


1.《Siamese Neural Networks for One-shot Image Recognition》
  网络名称:Siamese Network
2.《Matching Networks for One Shot Learning》
  网络名称:Matching Network
3.《Prototypical Networks for Few-shot Learning》
  网络名称:Prototypical Network
4.《Learning to Compare: Relation Network for Few-Shot Learning》
  网络名称:Relation Network
5.《Finding Task-Relevant Features for Few-Shot Learning by Category Traversal》
6.《Variational Prototyping-Encoder: One-Shot Learning with Prototypical Images》
7.《RepMet: Representative-based metric learning for classification and few-shot object detection》
8.《Revisiting Local Descriptor based Image-to-Class Measure for Few-shot Learning》
9.《Few-Shot Learning with Localization in Realistic Settings》
10.《Dense Classification and Implanting for Few-Shot Learning》
11.《TADAM: Task dependent adaptive metric for improved few-shot learning》
12.《Power Normalizing Second-order Similarity Network for Few-shot Learning》
13.《Few-Shot Learning with Metric-Agnostic Conditional Embeddings》
14.《Improved Few-Shot Visual Classification》
  网络名称:Simple CNAPS
15.《DeepEMD: Few-Shot Image Classification with Differentiable Earth Mover’s Distance and Structured Classifier》
16.《Boosting Few-Shot Learning with Adaptive Margin Loss》
17.《Adaptive Subspaces for Few-Shot Learning》
18.《Learning Embedding Adaptation for Few-Shot Learning》
19.《TapNet: Neural Network Augmented with Task-Adaptive Projection for Few-Shot Learning》
20.《Few-Shot Learning with Embedded Class Models and Shot-Free Meta Training》
  文章来源:ICCV 2019
21.《Few-Shot Learning with Graph Neural Networks》
22.《Transductive Episodic-Wise Adaptive Metric for Few-Shot Learning》
23.《Few-Shot Learning with Global Class Representations》
24.《PARN: Position-Aware Relation Networks for Few-Shot Learning》
25.《Edge-Labeling Graph Neural Network for Few-shot Learning》
26.《DPGN: Distribution Propagation Graph Network for Few-shot Learning》
27.《Adaptive Cross-Modal Few-shot Learning》
28.《Self-attention relation network for few-shot learning》
29.《Principal characteristic networks for few-shot learning》
  文章来源:Journal Of Visual Communication And Image Representation
30.《Instance-Level Embedding Adaptation for Few-Shot Learning》
  文章来源:IEEE Access
31.《Generative Adversarial Residual Pairwise Networks for One Shot Learning 》
32.《Deep Triplet Ranking Networks for One-Shot Recognition》
  网络名称:Triplet Ranking Networks
33.《Large Margin Few-Shot Learning》
34.《Distribution Consistency Based Covariance Metric Networks for Few-Shot Learning》
  文章来源:AAAI 2019
35 .《RelationNet2: Deep Comparison Columns for Few-Shot Learning》


1.《Optimization as A Model for Few-shot Learning》
  网络名称:Meta-Learner LSTM
2.《Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation of Deep Networks》
3.《Meta-SGD: Learning to Learn Quickly for Few-Shot Learning》
4.《Task-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Few-shot Learning》
5.《On First-Order Meta-Learning Algorithms》
6.《Deep Meta-Learning: Learning to Learn in the Concept Space》
7.《Meta-Learning of Neural Architectures for Few-Shot Learning》
8.《Attentive Weights Generation for Few Shot Learning via Information Maximization》
9.《Meta-learning with Latent Embedding Optimization》
10.《Meta-learning with differentiable closed-form solvers》
11.《MetAdapt: Meta-Learned Task-Adaptive Architecture for Few-Shot Classification》
12.《Gradient-Based Meta-Learning with Learned Layerwise Metric and Subspace》
13.《Auto-Meta: Automated Gradient Based Meta Learner Search》


1.《Meta-Learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks》
2.《Meta Networks》
3.《Learning to remember rare events》
4.《Memory Matching Networks for One-Shot Image Recognition》
5.《Dynamic Few-Shot Visual Learning without Forgetting》


1.《Low-Shot Visual Recognition by Shrinking and Hallucinating Features》
2.《Meta-learning for semi-supervised few-shot classification》
3.《LaSO: Label-Set Operations networks for multi-label few-shot learning》
4.《Image Deformation Meta-Networks for One-Shot Learning》
5.《Few-shot Learning via Saliency-guided Hallucination of Samples》
6.《Low-Shot Learning from Imaginary Data》
7.《Instance Credibility Inference for Few-Shot Learning》
8.《Adversarial Feature Hallucination Networks for Few-Shot Learning》
9.《∆-encoder: an effective sample synthesis method for few-shot object recognition》


1.《Large-Scale Few-Shot Learning: Knowledge Transfer With Class Hierarchy》
2.《Generalized Zero- and Few-Shot Learning via Aligned Variational Autoencoders》
3.《TAFE-Net: Task-Aware Feature Embeddings for Low Shot Learning》
4.《Baby Steps Towards Few-Shot Learning with Multiple Semantics》
5.《Semantic Feature Augmentation in Few-shot Learning》

6.《Learning Compositional Representations for Few-Shot Recognition》
7.《Few-Shot Image Recognition with Knowledge Transfer》


1.《Active One-shot Learning》
2.《Spot and Learn: A Maximum-Entropy Patch Sampler for Few-Shot Image Classification》
3.《Meta-Learning with Temporal Convolutions》/《A simple neural attentive meta-learner》
4.《Meta-Transfer Learning for Few-Shot Learning》
5.《Learning to propagate labels: Transductive propagation network for few-shot learning》
6.《Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning》
7.《Learning to Select Base Classes for Few-shot Classification》
8.《TransMatch: A Transfer-Learning Scheme for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning》
9.《A closer look at few-shot classification》
10.《Low-Shot Learning with Imprinted Weights》
  文章来源:CVPR 2018
11.《Boosting Few-Shot Visual Learning with Self-Supervision》
  文章来源:ICCV 2019
12.《Diversity with Cooperation: Ensemble Methods for Few-Shot Classification》
13.《SimpleShot: Revisiting Nearest-Neighbor Classification for Few-Shot Learning》
14.《Few-shot Classification via Adaptive Attention》
15.《Few-Shot Image Recognition by Predicting Parameters from Activations》
  文章来源:CVPR 2018
16.《Generating Classification Weights with GNN Denoising Autoencoders for Few-Shot Learning》
17.《Few-Shot Learning Through an Information Retrieval Lens》


1.《One-Shot Learning for Semantic Segmentation》
2.《Conditional networks for few-shot semantic segmentation》
3.《CANet: Class-Agnostic Segmentation Networks with Iterative Refinement and Attentive Few-Shot Learning》
4.《PANet: Few-Shot Image Semantic Segmentation with Prototype Alignment》


1.《LSTD: A Low-Shot Transfer Detector for Object Detection》
2.《Few-Example Object Detection with Model Communication》
3.《Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection》
4.《Few-Shot Object Detection with Attention-RPN and Multi-Relation Detector》
5.《Few-shot Object Detection via Feature Reweighting》
6.《Meta R-CNN : Towards General Solver for Instance-level Low-shot Learning》
  网络名称:Meta R-CNN

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