  --extensive-mis-size  <int>       Lower threshold for extensive misassembly size. All relocations with inconsistency
                                      less than extensive-mis-size are counted as local misassemblies [default: 1000]
    --scaffold-gap-max-size  <int>    Max allowed scaffold gap length difference. All relocations with inconsistency
                                      less than scaffold-gap-size are counted as scaffold gap misassemblies [default: 10000]
                                      Only scaffold assemblies are affected (use -s/--scaffolds)!
    --unaligned-part-size  <int>      Lower threshold for detecting partially unaligned contigs. Such contig should have
                                      at least one unaligned fragment >= the threshold [default: 500]
    --fragmented                      Reference genome may be fragmented into small pieces (e.g. scaffolded reference)
    --fragmented-max-indent  <int>    Mark translocation as fake if both alignments are located no further than N bases
                                      from the ends of the reference fragments [default: 85]
                                      Requires --fragmented option.
    --plots-format  <str>             Save plots in specified format [default: pdf]
                                      Supported formats: emf, eps, pdf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz
    --memory-efficient                Run Nucmer using one thread, separately per each assembly and each chromosome
                                      This may significantly reduce memory consumption on large genomes
    --space-efficient                 Create only reports and plots files. .stdout, .stderr, .coords and other aux files will not be created
                                      This may significantly reduce space consumption on large genomes. Icarus viewers also will not be built
-1  --reads1  <filename>              File with forward reads (in FASTQ format, may be gzipped)
-2  --reads2  <filename>              File with reverse reads (in FASTQ format, may be gzipped)
    --sam  <filename>                 SAM alignment file
    --bam  <filename>                 BAM alignment file
                                      Reads (or SAM/BAM file) are used for structural variation detection and
                                      coverage histogram building in Icarus
    --sv-bedpe  <filename>            File with structural variations (in BEDPE format)
Speedup options:
    --no-check                        Do not check and correct input fasta files. Use at your own risk (see manual)
    --no-plots                        Do not draw plots
    --no-html                         Do not build html reports and Icarus viewers
    --no-icarus                       Do not build Icarus viewers
    --no-snps                         Do not report SNPs (may significantly reduce memory consumption on large genomes)
    --no-gc                           Do not compute GC% and GC-distribution
    --no-sv                           Do not run structural variation detection (make sense only if reads are specified)
    --no-gzip                         Do not compress large output files
    --fast                            A combination of all speedup options except --no-check
    --silent                          Do not print detailed information about each step to stdout (log file is not affected)
    --test                            Run QUAST on the data from the test_data folder, output to quast_test_output
    --test-sv                         Run QUAST with structural variants detection on the data from the test_data folder,
                                      output to quast_test_output
-h  --help                            Print full usage message
-v  --version                         Print version
!quast.py assembly/scaffolds.fasta  
!more quast_results/results_2019_02_23_12_05_14/report.tsv
Assembly    scaffolds
# contigs (>= 0 bp)    510
# contigs (>= 1000 bp)    18
# contigs (>= 5000 bp)    14
# contigs (>= 10000 bp)    12
# contigs (>= 25000 bp)    11
# contigs (>= 50000 bp)    9
Total length (>= 0 bp)    3421550
Total length (>= 1000 bp)    3256575
Total length (>= 5000 bp)    3245372
Total length (>= 10000 bp)    3233600
Total length (>= 25000 bp)    3216581
Total length (>= 50000 bp)    3122437
# contigs    35
Largest contig    883888
Total length    3266291
GC (%)    57.23
N50    385978
N75    363878
L50    3
L75    5
# N's per 100 kbp    0.00


基因组从头组装结果包含大量的Contigs序列以及错综复杂的连接方式,使用Bandage (a Bioinformatics Application for Navigating De novo Assembly Graphs Easily)可以方便的展示基因组组装结果的 de Bruijn图,此外还可以将基因注释结果直观的展现在组装结果上。

!Bandage image assembly/assembly_graph.fastg  assembly.png


基因组组装的de Bruijn图,图中上方构成组装的基因组草图,图中带有颜色的线表示不同的contig,断点表示出现的contig组成的分支序列。图中下方表示未能组成scaffolds的contig。




Prodigal 编码序列(CDS)

RNAmmer 核糖体RNA基因(rRNA)

Aragorn 转运RNA基因(tRNA)

SignalP 信号肽

Infernal 非编码RNA


.fna 原始输入contigs的FASTA文件(核苷酸)

.faa 翻译的编码基因的FASTA文件(蛋白质)

