
Solving SE2 Derivative by Perturbation Methodology

Wenqiang Li
December 13,2018


In this paper , we provide a perturbation methodology to solve the derivative of 2D transform, including transition and rotation. We denote ( x   y   θ ) (x\ y\ \theta) (x y θ) as our vehicle 2D-pose, as most of our project used.


In this section, We introduce the coordinate convention about the image point and the basic 2D matrix transformation. Then we derive its derivative by perturbation method. And finally we give a example of sliding window optimization as used in most of SLAM proble.

Corrdinate System

We denote the homogeneous coordinate ( u   v   1 ) (u\ v\ 1) (u v 1) as the point in the image . For convenient, we shift it by the image center ( c x   c y ) (c_{x}\ c_{y}) (cx cy) since its more convenient for 2D image transformation,as shown in (1). We use P ( u c   v c 1 ) P(u_{c}\ v_{c} 1) P(uc vc1) or P ( p c   1 ) P(p_{c}\ 1) P(pc 1) as 2D Point coordinates in the following derivatives.
(1) u c = u − c x v c = v − c y u_{c} = u - c_{x} \\ v_{c} = v - c_{y} \tag{1} uc=ucxvc=vcy(1)

2D Transformation Matrix

The transformation matrix   T ∈ S E ( 2 ) \ T \in SE(2)  TSE(2) of the pose ξ   ( x   y   θ ) ∈ s e ( 2 ) \xi\ (x\ y\ \theta) \in se(2) ξ (x y θ)se(2) is shown as (2),we use it to transform a image point p c ( u c   v c   1 ) p_{c}(u_c\ v_c\ 1) pc(uc vc 1) from image coordinate to the wold coordinate.
(2) T = [ c o s ( θ ) − s i n ( θ ) x s i n ( θ ) c o s ( θ ) y 0 0 0 ] = [ R o t ( θ ) t 0 1 ] T = \left[ \begin{matrix} cos(\theta) & -sin(\theta) & x \\ sin(\theta) & cos(\theta) & y \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{matrix} \right] = \left[ \begin{matrix} Rot(\theta) & t \\ 0 & 1 \\ \end{matrix} \right] \tag{2} T=cos(θ)sin(θ)0sin(θ)cos(θ)0xy0=[Rot(θ)0t1](2)
We the right presentation of equation (1) since its more compact.The inverse of T is shown in (3).
(3) T − 1 = [ R o t ( − θ ) − R o t ( − θ ) t 0 1 ] T^{-1} = \left[ \begin{matrix} Rot(-\theta) & -Rot(-\theta) t \\ 0 & 1 \\ \end{matrix} \right] \tag{3} T1=[Rot(θ)0Rot(θ)t1](3)

