

public class SaveLoadLightSetting : Editor
    public class LightmapSettingsHolder : ScriptableObject
        public ColorSpace bakedColorSpace;
        public LightmapDataHolder[] lightmaps;
        public LightmapsMode lightmapsMode;
        public LightProbes lightProbes;

    public class LightmapDataHolder
        public Texture2D lightmapFar;
        public Texture2D lightmapNear;

    [MenuItem("Tools/Lightmapping/Save Lightmap Settings")]
    static void SaveLightmapSettings()
        LightmapSettingsHolder holder = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<LightmapSettingsHolder>();

        holder.bakedColorSpace = LightmapSettings.bakedColorSpace;
        holder.lightmapsMode = LightmapSettings.lightmapsMode;
        holder.lightProbes = LightmapSettings.lightProbes;

        holder.lightmaps = new LightmapDataHolder[LightmapSettings.lightmaps.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < LightmapSettings.lightmaps.Length; i++)

            holder.lightmaps[i] = new LightmapDataHolder();
            holder.lightmaps[i].lightmapFar = LightmapSettings.lightmaps[i].lightmapColor;
            holder.lightmaps[i].lightmapNear = LightmapSettings.lightmaps[i].lightmapDir;

        AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(holder, "Assets/LightmapSettings.asset");

    [MenuItem("Tools/Lightmapping/Load Lightmap Settings")]
    static void LoadLightmapSettings()
        LightmapSettingsHolder holder = (LightmapSettingsHolder)Selection.activeObject;

        LightmapSettings.bakedColorSpace = holder.bakedColorSpace;
        LightmapSettings.lightmapsMode = holder.lightmapsMode;
        LightmapSettings.lightProbes = holder.lightProbes;

        LightmapData[] lightmaps = new LightmapData[holder.lightmaps.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < holder.lightmaps.Length; i++)
            lightmaps[i] = new LightmapData();
            lightmaps[i].lightmapColor = holder.lightmaps[i].lightmapFar;
            lightmaps[i].lightmapDir = holder.lightmaps[i].lightmapNear;

        LightmapSettings.lightmaps = lightmaps;


public class PrefabLightmapData : MonoBehaviour



    struct RendererInfo


        public Renderer renderer;

        public int          lightmapIndex;

        public Vector4      lightmapOffsetScale;



    RendererInfo[]  m_RendererInfo;


    Texture2D[] m_Lightmaps;

    void Awake ()


        if (m_RendererInfo == null || m_RendererInfo.Length == 0)


        var lightmaps = LightmapSettings.lightmaps;

        var combinedLightmaps = new LightmapData[lightmaps.Length + m_Lightmaps.Length];

        lightmaps.CopyTo(combinedLightmaps, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < m_Lightmaps.Length;i++)


            combinedLightmaps[i+lightmaps.Length] = new LightmapData();

            combinedLightmaps[i+lightmaps.Length].lightmapColor = m_Lightmaps[i];


        ApplyRendererInfo(m_RendererInfo, lightmaps.Length);

        LightmapSettings.lightmaps = combinedLightmaps;


    static void ApplyRendererInfo (RendererInfo[] infos, int lightmapOffsetIndex)


        for (int i=0;i<infos.Length;i++)


            var info = infos[i];


            #if UNITY_EDITOR

            if (UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.AreStaticEditorFlagsSet(info.renderer.gameObject, UnityEditor.StaticEditorFlags.BatchingStatic))


                UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("The renderer " + info.renderer.name + " is marked Batching Static. The static batch is created when building the player. " +

                                 "Setting the lightmap scale and offset will not affect lightmapping UVs as they have the scale and offset already burnt in." + info.renderer);




            info.renderer.lightmapIndex = info.lightmapIndex + lightmapOffsetIndex;

            info.renderer.lightmapScaleOffset = info.lightmapOffsetScale;




