









$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Release:        22.04
Codename:       jammy







docker run -it --net=host osrf/ros:indigo-desktop-full /bin/bash


root@fishros-KLVC-WXX9:/# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:    Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.6 LTS
Release:    14.04
Codename:    trusty

get 一个安装好ROS 的Ubuntu14系统


root@fishros-KLVC-WXX9:/# git clone http://github.fishros.org/https://github.com/playerproject/player
Cloning into 'player'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 52620, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (21/21), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (12/12), done.
remote: Total 52620 (delta 5), reused 12 (delta 3), pack-reused 52599
Receiving objects: 100% (52620/52620), 13.15 MiB | 1.16 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (41608/41608), done.
Checking connectivity... done.



root@fishros-KLVC-WXX9:/# cd player/
root@fishros-KLVC-WXX9:/player# ls
AUTHORS          PlayerCPackOptions.cmake.in  copyright_header.lib  libplayersd        rtk2
CMakeLists.txt   README.md                    design                libplayertcp       server
CMake_Todo.txt   client_libs                  doc                   libplayerutil      utils
CONTRIBUTING.md  cmake                        examples              libplayerwkb       win32_todo.txt
COPYING          config                       libplayercommon       patch
COPYING.lib      config.h.in                  libplayercore         playerconf
ChangeLog        copyright_header             libplayerinterface    playerconfig.h.in
INSTALL          copyright_header.examples    libplayerjpeg         replace


root@fishros-KLVC-WXX9:/player# mkdir build
root@fishros-KLVC-WXX9:/player# cd build/
root@fishros-KLVC-WXX9:/player/build# cmake ..
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.4
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.8.4
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Player version 3.1.1-dev
-- Operating system is Linux
-- Player will be installed to /usr/local
-- Headers will be installed to /usr/local/include/player-3.1
-- Libraries will be installed to /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
-- Plugins will be installed to /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/player-3.1
-- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version "0.26") 
-- Looking for include file stdint.h
-- Looking for include file stdint.h - found
-- Looking for getaddrinfo
-- Looking for getaddrinfo - found
-- ----- Processing driver make files -----
-- Looking for C++ include Device.h
-- Looking for C++ include Device.h - not found
-- Looking for include file alsa/asoundlib.h
-- Looking for include file alsa/asoundlib.h - not found
-- checking for module 'artoolkitplus>=2.2'
--   package 'artoolkitplus>=2.2' not found
-- Looking for include files stdio.h, jpeglib.h
-- Looking for include files stdio.h, jpeglib.h - found
-- checking for module 'opencv'
--   found opencv, version 2.4.8
-- Looking for include files sys/types.h, linux/videodev.h
-- Looking for include files sys/types.h, linux/videodev.h - not found
-- checking for module 'libpqxx'
--   package 'libpqxx' not found
-- checking for module 'libnl-1'
--   package 'libnl-1' not found
-- Looking for include files sys/socket.h, linux/wireless.h
-- Looking for include files sys/socket.h, linux/wireless.h - found
-- Looking for include file libparticle.h
-- Looking for include file libparticle.h - not found
-- ----- Done -----
-- ===== Drivers =====
-- The following drivers will be built:
-- AioToSonar
-- accel_calib
-- ===== Examples =====
-- ====================
-- ===== Player utilities =====
-- playernav will not be built - Gnome Canvas not found
-- Looking for gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons
-- Looking for gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons - found
-- Looking for gtk_button_set_use_stock
-- Looking for gtk_button_set_use_stock - found
-- Looking for gtk_dialog_run
-- Looking for gtk_dialog_run - found
-- checking for module 'gsl'
--   package 'gsl' not found
-- pmap utilities will not be built - GSL not found
-- XMMS plugin will not be built - XMMS not found
-- ============================
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /player/build