Derivative of 2D Transformation

In order to solve the derivative of the 2D transformation matrix, we firstly introduce the methodology of perturbation. Let’s first think of the question: To add a small update δ ξ   ( δ t   δ θ ) \delta \xi\ (\delta t\ \delta\theta) δξ (δt δθ) to the known pose ξ \xi ξ ,what manipulation shall we do to the transformation matrix ? The answer is show in (4).
(4) [ R o t ( θ ) R o t ( δ θ ) t + δ t 0 1 ] = [ R o t ( θ ) t 0 1 ] [ R o t ( δ θ ) R o t ( − θ ) δ t 0 1 ] \left[ \begin{matrix} Rot(\theta)Rot(\delta \theta) & t +\delta t \\ 0 & 1 \\ \end{matrix} \right] = \left[ \begin{matrix} Rot(\theta) & t \\ 0 & 1 \\ \end{matrix} \right] \left[ \begin{matrix} Rot(\delta \theta) & Rot(-\theta)\delta t \\ 0 & 1 \\ \end{matrix} \right] \tag{4} [Rot(θ)Rot(δθ)0t+δt1]=[Rot(θ)0t1][Rot(δθ)0Rot(θ)δt1](4)
For simplicity ,we use per ( ξ ) ( \xi) (ξ) denote mapping from a perturbation vector in se(2) to the right multiple matrix in SE(2) as shown in (5)
(5) p e r ( δ ξ ) = [ R o t ( δ θ ) R o t ( − θ ) δ t 0 1 ] per(\delta\xi)= \left[ \begin{matrix} Rot( \delta \theta) & Rot(-\theta)\delta t \\ 0 & 1 \end{matrix} \right] \tag{5} per(δξ)=[Rot(δθ)0Rot(θ)δt1](5)
So the derivative of 2d transformation T can be written as (6).
(6) ∂ T ∂ δ ξ = lim ⁡ ∂ δ ξ → 0 T p e r ( δ ξ ) P − T P δ ξ \frac{\partial T}{\partial \delta\xi} = \lim_{\partial \delta \xi \to 0} \frac{Tper(\delta\xi)P-TP}{\delta \xi} \tag{6} δξT=δξ0limδξTper(δξ)PTP(6)
When δ θ \delta\theta δθ is very small , R o t ( δ θ ) Rot(\delta\theta) Rot(δθ) can be approximated to (7).
(7) R o t ( δ θ ) = [ c o s ( δ θ ) − s i n ( δ θ ) s i n ( δ θ ) c o s ( δ θ ) ] = [ 1 − δ θ ) δ θ 1 ] = I + R o t ( π 2 ) δ θ Rot(\delta\theta)=\left[ \begin{matrix} cos(\delta\theta) & -sin(\delta\theta) \\ sin(\delta\theta) & cos(\delta\theta) \end{matrix} \right] \\= \left[ \begin{matrix} 1 & -\delta\theta) \\ \delta\theta & 1 \end{matrix} \right] \\ = I + Rot(\frac{\pi}{2})\delta\theta \tag{7} Rot(δθ)=[cos(δθ)sin(δθ)sin(δθ)cos(δθ)]=[1δθδθ)1]=I+Rot(2π)δθ(7)
Consequently (6) can expand as follow:
(8) ∂ T ∂ δ ξ = lim ⁡ ∂ δ ξ → 0 T p e r ( δ ξ ) P − T P δ ξ = lim ⁡ ∂ δ ξ → 0 [ R o t ( θ ) t 0 1 ] [ I + R o t ( π 2 ) δ θ R o t ( − θ ) δ t 0 1 ] [ p c 1 ] − [ R o t ( θ ) t 0 1 ] [ p c 1 ] δ ξ = [ R o t ( π 2 ) δ θ P c δ t ] δ ξ = [ I 2 × 2 R o t ( π 2 ) P c ] \frac{\partial T}{\partial \delta\xi} =\lim_{\partial \delta \xi \to 0} \frac{Tper(\delta\xi)P-TP} {\delta \xi} \\ =\lim_{\partial \delta\xi \to 0} \frac{ \left[ \begin{matrix} Rot(\theta) & t \\ 0 & 1 \\ \end{matrix} \right] \left[ \begin{matrix} I + Rot(\frac{\pi}{2})\delta\theta & Rot(-\theta)\delta t \\ 0& 1\\\end{matrix} \right] \left[ \begin{matrix} p_{c} \\1 \end{matrix} \right]- \left[\begin{matrix} Rot(\theta) & t \\ 0 & 1 \end{matrix}\right] \left[ \begin{matrix}p_{c} \\ 1 \\ \end{matrix}\right] }{\delta\xi} \\= \frac{ \left[\begin{matrix}Rot(\frac{\pi}{2})\delta\theta P_{c} & \delta t \\\end{matrix}\right] }{ \delta\xi } \\= \left[ \begin{matrix} I_{2\times 2} & Rot(\frac{\pi}{2}) P_{c} \end{matrix}\right]\tag{8} δξT=δξ0limδξTper(δξ)PTP=δξ0limδξ[Rot(θ)0t1][I+Rot(2π)δθ0Rot(θ)δt1][pc1][Rot(θ)0t1][pc1]=δξ[Rot(2π)δθPcδt]=[I2×2Rot(2π)Pc](8)
Note the order in δ ξ \delta\xi δξ is [ δ t   δ θ ] [\delta t\ \delta\theta] [δt δθ] corresponding to the transition and rotation perturbation.

