UE4 Particle Module Technical Guide

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A particle system in Unreal Editor 4 (UE4) consists of any number of particle emitters, each of which contains modules that effect how its particles behave. Extending the system with custom modules and emitter types is quite simple and this doc will give examples of how to do so.

The ParticleModule base class

All particle modules derive from the same base class, ParticleModule (defined in //depot/UE4/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/Particles/Modules/ParticleModule.h).

Member Variables

The ParticleModule class contains the following member variables:

Variable Overview
bSpawnModule Boolean indicating if the module requires spawning particles be piped through it (i.e., the Spawn()/SpawnEditor()functions do something). The default value is false.
bUpdateModule Boolean indicating if the module requires updating particles be piped through it (i.e., theUpdate()/UpdateEditor() functions do something). The default value is false.
bCurvesAsColor Boolean indicating if the distribution (curve) properties in the module contain color data. When true, curves drawn in the curve editor will display their current color rather than the assigned ModuleEditorColor. The default value is false.
b3DDrawMode Boolean indicating that the module should render its 3D visualization helper. The default value is false.
bSupported3DDrawMode Boolean indicating the module supports rendering a 3D visualization helper (i.e., the Render3DPreview() function does something). The default value is false.
bEnabled Boolean indicating if the module is enabled or not. The default value is true.
bEditable Boolean indicating the module was enabled by the designer. Used in LOD levels to determine if lower LOD levels were modified. The default value is true.
ModuleEditorColor The color associated with the module. Curves from the module drawn in the curve editor will display using this color.

When bCurvesAsColor is enabled, the curves will be drawn with the actual color value they represent.

ModuleType enumeration is also defined in this class. This type indicates what types of emitters can use the module. The following table gives a description of the available types:

Type (EPMT) Description
General A general module that is usable by all emitter types.
TypeData The module is a TypeData module - dictating the emitter class that gets instanced.
Beam The module is only usable by beam emitters.
Trail The module is only usable by trail emitters.

Member Functions

The ParticleModule class contains several virtual member functions that provide the points of interest when writing your own modules. (There are numerous other member functions, but they are not relevant to the topic of custom modules and so will not be discussed.) These are listed below:

Function Overview
void Spawn(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float SpawnTime) Called on a particle that is freshly spawned by the emitter. This is where the module can set/modify initial values for each particle as they are created.
void Update(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float DeltaTime) Called on a particle that is being updated by its emitter. This is where the module can perform operations on particles that are being updated, such as altering its color or velocity.
uint32 RequiredBytes(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner = NULL) Returns the number of bytes that the module requires in the particle payload block. This allows for the module to store some data it requires per-particle.
uint32 RequiredBytesPerInstance(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner = NULL) Returns the number of bytes the module requires in the emitters per-instance data block. This allows for the module to store some data it requires per-emitter instance.
virtual void CompileModule( struct FParticleEmitterBuildInfo& EmitterInfo ) CompileModule() must be implemented for modules that can be used with GPU particle emitters. The module should modify the emitter info struct to apply the effects of the module to the simulation.

Creating a Custom Module

Writing a custom module simply involves overriding the functions mentioned above to implement the desired effect. As an example, a module that implements setting the particle color to the base color times the velocity scaled by some distribution-generated factor will be created.

The base class of the module defines the heading it will go under in the right-click module menu of Cascade. So, in our example, we will want to derive from the ParticleModuleColorBase class to ensure that the module shows up in the Color sub-menu.

Module Declaration

public class UParticleModuleColorByVelocity : public UParticleModuleColorBase

     *   This is the value to scale each corresponding velocity element by prior
     *   to setting it as the color. The value is retrieved using the 
     *   Particle.RelativeTime.
     *   For example, if the ScaleVelocity was (0.25,0.5,1.0) and the velocity
     *   was (2.0,2.0,0.0), then the particle color would be set to (0.5,1.0,0.0);

    var(Color)   rawdistributionvector   ScaleVelocity;

       virtual void   Spawn(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float SpawnTime);
       virtual void   Update(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float DeltaTime);

Things to note:

  1. The module is marked to operate on particles in both the spawning and updating phases (bSpawnModule and bUpdateModule are both set to true).

  2. Our module does not require per-particle or per-instance data, so we do not have the RequiredBytes*() functions overridden.

This example requires that the emitter has an InitialColor module before the ColorByVelocity module in the emitter module stack. It also requires the particle emitter uses a material that utilizes the VertexColor expression in order to show the particle color being manipulated.

Module Implementation

The constructor creates a DistributionVectorConstant to assign to ScaleVelocity and tells the engine that it should handle both spawning and updating particles.