[100%] Building CXX object utils/playerprop/CMakeFiles/playerprop.dir/playerprop.o
Linking CXX executable randomwalk
[100%] Built target randomwalk
Scanning dependencies of target player
[100%] Building CXX object server/CMakeFiles/player.dir/server.o
Linking CXX executable player
Linking CXX executable sonarobstacleavoid
Linking CXX executable speech
[100%] Built target sonarobstacleavoid
[100%] Built target speech
[100%] Built target player
Linking CXX executable speech_cpp_client
Linking CXX executable wallfollow
[100%] Built target speech_cpp_client
[100%] Built target wallfollow
Linking CXX executable playerjoy
[100%] Built target playerjoy
Linking CXX executable playerprint
[100%] Built target playerprint
Linking CXX executable playerprop
[100%] Built target playerprop


小鱼把默认的 localhost 改成扫地机的地址,默认的端口之前我们扫描过,没啥毛病


#include <iostream>
#include <libplayerc++/playerc++.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  using namespace PlayerCc;

  //PlayerClient    robot("localhost");
  PlayerClient    robot("");
  SonarProxy      sp(&robot,0);
  Position2dProxy pp(&robot,0);
  // robot.
    double turnrate, speed;

    // read from the proxies

    // print out sonars for fun
    std::cout << pp << std::endl;


playerc warning   : warning : [Player v.3.1.0-svn] connected on [] with sock 3







#Position2D (4:0)
#xpos   ypos    theta   speed   sidespeed       turn    stall
0.0334906 -0.00478894 -0.284061 0 0 0.00104328 1

#Position2D (4:0)
#xpos   ypos    theta   speed   sidespeed       turn    stall
0.0334906 -0.00478894 -0.284061 0 0 -0.00108854 1

#Position2D (4:0)
#xpos   ypos    theta   speed   sidespeed       turn    stall
0.0334906 -0.00478894 -0.284061 0 0 -2.26265e-05 1

#Position2D (4:0)
#xpos   ypos    theta   speed   sidespeed       turn    stall
0.0334906 -0.00478894 -0.284061 0 0 -0.00108854 1


* `xpos`: 实体的x位置。  
* `ypos`: 实体的y位置。  
* `theta`: 实体的方向或角度。  
* `speed`: 实体的速度。  
* `sidespeed`: 实体的侧向速度。  
* `turn`: 实体的转向速度或角速度。  
* `stall`: 可能是表示实体是否处于停滞或阻塞状态的一个标志,值为1可能表示实体当前处于停滞状态。



#include <iostream>
#include <libplayerc++/playerc++.h>

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  using namespace PlayerCc;

  PlayerClient    robot("");
  LaserProxy      lp(&robot,0);
  // robot.