Example on Sliding Window Optimization

Assume we have a serial pose ξ s i   i ∈ [ 1   n ] \xi_{si}\ i\in[1\ n] ξsi i[1 n] corresponding to sliding window, and current pose ξ c \xi_{c} ξc. Optimization process will adjust current pose making the cost function decrease.The cost function is shown in(9).
1 2 ∑ i = 1 n ∑ j ∣ ∣ e i ∣ ∣ 2 = 1 2 ∑ i = 1 n ∑ j ∣ ∣ I s ( ( T s i w ) − 1 T c w P j c ) − I c ( P j c ) ∣ ∣ 2 = 1 2 ∑ i = 1 n ∑ j ∣ ∣ I s ( ( T c s i ) P j c ) − I c ( P j c ) ∣ ∣ 2 = 1 2 ∑ i = 1 n ∑ j ∣ ∣ e ( ξ c s i ) ∣ ∣ 2 \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i =1}^{n}\sum_{j}||e_{i}||^{2} = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\sum_{j}||I_{s}( (T_{si}^{w})^{-1} T_{c}^{w}P_{j}^{c}) - I_{c}(P_{j}^{c})||^{2} \\= \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\sum_{j}|| I_{s}( (T_{c}^{si})P_{j}^{c} )- I_{c}(P_{j}^{c})||^{2} \\= \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\sum_{j}||e(\xi_{c}^{si})||^{2} 21i=1njei2=21i=1njIs((Tsiw)1TcwPjc)Ic(Pjc)2=21i=1njIs((Tcsi)Pjc)Ic(Pjc)2=21i=1nje(ξcsi)2
Note T c w T_{c}^{w} Tcw denote current pose which is going to be optimize, can also represent as e x p ( ξ c ) exp(\xi_{c}) exp(ξc). And T s i w T_{si}^{w} Tsiw denote the i t h i_{th} ith pose of sliding window. P j c P_{j}^{c} Pjc denote the point in the current image. T c s i T_{c}^{si} Tcsi is a multiple of T s i w − 1 T_{si}^{w -1} Tsiw1 and T c w T_{c}^{w} Tcw as shown in (9).
(9) T s i w − 1 T c w = [ R o t ( θ c − θ s i ) R o t ( − θ s i ) ( t c − t s i ) 0 1 ] T_{si}^{w -1} T_{c}^{w} = \left[\begin{matrix} Rot(\theta_{c}-\theta_{si}) & Rot(-\theta_{si})(t_{c}-t_{si}) \\ 0 & 1 \end{matrix}\right] \tag{9} Tsiw1Tcw=[Rot(θcθsi)0Rot(θsi)(tctsi)1](9)
Now we add perturbation to T c w T_{c}^{w} Tcw and use approximation of first order Taylor expand as shown in (10):
(10) e ( ξ c s i ⊕ δ ξ c ) = I s ( T c s i p e r ( δ ξ c ) P j c ) − I c ( P j c ) ≈ I s ( T c s i P j c ) − I c ( P j c ) + J c ∗ e x p ( δ ξ c ) J c = ∂ I s ∂ u ∗ ∂ u ∂ δ ξ c u = T c s i ∗ p e r ( δ ξ c ) P j c e(\xi^{si}_{c} \oplus \delta\xi_{c} ) = I_{s}( T_{c}^{si}per(\delta\xi_{c})P_{j}^{c} )- I_{c}(P_{j}^{c}) \\\approx I_{s}( T_{c}^{si} P_{j}^{c}) - I_{c}(P_{j}^{c})+ J_{c}* exp(\delta\xi_{c})\tag{10} \\ J_{c} = \frac{\partial I_{s} }{\partial u}* \frac{\partial u}{\partial \delta\xi_{c}} \\ u = T_{c}^{si}*per(\delta\xi_{c})P_{j}^{c} e(ξcsiδξc)=Is(Tcsiper(δξc)Pjc)Ic(Pjc)Is(TcsiPjc)Ic(Pjc)+Jcexp(δξc)Jc=uIsδξcuu=Tcsiper(δξc)Pjc(10)