    [UnityEditor.MenuItem("Assets/Bake Prefab Lightmaps")]

    static void GenerateLightmapInfo ()


        if (UnityEditor.Lightmapping.giWorkflowMode != UnityEditor.Lightmapping.GIWorkflowMode.OnDemand)


            Debug.LogError("ExtractLightmapData requires that you have baked you lightmaps and Auto mode is disabled.");




        PrefabLightmapData[] prefabs = FindObjectsOfType<PrefabLightmapData>();

        foreach (var instance in prefabs)


            var gameObject = instance.gameObject;

            var rendererInfos = new List<RendererInfo>();

            var lightmaps = new List<Texture2D>();

            GenerateLightmapInfo(gameObject, rendererInfos, lightmaps);

            instance.m_RendererInfo = rendererInfos.ToArray();

            instance.m_Lightmaps = lightmaps.ToArray();

            var targetPrefab = UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(gameObject) as GameObject;

            if (targetPrefab != null)


                UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(gameObject, targetPrefab);




    static void GenerateLightmapInfo (GameObject root, List<RendererInfo> rendererInfos, List<Texture2D> lightmaps)


        var renderers = root.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>();

        foreach (MeshRenderer renderer in renderers)


            if (renderer.lightmapIndex != -1)


                RendererInfo info = new RendererInfo();

                info.renderer = renderer;

                info.lightmapOffsetScale = renderer.lightmapScaleOffset;


                Texture2D lightmap = LightmapSettings.lightmaps[renderer.lightmapIndex].lightmapColor;


                info.lightmapIndex = lightmaps.IndexOf(lightmap);

                if (info.lightmapIndex == -1)


                    info.lightmapIndex = lightmaps.Count;














   public class LightMapAsset : ScriptableObject
       public Texture2D[] lightmapFar;
       public Texture2D[] lightmapNear;

   // 制作Asset
   LightMapAsset lightmapAsset =ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<LightMapAsset>();
   int Count = LightmapSettings.lightmaps.Length;
   lightmapAsset.lightmapFar = new Texture2D[Count];
   lightmapAsset.lightmapNear = new Texture2D[iCount];

   for(int i=0; i<iCount; ++i)
       // 这里把直接把lightmap纹理存起来
       lightmapAsset.lightmapFar =LightmapSettings.lightmaps.lightmapFar;
       lightmapAsset.lightmapNear =LightmapSettings.lightmaps.lightmapNear;

   AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(asset, “Assets/”+AssetName);

   UnityEngine.Object obj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(“Assets/” +AssetName, typeof(LightMapAsset));

   // 打包
   string ExportTargetPath = Application.dataPath + “/” + targetPath;

   if (!File.Exists(ExportTargetPath))

    string lightmapBundleName = SceneName + “_lightmap.bundle”;
    BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(obj, null, ExportTargetPath +lightmapBundleName.ToLower());

    // 删除临时文件
    AssetName = SceneName + “_lightmap.asset”;
    AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(“Assets/” + AssetName);

   // 在游戏运行时恢复Lightmap数据就非常简单了,下面测试代码片段
   if (info.www.assetBundle.mainAsset is LightMapAsset)
       LightMapAsset lightmapAsset = info.www.assetBundle.mainAsset asLightMapAsset;
       int Count = lightmapAsset.lightmapFar.Length;
       LightmapData[] lightmapDatas = newLightmapData[Count];

        for(int i=0; i<Count; ++i)
           LightmapData Lightmap = newLightmapData();
           Lightmap.lightmapFar =lightmapAsset.lightmapFar;
           Lightmap.lightmapNear =lightmapAsset.lightmapNear;
           lightmapDatas = Lightmap;
       LightmapSettings.lightmaps = lightmapDatas;





unity5 里面,当场景里的物体保存成Prefab之后,LightMap的信息就会丢失。所以最后就写了个脚本,把每个Render里的lightmap纪录下来,当prefab实例化之后,重新设置。