.ffn 所有基因组特征的FASTA文件(核苷酸)

.fsa 用于提交的Contig序列(核苷酸)

.tbl 用于提交的特征表(Feature table)

.sqn 用于提交的Sequin可编辑文件

.gbk 包含序列和注释的Genbank文件

.gff 包含序列和注释的GFF v3文件

.log 日志文件

.txt 注释汇总统计

!prokka -h
Option h is ambiguous (help, hmms)
  Prokka 1.12 by Torsten Seemann <torsten.seemann@gmail.com>
  rapid bacterial genome annotation
  prokka [options] <contigs.fasta>
  --help            This help
  --version         Print version and exit
  --docs            Show full manual/documentation
  --citation        Print citation for referencing Prokka
  --quiet           No screen output (default OFF)
  --debug           Debug mode: keep all temporary files (default OFF)
  --listdb          List all configured databases
  --setupdb         Index all installed databases
  --cleandb         Remove all database indices
  --depends         List all software dependencies
  --outdir [X]      Output folder [auto] (default '')
  --force           Force overwriting existing output folder (default OFF)
  --prefix [X]      Filename output prefix [auto] (default '')
  --addgenes        Add 'gene' features for each 'CDS' feature (default OFF)
  --addmrna         Add 'mRNA' features for each 'CDS' feature (default OFF)
  --locustag [X]    Locus tag prefix [auto] (default '')
  --increment [N]   Locus tag counter increment (default '1')
  --gffver [N]      GFF version (default '3')
  --compliant       Force Genbank/ENA/DDJB compliance: --addgenes --mincontiglen 200 --centre XXX (default OFF)
  --centre [X]      Sequencing centre ID. (default '')
  --accver [N]      Version to put in Genbank file (default '1')
Organism details:
  --genus [X]       Genus name (default 'Genus')
  --species [X]     Species name (default 'species')
  --strain [X]      Strain name (default 'strain')
  --plasmid [X]     Plasmid name or identifier (default '')
  --kingdom [X]     Annotation mode: Archaea|Bacteria|Mitochondria|Viruses (default 'Bacteria')
  --gcode [N]       Genetic code / Translation table (set if --kingdom is set) (default '0')
  --gram [X]        Gram: -/neg +/pos (default '')
  --usegenus        Use genus-specific BLAST databases (needs --genus) (default OFF)
  --proteins [X]    FASTA or GBK file to use as 1st priority (default '')
  --hmms [X]        Trusted HMM to first annotate from (default '')
  --metagenome      Improve gene predictions for highly fragmented genomes (default OFF)
  --rawproduct      Do not clean up /product annotation (default OFF)
  --cdsrnaolap      Allow [tr]RNA to overlap CDS (default OFF)
  --cpus [N]        Number of CPUs to use [0=all] (default '8')
  --fast            Fast mode - only use basic BLASTP databases (default OFF)
  --noanno          For CDS just set /product="unannotated protein" (default OFF)
  --mincontiglen [N] Minimum contig size [NCBI needs 200] (default '1')
  --evalue [n.n]    Similarity e-value cut-off (default '1e-06')
  --rfam            Enable searching for ncRNAs with Infernal+Rfam (SLOW!) (default '0')
  --norrna          Don't run rRNA search (default OFF)
  --notrna          Don't run tRNA search (default OFF)
  --rnammer         Prefer RNAmmer over Barrnap for rRNA prediction (default OFF)
prokka --outdir annotation/ --force --locustag test --prefix test assembly/scaffolds.fasta --force  