#min    max     res     count   range_res
0       0       0       360     0
#range  bearing intensity
0.116   -91.8422        0       0       -82.8482        0       0       -83.7693        32      0       -84.6905        192     0       -85.6117      00       -86.5328        0       0       -87.454 160     0       -88.3752        0       0       -89.2963        0       0       -90.2175        0     0-91.1387        160     0       -92.0599        0       0       -94.4   0       0       -95.3212        0       0.144   -104.225        160     0.145 -105.091 0       0       -98.0847        0       0       -99.0058        0       0       -99.927 160     0       -100.848        0       0       -101.769       0       0       -102.691        0       0       -103.612        160     0       -104.533        0       0       -105.454        0       0     -106.375 0       0       -107.296        160     0.321   -111.783        0       0       -109.139        0       0       -110.06 0       0       -112.4160      0       -113.321        0       0       -114.242        0       0       -115.164        0       0       -116.085        160     0       -117.006       0       0       -117.927        0       0       -118.848        0       0       -119.769        160     0       -120.691        0       0     -121.612 0       0       -122.533        0       0       -124.4  160     0       -125.321        0       0       -126.242        0       0       -127.164       0       0       -128.085        160     0       -129.006        0       1.024   -131.041        0       1.021   -131.965        0       1.019 -132.888 160     1.021   -133.807        0       1.024   -134.725        0       1.028   -135.642        0       1.03    -137.507        128     1.034 -138.424 0       1.032   -139.347        0       1.022   -140.279        0       1.018   -141.205        0       1.024   -142.119        19      1.028 -143.036 0       1.031   -143.954        0       1.041   -144.865        0       1.044   -145.783        43      1.049   -146.699        0       1.053 -147.616 0       1.061   -149.474        128     1.069   -150.387        0       1.074   -151.304        0       1.083   -152.216        0       1.088 -153.133 128     1.096   -154.046        0       1.084   -154.979        0       1.034   -155.951        0       0.985   -156.928        128     0.935 -157.911 0       0.892   -158.891        0       0.85    -159.876        0       0.777   -161.868        128     0.748   -162.846        0       0.72  -163.827 0       0.697   -164.801        0       0.677   -165.771        128     0.653   -166.754        0       0.632   -167.734        0       0.615 -168.705 0       0.598   -169.679        128     0.578   -170.667        0       0.563   -171.641        0       0.546   -172.625        0       0.526 -174.571 128     0.513   -175.548        0       0.504   -176.509        0       0.492   -177.486        0       0.481   -178.46 128     0.473   -179.422       0       0.465   179.615 0       0.455   178.64  0       0.446   177.667 128     0.437   176.693 0       0.43    175.729 0       0.422   174.7570       0.409   172.805 128     0.403   171.842 0       0.398   170.885 0       0.392   169.919 0       0.388   168.968 128     0.382   168     0     0.378    167.047 0       0.374   166.093 0       0.369   165.13  0       0.365   164.175 1       0.361   163.219 0       0.357   162.262 0       0.353 160.359  128     0.349   159.4   0       0.346   158.45  0       0.342   157.49  0       0.34    156.549 128     0.336   155.587 0       0.335   154.6560       0.331   153.693 0       0.329   152.751 128     0.328   151.819 0       0.326   150.876 0       0.324   149.933 0       0.32    148.023 128   0.32     147.102 0       0.317   146.146 0       0.317   145.225 0       0.314   144.269 128     0.314   143.348 0       0.313   142.415 0       0.311 141.47   0       0.312   140.56  128     0.311   139.627 0       0.31    138.693 0       0.31    137.772 0       0.308   135.883 128     0.309   134.9740       0.308   134.04  0       0.308   133.119 0       0.307   132.185 128     0.308   131.276 0       0.309   130.367 0       0.309   129.445 0     0.309    128.524 128     0.31    127.614 0       0.31    126.693 0       0.31    125.772 0       0.312   123.931 128     0.312   123.009 0       0.314 122.112  0       0.314   121.19  0       0.316   120.292 128     0.317   119.382 0       0.319   118.483 0       0.327   117.65  0       0       120.229128     0       119.307 0       0.321   114.82  0       0.326   113.954 0       0.33    112.132 128     0.33    111.211 0       0.333   110.321 0     0.336    109.43  0       0.338   108.529 128     0.339   107.618 0       0.341   106.717 0       0.345   105.834 0       0.347   104.932 128     0.35  104.039  0       0.354   103.155 0       0.358   102.27  0       0.365   100.466 128     0.375   99.6287 0       0       101.757 