∂ I s ∂ u \frac{\partial I_{s} }{\partial u} uIs is the gradient of the image, which can represent as [ I x s I y s ] [I_{x}^{s} I_{y}^{s}] [IxsIys].
Here we combine (5), (7) and (9) to derive the solution of ∂ u ∂ δ ξ \frac{\partial u}{\partial\delta\xi} δξu ,as shown in (11)
(11) ∂ u ∂ δ ξ c = lim ⁡ δ ξ → 0 T c s i ∗ p e r ( δ ξ c ) P j c − T c s i P j c δ ξ c = lim ⁡ δ ξ c → 0 [ R o t ( θ c − θ s i ) R o t ( − θ s i ) ( t c − t s i ) 0 1 ] [ R o t ( δ θ c ) R o t ( − θ c ) δ t 0 1 ] P j c − T c s i P j c δ ξ c = lim ⁡ δ ξ c → 0 R o t ( − θ s i ) δ t c + R o t ( θ c − θ s i + π ) 2 P c δ θ c δ ξ c = [ R o t ( − θ s i ) R o t ( θ c − θ s i + π ) 2 P c ] \frac{\partial u}{\partial\delta\xi_{c}} = \lim_{\delta\xi\to0} \frac{T_{c}^{si}*per(\delta\xi_{c})P_{j}^{c} - T_{c}^{si}P_{j}^{c}} {\delta\xi_{c}}\\=\\ \lim_{\delta\xi_{c}\to0}\frac{ \left[\begin{matrix} Rot(\theta_{c}-\theta_{si}) & Rot(-\theta_{si})(t_{c}-t_{si}) \\ 0 & 1 \end{matrix}\right] \left[\begin{matrix} Rot(\delta\theta{c}) & Rot(-\theta_{c})\delta t \\ 0 &1 \end{matrix}\right]P_{j}^{c}- T_{c}^{si}P_{j}^{c}}{\delta\xi_{c}}\\= \lim_{\delta\xi_{c}\to0}\frac{Rot(-\theta_{si})\delta t_{c} + Rot(\theta_{c}-\theta_{si}+\frac{\pi)}{2}P_{c}\delta\theta_{c} }{\delta\xi_{c}}\\= \left[\begin{matrix} Rot(-\theta_{si}) & Rot(\theta_{c}-\theta_{si}+\frac{\pi)}{2}P_{c}\end{matrix}\right]\tag{11} δξcu=δξ0limδξcTcsiper(δξc)PjcTcsiPjc=δξc0limδξc[Rot(θcθsi)0Rot(θsi)(tctsi)1][Rot(δθc)0Rot(θc)δt1]PjcTcsiPjc=δξc0limδξcRot(θsi)δtc+Rot(θcθsi+2π)Pcδθc=[Rot(θsi)Rot(θcθsi+2π)Pc](11)
Then we derive the final form :
(12) J c = [ I x s   I y s ] [ R o t ( − θ s i ) R o t ( θ c − θ s i + π ) 2 P c ] J_{c} = [I_{x}^{s}\ I_{y}^{s}]\left[\begin{matrix} Rot(-\theta_{si}) & Rot(\theta_{c}-\theta_{si}+\frac{\pi)}{2}P_{c}\end{matrix}\right] \tag{12} Jc=[Ixs Iys][Rot(θsi)Rot(θcθsi+2π)Pc](12)
Using the similar method we can also derive of jacobian J s i J_{si} Jsicorresponding to pose ξ s i \xi_{si} ξsi ,here we omit the derivation process since its almost the same as mentioned, and directly give the result shown in (13)
(1) J s i = [ I x s   I y s ] [ R o t ( − θ s i ) R o t ( π 2 − θ s i ) ( − R o t ( θ c ) P c − t c + t s i ) ] J_{si} = [I_{x}^{s}\ I_{y}^{s} ]\left[\begin{matrix} Rot(-\theta_{si}) & Rot(\frac{\pi}{2}-\theta_{si} )(-Rot( \theta_{c})P_{c} -t_{c}+t_{si})\end{matrix}\right] \tag{1} Jsi=[Ixs Iys][Rot(θsi)Rot(2πθsi)(Rot(θc)Pctc+tsi)](1)

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