UParticleModuleColorByVelocity::UParticleModuleColorByVelocity(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer)
    bSpawnModule = true;
    bUpdateModule = true;

    UDistributionVectorConstant* DistributionScaleVelocity = ConstructorHelpers::CreateDefaultSubobject<UDistributionVectorConstant>(this, TEXT("DistributionScaleVelocity"));
    DistributionScaleVelocity->Constant = FVector(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    ScaleVelocity.Distribution = DistributionScaleVelocity;

In the Spawn() function, the code will be setting up any initial effect it has on particles. Not every module will require a Spawn() call, but this one does.

void UParticleModuleColorByVelocity::Spawn(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float SpawnTime)
      FVector ColorScale    = ScaleVelocity.GetValue(Particle.RelativeTime, Owner->Component);
      Particle.Color        = FLinearColor(
                                            Particle.BaseColor.R * Particle.Velocity.X * ColorScale.X,
                                            Particle.BaseColor.G * Particle.Velocity.Y * ColorScale.Y,
                                            Particle.BaseColor.B * Particle.Velocity.Z * ColorScale.Z);

The Spawn() function retrieves the ScaleVelocity value from the distribution using the Particle.RelativeTime. This value is multiplied by the velocity to give the scaled velocity value. The Particle.Color is then set to the BaseColor multiplied by the result of the scaled velocity calculation.

SPAWN_INIT is a macro which sets up a FBaseParticle reference to the particle being spawned, as well as some other commonly used values when accessing particle data, such as offset tracking into the particle payload, etc. For full details, please refer to//depot/UE4/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Public/ParticleHelper.h.

This is a destructive module in that it sets the Particle.Color directly. Any module that came before it that only modified theParticle.Color would be pointless. However, if it modified the BaseColor as well, such as the InitialColor module, then it would still have an impact.

The Update() function in this particular module is more or less identical to the Spawn(). The difference is that each active particle is updated in a single loop.

void UParticleModuleColorByVelocity::Update(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float DeltaTime)
      FVector ColorScale    = ScaleVelocity.GetValue(Particle.RelativeTime, Owner->Component);
      Particle.Color        = FLinearColor(
                                             Particle.BaseColor.R * Particle.Velocity.X * ColorScale.X,
                                             Particle.BaseColor.G * Particle.Velocity.Y * ColorScale.Y,
                                             Particle.BaseColor.B * Particle.Velocity.Z * ColorScale.Z);

BEGIN_UPDATE_LOOP/END_UPDATE_LOOP are macros that set up a code block that loops through all active particles and executes the code contained between them on each particle. See UnParticleHelper.h for full details.

The following screen shot shows the ColorByVelocity module in action. The InitialVelocity of the particles is randomly set to [(0,0,0),(200,200,0)]. The InitialColor of each particle is set to white. The VelocityScale value of the ColorByVelocity is set to a constant of (0.005, 0.005, 0). This results in each particle having its color set to:

Velocity * VelocityScale


A particle system in Unreal Editor 4 (UE4) consists of any number of particle emitters, each of which contains modules that effect how its particles behave. Extending the system with custom modules and emitter types is quite simple and this doc will give examples of how to do so.

The ParticleModule base class

All particle modules derive from the same base class, ParticleModule (defined in //depot/UE4/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/Particles/Modules/ParticleModule.h).

Member Variables

The ParticleModule class contains the following member variables:

Variable Overview
bSpawnModule Boolean indicating if the module requires spawning particles be piped through it (i.e., the Spawn()/SpawnEditor()functions do something). The default value is false.
bUpdateModule Boolean indicating if the module requires updating particles be piped through it (i.e., theUpdate()/UpdateEditor() functions do something). The default value is false.
bCurvesAsColor Boolean indicating if the distribution (curve) properties in the module contain color data. When true, curves drawn in the curve editor will display their current color rather than the assigned ModuleEditorColor. The default value is false.
b3DDrawMode Boolean indicating that the module should render its 3D visualization helper. The default value is false.
bSupported3DDrawMode Boolean indicating the module supports rendering a 3D visualization helper (i.e., the Render3DPreview() function does something). The default value is false.
bEnabled Boolean indicating if the module is enabled or not. The default value is true.
bEditable Boolean indicating the module was enabled by the designer. Used in LOD levels to determine if lower LOD levels were modified. The default value is true.
ModuleEditorColor The color associated with the module. Curves from the module drawn in the curve editor will display using this color.

When bCurvesAsColor is enabled, the curves will be drawn with the actual color value they represent.

ModuleType enumeration is also defined in this class. This type indicates what types of emitters can use the module. The following table gives a description of the available types:

Type (EPMT) Description
General A general module that is usable by all emitter types.
TypeData The module is a TypeData module - dictating the emitter class that gets instanced.
Beam The module is only usable by beam emitters.
Trail The module is only usable by trail emitters.

Member Functions

The ParticleModule class contains several virtual member functions that provide the points of interest when writing your own modules. (There are numerous other member functions, but they are not relevant to the topic of custom modules and so will not be discussed.) These are listed below:

Function Overview
void Spawn(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float SpawnTime) Called on a particle that is freshly spawned by the emitter. This is where the module can set/modify initial values for each particle as they are created.
void Update(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float DeltaTime) Called on a particle that is being updated by its emitter. This is where the module can perform operations on particles that are being updated, such as altering its color or velocity.
uint32 RequiredBytes(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner = NULL) Returns the number of bytes that the module requires in the particle payload block. This allows for the module to store some data it requires per-particle.
uint32 RequiredBytesPerInstance(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner = NULL) Returns the number of bytes the module requires in the emitters per-instance data block. This allows for the module to store some data it requires per-emitter instance.
virtual void CompileModule( struct FParticleEmitterBuildInfo& EmitterInfo ) CompileModule() must be implemented for modules that can be used with GPU particle emitters. The module should modify the emitter info struct to apply the effects of the module to the simulation.