注意事项:检查下是否勾选了 Static -> BatchingStatic ,如果勾选了,一定要去除勾选 

using UnityEngine; 

using System.Collections; 

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine.Rendering;


public class PrefabLightmapData :MonoBehaviour {




       publicstruct RendererInfo 


              publicRenderer     renderer; 

              publicint          lightmapIndex; 

              publicVector4      lightmapOffsetScale; 





       publicstruct FogInfo 


              publicbool         fog; 

              publicFogMode      fogMode; 

              publicColor        fogColor;

              publicfloat        fogStartDistance;

              publicfloat        fogEndDistance;

              publicfloat           fogDensity;




       publicFogInfo fogInfo;

       publicList<RendererInfo> m_RendererInfo;

       publicList<Texture2D> lightmapNear;

       publicList<Texture2D> lightmapFar;

       publicLightmapData[] lightmapData;

       publicLightmapsMode lightmapsMode;



       publicTerrain terrain;

       publicRendererInfo terrainRendererInfo;




       publicvoid SetUp(){ 

              lightmapData= new LightmapData[lightmapNear.Count > lightmapFar.Count ?lightmapNear.Count : lightmapFar.Count];

              for(inti = 0; i < lightmapData.Length; i ++){


                     lightmapData[i].lightmapFar= i < lightmapFar.Count ? lightmapFar[i] : null;

                     lightmapData[i].lightmapNear= i < lightmapNear.Count ? lightmapNear[i] : null;


              LightmapSettings.lightmapsMode= lightmapsMode;



              RenderSettings.fog= fogInfo.fog;

              RenderSettings.fogMode= fogInfo.fogMode;

              RenderSettings.fogColor= fogInfo.fogColor;

              RenderSettings.fogStartDistance= fogInfo.fogStartDistance;

              RenderSettings.fogEndDistance= fogInfo.fogEndDistance;

              RenderSettings.fogDensity= fogInfo.fogDensity;





       publicvoid SaveData(){ 




       publicvoid SaveLightmap()


              fogInfo= new FogInfo ();

              fogInfo.fog= RenderSettings.fog;

              fogInfo.fogMode= RenderSettings.fogMode;

              fogInfo.fogColor= RenderSettings.fogColor;

              fogInfo.fogStartDistance= RenderSettings.fogStartDistance;

              fogInfo.fogEndDistance= RenderSettings.fogEndDistance;


              lightmapNear= new List<Texture2D>();

              lightmapFar= new List<Texture2D>();

              for(inti = 0; i < LightmapSettings.lightmaps.Length; i ++){

                     LightmapDatadata = LightmapSettings.lightmaps[i];

                     if(data.lightmapNear!= null){




                     if(data.lightmapFar!= null){




              m_RendererInfo= new List<RendererInfo> ();

              varrenderers = GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>(); 

              foreach(MeshRenderer r in renderers) { 

                     if(r.lightmapIndex != -1) { 

                            RendererInfoinfo = new RendererInfo(); 

                            info.renderer= r; 

                            info.lightmapOffsetScale= r.lightmapScaleOffset; 

                            info.lightmapIndex= r.lightmapIndex; 





              terrain= GetComponentInChildren<Terrain> ();

              if(terrain != null) {

                     terrainRendererInfo= new RendererInfo();

                     terrainRendererInfo.lightmapOffsetScale= terrain.lightmapScaleOffset; 

                     terrainRendererInfo.lightmapIndex= terrain.lightmapIndex; 


              lightmapsMode= LightmapSettings.lightmapsMode;



       publicvoid LoadLightmap() 


              if(m_RendererInfo.Count <= 0) return; 


              if(terrain != null) {

                     terrain.lightmapScaleOffset= terrainRendererInfo.lightmapOffsetScale;

                     terrain.lightmapIndex= terrainRendererInfo.lightmapIndex;



              foreach(var item in m_RendererInfo) { 

                     item.renderer.lightmapIndex= item.lightmapIndex; 

                     item.renderer.lightmapScaleOffset= item.lightmapOffsetScale; 