0       0       100.8360       0       99.9148 128     0       98.9934 0       0       98.0721 0       0.38    94.1412 0       0.374   93.1714 128     0.376   92.2664 0     0.419    91.6586 0       0.435   90.838  0       0.438   88.9905 128     0.44    88.0811 0       0.443   87.1776 0       0.446   86.2737 0       0.452 85.3866  128     0.458   84.4986 0       0.468   83.6309 0       0.478   82.7609 0       0.484   81.8694 1       0.496   81.0054 126     0.506   80.12990       0.513   79.2395 0       0.524   77.4203 1       0.533   76.536  163     0.538   75.6347 0       0.549   74.7562 0       0.553   73.85   1     074.9937 152     0       74.0724 0       0       73.1512 0       0.68    70.5517 33      0       71.3086 77      0       70.3874 0       0       69.46610       0       67.6    33      0       66.6787 57      0       65.7573 0       0.879   63.5386 0       0.844   62.5633 33      0.858   61.6641 84    0.918    60.8298 0       0.988   59.9966 0       0       60.2291 33      1.133   58.3018 93      1.19    57.4287 0       1.257   56.5585 0       0     55.6     33      0.114   44.5893 107     0       53.7573 0       0.209   47.3466 0       0.195   46.0288 33      0       50.9932 109     0       50.07180       0       49.1505 0       0       48.2291 34      0.138   38.9769 15      0.136   37.9326 0       0.128   36.4812 0       0.126   34.4731 34    0.125    33.4786 39      0.125   32.5571 0       0.125   31.6357 0       0.126   30.7875 34      0.124   29.7185 20      0.122   28.6448 0       0.119 27.4852  0       0.117   26.3984 34      0.115   25.3058 16      0.113   24.2072 0       0.113   23.2858 0       0       31.6    34      0       30.678612      0       29.7572 0       0       28.8358 0       0       27.9144 33      0       26.993  233     0       26.0716 0       0       25.1501 0     024.2287 34      0       23.3073 34      0       22.3859 0       0       21.4645 0       0       19.6    34      0       18.6786 19      0       17.75730       0       16.8359 0       0       15.9146 33      0       14.9932 241     0       14.0718 0       0       13.1505 0       0       12.2291 34    011.3078 7       0       10.3864 0       0       9.46504 0       0       7.6     34      0       6.67864 15      0       5.75728 0       0       4.835920       0       3.91456 33      0       2.9932  238     0       2.07184 0       0       1.15048 0       0       0.22912 33      0       -0.69224      253      0       -1.6136 0       0       -2.53496        0       0       -4.4    34      0       -5.32136        19      0       -6.24291        0     0-7.16437        0       0       -8.08582        33      0       -9.00728        205     0       -9.92874        0       0       -10.8502        0     0-11.7716        32      0       -12.6931        197     0       -13.6146        0       0       -14.536 0       0       -16.4   32      0       -17.3215       155     0       -18.2429        0       0       -19.1644        0       0       -20.0858        32      0       -21.0073        143     0     -21.9287 0       0       -22.8502        0       0       -23.7716        0       0       -24.6931        152     0       -25.6146        0       0     -26.536  0       0       -28.4   0       0       -29.3215        170     0       -30.243 0       0       -31.1645        0       0       -32.086 0     0-33.0075        149     0       -33.929 0       0       -34.8505        0       0       -35.772 0       0       -36.6935        195     0       -37.6150       0       -38.5365        0       0       -40.4   0       0       -41.3215        176     0       -42.243 0       0.11    -53.6209        0     0.11     -54.5424        0       0.111   -55.3697        178     0.112   -56.1987        0       0.112   -57.1202        0       0.113   -57.9507      00.114   -58.7829        208     0.114   -59.7044        0       0.116   -60.4518        0       0.118   -62.1469        0       0.119   -62.9864      201      0.12    -63.827 0       0       -55.1642        0       0       -56.0856        0       0       -57.007 222     0       -57.9284        0     0-58.8499        0       0       -59.7713        0       0       -60.6927        212     0       -61.6141        0       0       -62.5355        0     0-64.4   0       0       -65.3214        218     0       -66.2428        0       0       -67.1642        0       0       -68.0856        0       0.11  -79.4635 243     0.111   -80.2906        0       0.111   -81.212 0       0.111   -82.1335        0       0.112   -82.9623        243     0.115   -83.6156       0       0.114   -84.6248        0       0       -76.4   0       0       -77.3214        248     0.117   -88.0729        0       0.117   -88.9942       0       0.116   -90.0003        1       0.116   -90.9215        7
#Position2D (4:0)
#xpos   ypos    theta   speed   sidespeed       turn    stall
0.0334906 -0.00478894 -0.284061 0 0 -0.00108854 1