Creating a Custom Module

Writing a custom module simply involves overriding the functions mentioned above to implement the desired effect. As an example, a module that implements setting the particle color to the base color times the velocity scaled by some distribution-generated factor will be created.

The base class of the module defines the heading it will go under in the right-click module menu of Cascade. So, in our example, we will want to derive from the ParticleModuleColorBase class to ensure that the module shows up in the Color sub-menu.

Module Declaration

public class UParticleModuleColorByVelocity : public UParticleModuleColorBase

     *   This is the value to scale each corresponding velocity element by prior
     *   to setting it as the color. The value is retrieved using the 
     *   Particle.RelativeTime.
     *   For example, if the ScaleVelocity was (0.25,0.5,1.0) and the velocity
     *   was (2.0,2.0,0.0), then the particle color would be set to (0.5,1.0,0.0);

    var(Color)   rawdistributionvector   ScaleVelocity;

       virtual void   Spawn(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float SpawnTime);
       virtual void   Update(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float DeltaTime);

Things to note:

  1. The module is marked to operate on particles in both the spawning and updating phases (bSpawnModule and bUpdateModule are both set to true).

  2. Our module does not require per-particle or per-instance data, so we do not have the RequiredBytes*() functions overridden.

This example requires that the emitter has an InitialColor module before the ColorByVelocity module in the emitter module stack. It also requires the particle emitter uses a material that utilizes the VertexColor expression in order to show the particle color being manipulated.

Module Implementation

The constructor creates a DistributionVectorConstant to assign to ScaleVelocity and tells the engine that it should handle both spawning and updating particles.

UParticleModuleColorByVelocity::UParticleModuleColorByVelocity(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer)
    bSpawnModule = true;
    bUpdateModule = true;

    UDistributionVectorConstant* DistributionScaleVelocity = ConstructorHelpers::CreateDefaultSubobject<UDistributionVectorConstant>(this, TEXT("DistributionScaleVelocity"));
    DistributionScaleVelocity->Constant = FVector(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    ScaleVelocity.Distribution = DistributionScaleVelocity;

In the Spawn() function, the code will be setting up any initial effect it has on particles. Not every module will require a Spawn() call, but this one does.

void UParticleModuleColorByVelocity::Spawn(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float SpawnTime)
      FVector ColorScale    = ScaleVelocity.GetValue(Particle.RelativeTime, Owner->Component);
      Particle.Color        = FLinearColor(
                                            Particle.BaseColor.R * Particle.Velocity.X * ColorScale.X,
                                            Particle.BaseColor.G * Particle.Velocity.Y * ColorScale.Y,
                                            Particle.BaseColor.B * Particle.Velocity.Z * ColorScale.Z);

The Spawn() function retrieves the ScaleVelocity value from the distribution using the Particle.RelativeTime. This value is multiplied by the velocity to give the scaled velocity value. The Particle.Color is then set to the BaseColor multiplied by the result of the scaled velocity calculation.

SPAWN_INIT is a macro which sets up a FBaseParticle reference to the particle being spawned, as well as some other commonly used values when accessing particle data, such as offset tracking into the particle payload, etc. For full details, please refer to//depot/UE4/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Public/ParticleHelper.h.

This is a destructive module in that it sets the Particle.Color directly. Any module that came before it that only modified theParticle.Color would be pointless. However, if it modified the BaseColor as well, such as the InitialColor module, then it would still have an impact.

The Update() function in this particular module is more or less identical to the Spawn(). The difference is that each active particle is updated in a single loop.

void UParticleModuleColorByVelocity::Update(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float DeltaTime)
      FVector ColorScale    = ScaleVelocity.GetValue(Particle.RelativeTime, Owner->Component);
      Particle.Color        = FLinearColor(
                                             Particle.BaseColor.R * Particle.Velocity.X * ColorScale.X,
                                             Particle.BaseColor.G * Particle.Velocity.Y * ColorScale.Y,
                                             Particle.BaseColor.B * Particle.Velocity.Z * ColorScale.Z);

BEGIN_UPDATE_LOOP/END_UPDATE_LOOP are macros that set up a code block that loops through all active particles and executes the code contained between them on each particle. See UnParticleHelper.h for full details.

The following screen shot shows the ColorByVelocity module in action. The InitialVelocity of the particles is randomly set to [(0,0,0),(200,200,0)]. The InitialColor of each particle is set to white. The VelocityScale value of the ColorByVelocity is set to a constant of (0.005, 0.005, 0). This results in each particle having its color set to:

Velocity * VelocityScale


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