--cpus 20  --centre test --compliant
!tree -h -L 2  -n
├── [4.0K]  annotation
│   ├── [  92]  errorsummary.val
│   ├── [ 316]  test.ecn
│   ├── [422K]  test.err
│   ├── [1.0M]  test.faa
│   ├── [2.9M]  test.ffn
│   ├── [3.3M]  test.fna
│   ├── [3.4M]  test.fsa
│   ├── [7.4M]  test.gbf
│   ├── [4.5M]  test.gff
│   ├── [ 45K]  test.log
│   ├── [ 13M]  test.sqn
│   ├── [857K]  test.tbl
│   ├── [230K]  test.tsv
│   ├── [  99]  test.txt
│   └── [3.8K]  test.val
├── [4.0K]  assembly
│   ├── [6.7M]  assembly_graph.fastg
│   ├── [3.3M]  assembly_graph_with_scaffolds.gfa
│   ├── [3.3M]  before_rr.fasta
│   ├── [3.3M]  contigs.fasta
│   ├── [ 43K]  contigs.paths
│   ├── [  68]  dataset.info
│   ├── [ 186]  input_dataset.yaml
│   ├── [4.0K]  K117
│   ├── [4.0K]  K77
│   ├── [4.0K]  K87
│   ├── [4.0K]  K97
│   ├── [4.0K]  misc
│   ├── [4.0K]  mismatch_corrector
│   ├── [1.3K]  params.txt
│   ├── [3.3M]  scaffolds.fasta
│   ├── [ 43K]  scaffolds.paths
│   ├── [144K]  spades.log
│   └── [4.0K]  tmp
├── [234M]  clean_1.fq.gz
├── [258M]  clean_2.fq.gz
├── [ 138]  do.sh
├── [470K]  fastp.html
├── [127K]  fastp.json
├── [4.0K]  quast_results
│   ├── [  27]  latest -> results_2019_02_23_12_07_03
│   ├── [4.0K]  results_2019_02_23_12_05_14
│   ├── [4.0K]  results_2019_02_23_12_06_26
│   └── [4.0K]  results_2019_02_23_12_07_03
├── [4.0K]  test_1_fastqc
│   ├── [123K]  fastqc_data.txt
│   ├── [9.9K]  fastqc.fo
│   ├── [311K]  fastqc_report.html
│   ├── [4.0K]  Icons
│   ├── [4.0K]  Images
│   └── [ 494]  summary.txt
├── [311K]  test_1_fastqc.html
├── [389K]  test_1_fastqc.zip
├── [208M]  test_1.fq.gz
├── [315K]  test_2_fastqc.html
├── [393K]  test_2_fastqc.zip
└── [231M]  test_2.fq.gz
17 directories, 41 files


基因组注释 RAST
基因岛预测 IslandViewer
毒力基因数据 VFDB
耐药基因数据 CARD


1 De novo测序

2 建库

3 PCR-free建库
对于异常GC含量(<35%,>65%)的样品,为避免常规建库使用PCR导致测序偏向性产生从而影响后期信息分析,而采用的基于非PCR反应的建库手段。对于样品量需求也大一些(>10 ug),因为建库过程没有PCR扩增过程,此外,只适用于小片段的构建。

4 Index测序
常见于混合样品测序。将不同的样品混合在一起进行测序,为区分各个样品的数据,在待测序列后加一段已知(一般8 bp)的序列作为标签(index标签)。

5 Paired-End测序

6 测序策略sequences strategy
PE100:即Paired-End (100,100),采用双末端测序法对插入片段两端进行读长为100 bp的高通量测序。

7 读长

8 插入片段长度(Insert Size)
待测基因组序列被随机打断的长度,用于下一步的文库构建,不同长度的插入片段在组装中有不同的作用,小片段(<500 bp)长度一般用于Contig级别的组装,大片段(>2 k)一般用于Scaffold级别的组装。

9 Raw data(reads)

10 Clean data(reads)

11 Duplication
两对或多对Paired-End的reads,每对reads中的read1 和read2分别对应完全一样,属于 duplication,数据处理时会去掉这样的duplication,只保留一对reads。

12 Contig序列

13 Scaffold序列
又称super Contig,通过reads的Paired-End关系将Contig连接,并用N补充其中的内洞而形成。

14 N50/N90

15 K-mer
K-mer 就是一个长度为K 的DNA 序列,K 为正整数。有时候,如K=15,也称为15-mer。K-mer 有多种用途,用于纠正测序错误,构建Contig,以及估计基因组大小,杂合率,和重复序列含量等。

16 非一致序列

17 平均测序深度(Depth)

18 Ref_genome/gene

19 基因组覆盖度

20 基因区覆盖度

21 单碱基错误率

22 GC skew


10000+:菌群分析 宝宝与猫狗 梅毒狂想曲 提DNA发Nature Cell专刊 肠道指挥大脑

系列教程:微生物组入门 Biostar 微生物组  宏基因组

专业技能:学术图表 高分文章 生信宝典 不可或缺的人

一文读懂:宏基因组 寄生虫益处 进化树

必备技能:提问 搜索  Endnote

文献阅读 热心肠 SemanticScholar Geenmedical

扩增子分析:图表解读 分析流程 统计绘图

16S功能预测   PICRUSt  FAPROTAX  Bugbase Tax4Fun

在线工具:16S预测培养基 生信绘图

科研经验:云笔记  云协作 公众号

编程模板: Shell  R Perl

生物科普:  肠道细菌 人体上的生命 生命大跃进  细胞暗战 人体奥秘  


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