首先推荐一篇文章,将的非常不错  http://www.edy.es/dev/docs/unity-5-lighting-cookbook/



3、在Lighting--Scene面板中,注意几个Intensity参数。他们会影响最终的烘焙效果。  比如Ambient Intensity调大些环境光就会对场景造成影响,如果需要某些阴暗、蓝色、红色的场景,可以设置这里,一样的场景可以烘出不一样的效果。


4、在Lighting--Object面板中,如果选择好一个3D模型,会有一些参数设置,其中有一个Scale In Lightmap,通过调整这个值,可以控制该物体在Lightmap中所占的纹理大小。比如调整成0.1,则此物体的光照纹理就只有原来的十分之一,而调整成0,则此物体虽然可以产生阴影,但是不接收任何光照信息。



6、Unity5.3之前的版本有Bug。使用General GI---Directional进行烘焙的话,阴影无法显示。这个是因为Directional只支持Opengles3.0以及SM3.0以上的显卡和设备。当不支持时没有Fallback到Non-Directional,就出问题了。   一般来说这里选择Non-Directional就好了。

7、最终烘焙出来的效果,跟实时光照有一些初入。尤其是考虑到PBR的时候(Standard shader)。这个只能通过参数一步一步来调整。不过烘出一个效果可以接受的场景就好了,也没有必要追求一模一样。毕竟是完全不同的光照系统。



The source project for the screenshotsin this article is hosted at GitHub.

Standard realtime lighting

Standard realtime lighting includesambient light, environment reflection and realtime lights and shadows.It doesn’t require any GI or precomputed stuff whatsoever. Both optionsPrecomputed Realtime GI and Baked GI are disabled in Lighting > Scene.


1) Ambient Light

Equally affects all objects.

Ambient Source (Skybox, Gradient, Color)and Intensity

2) Environment Reflection

Reflected path that changes with theangle of the camera. Applied independently of Ambient. Affects the Fresnel effectas well.

If Reflection Probes are used theybecome the Reflection Source and Intensity for the objects under theirinfluence, so the global reflection settings don’t have effect on theseobjects. Reflection Bounces define how much times the reflection can bounceamong several probes (i.e. a probe capturing the objects under the influence ofanother probe).


Left: Reflection Source (Skybox,Cubemap), Resolution and Reflection Intensity.
Right: A Reflection Probe affects this object, so the global EnvironmentReflection Source doesn’t affect this mesh.

3) Standard Lights

All standard realtime lights in thescene apply direct lighting and shadows on the objects.

The first Directional Light in the sceneis considered as Sun by default. The default Skybox getsits intensity and color adjusted depending on theSun’s horizontal inclination. Alternatively, a specific directional lightcan be selected as Sun for affecting the default Skybox:


Precomputed realtime lighting

Precomputed realtime lighting throwsin light bounces, color bleeding, and emissive materials in real time.Everything can change dynamically (light color and intensity, material color,material emission, etc) an the lighting gets updated in the scene accordinglyin real time.

Lighting > Scene > PrecomputedRealtime GI enabled, Baked GI disabled.


4) Light Bounces

Each light is configured to bounce offof objects and affect others.

5) Emissive Materials

Objects flagged as Staticcontaining an emissive material emit light according to their geometry.


Precomputed realtime lighting iscalculated on the scene objects flagged as Static. Aprecompute phase is triggered whenever the Transform of any objectmarked as Static is modified, or when the Static flag itself changes.

The parameter Lighting > Scene >Precomputed Realtime GI > Realtime Resolution directlyaffects the time it will take to precompute the data. It’s ok to use values aslow as 0.01 – 0.5 for allow quickly prototyping while working inthe Editor.

CPU Usage affects the reactions of thedynamic light changes in runtime. It doesn’t affect the CPU used for baking theprecomputed data in the editor.

Light bouncing and material emissionaffect static objects only. Light probes must be used forthe precomputed effects to be applied on dynamic objects aswell.

Ambient Light in precomputed realtimelighting

Ambient Light affects the parts ofthe static geometry that can be reached “from the exterior” by the light.Backfaces also count here. For instance, at interior scenes where thestatic geometry defines a closed hull, the ambient light won’t have effect atall in the static meshes. Any “gaps” or parts that are reachable from theexterior of the static geometry will be affected by the Ambient Lightaccordingly.

Baked lightmaps

Ambient Light, Standard Lights (baked ormixed), Light Bounces and Emissive Materias are baked into lightmap textures.Only Environment Reflection can change in runtime.

Lighting > Scene > BakedGI enabled, Precomputed Realtime GI disabled.


Standard Lights should be configured asBaked or Mixed for allowing to seamlessly switching among Bake only andRealtime only GI modes.

The parameter Lighting > Scene >Baked GI > Baked Resolution directly affects thetime it will take the lightmap to be generated. It’s ok to use values as low as1-4 for quickly prototyping while working in the Editor.

Modifying any parameter involved inlighting (Ambient Light, Standard Lights, Light Bounces, Emissive Materias) ormodifying any Static object will trigger a new lightmap calculation phase.

General GI settings

The Indirect Light isthe lighting effect of Ambient Light, Light Bounces and Emissive Materials(effect on nearby objects, not the emissive objects themselves), butnot Environment Reflection. Scene Window > Irradiance showsthe Indirect Light in the scene:

These settings affect the IndirectLight in both realtime and baked modes:

·        Indirect intensity: Scales the indirect lighting(ambient + bounces + emissive)

·        Bounce Boost: How strong the light bounces fromone surface to the next. The bounced light is multiplied by the albedo of thesurface intensified by this setting.

These settings affect the BakedGI mode only:

·        Directional mode: whether to store directional andspecular information in the lightmaps in Baked GI mode.

·        Atlas size: size of the lightmaps in Baked GI mode.

Combining different lighting methods

The tutorial Unity 5 – Lighting and Rendering is amust-read for understanding the insights of the Global Illumination (GI)in Unity 5. The quotes here are extracted from this tutorial.

Precomputed realtime lighting+ Baked lightmaps

It’s not a good idea, even given thatboth are enabled by default:

Although it is possible tosimultaneously use Baked GI lighting and Precomputed Realtime GI, be wary thatthe performance cost associated with rendering both systems simultaneously isthe sum of the cost of each of them. Not only do we have to store both sets oflightmaps in video memory, but we also pay the processing cost of decoding bothin shaders.

[…] The decision on which approachto take will have to be evaluated based on the nature of your particularproject and desired target platform. Remember that when targeting a range ofdifferent hardware, that often it is the least performant which will determinewhich approach is needed.

Standard realtime lighthting+ Baked lightmaps

This is aconvenient method for static and dynamic objects under the sameconstant lighting conditions:

Selecting the ‘Mixed’ baking mode [inthe Light component], GameObjects marked as static will still include thislight in their Baked GI lightmaps. However, unlike lights marked as ‘Baked’,Mixed lights will still contribute realtime, direct light to non-staticGameObjects within your scene. This can be useful in cases where you are usinglightmaps in your static environment, but you still want a character to use thesesame lights to cast realtime shadows onto lightmapped geometry.

Generating lightmap files

By default lightmap files are generatedand stored internally each time a lightmap calculation phase is triggered (i.e.by moving static elements).

Lightmaps can be calculated manually bydisabling the Auto checkbox in the Lighting window, thenclicking the Build button. The generated files are storedin a folder with the same name as the scene they belong to. Baked data includeslightmaps and reflection probes.

The parameters DirectionalMode and Atlas Size at the General GI sectionaffect the type and number of the lightmap files.






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