#min    max     res     count   range_res
0       0       0       360     0
#range  bearing intensity
0.116   -91.8422        0       0       -82.8482        0       0       -83.7693        32      0       -84.6905        192     0       -85.6117      00       -86.5328        0       0       -87.454 160     0       -88.3752        0       0       -89.2963        0       0       -90.2175        0     0-91.1387        160     0       -92.0599        0       0       -94.4   0       0       -95.3212        0       0.144   -104.225        160     0.145 -105.091 0       0       -98.0847        0       0       -99.0058        0       0       -99.927 160     0       -100.848        0       0       -101.769       0       0       -102.691        0       0       -103.612        160     0       -104.533        0       0       -105.454        0       0     -106.375 0       0       -107.296        160     0.321   -111.783        0       0       -109.139        0       0       -110.06 0       0       -112.4160      0       -113.321        0       0       -114.242        0       0       -115.164        0       0       -116.085        160     0       -117.006       0       0       -117.927        0       0       -118.848        0       0       -119.769        160     0       -120.691        0       0     -121.612 0       0       -122.533        0       0       -124.4  160     0       -125.321        0       0       -126.242        0       0       -127.164       0       0       -128.085        160     0       -129.006        0       1.024   -131.041        0       1.021   -131.965        0       1.019 -132.888 160     1.021   -133.807        0       1.024   -134.725        0       1.028   -135.642        0       1.03    -137.507        128     1.034 -138.424 0       1.032   -139.347        0       1.022   -140.279        0       1.018   -141.205        0       1.024   -142.119        19      1.028 -143.036 0       1.031   -143.954        0       1.041   -144.865        0       1.044   -145.783        43      1.049   -146.699        0       1.053 -147.616 0       1.061   -149.474        128     1.069   -150.387        0       1.074   -151.304        0       1.083   -152.216        0       1.088 -153.133 128     1.096   -154.046        0       1.084   -154.979        0       1.034   -155.951        0       0.985   -156.928        128     0.935 -157.911 0       0.892   -158.891        0       0.85    -159.876        0       0.777   -161.868        128     0.748   -162.846        0       0.72  -163.827 0       0.697   -164.801        0       0.677   -165.771        128     0.653   -166.754        0       0.632   -167.734        0       0.615 -168.705 0       0.598   -169.679        128     0.578   -170.667        0       0.563   -171.641        0       0.546   -172.625        0       0.526 -174.571 128     0.513   -175.548        0       0.504   -176.509        0       0.492   -177.486        0       0.481   -178.46 128     0.473   -179.422       0       0.465   179.615 0       0.455   178.64  0       0.446   177.667 128     0.437   176.693 0       0.43    175.729 0       0.422   174.7570       0.409   172.805 128     0.403   171.842 0       0.398   170.885 0       0.392   169.919 0       0.388   168.968 128     0.382   168     0     0.378    167.047 0       0.374   166.093 0       0.369   165.13  0       0.365   164.175 1       0.361   163.219 0       0.357   162.262 0       0.353 160.359  128     0.349   159.4   0       0.346   158.45  0       0.342   157.49  0       0.34    156.549 128     0.336   155.587 0       0.335   154.6560       0.331   153.693 0       0.329   152.751 128     0.328   151.819 0       0.326   150.876 0       0.324   149.933 0       0.32    148.023 128   0.32     147.102 0       0.317   146.146 0       0.317   145.225 0       0.314   144.269 128     0.314   143.348 0       0.313   142.415 0       0.311 141.47   0       0.312   140.56  128     0.311   139.627 0       0.31    138.693 0       0.31    137.772 0       0.308   135.883 128     0.309   134.9740       0.308   134.04  0       0.308   133.119 0       0.307   132.185 128     0.308   131.276 0       0.309   130.367 0       0.309   129.445 0     0.309    128.524 128     0.31    127.614 0       0.31    126.693 0       0.31    125.772 0       0.312   123.931 128     0.312   123.009 0       0.314 122.112  0       0.314   121.19  0       0.316   120.292 128     0.317   119.382 0       0.319   118.483 0       0.327   117.65  0       0       120.229128     0       119.307 0       0.321   114.82  0       0.326   113.954 0       0.33    112.132 128     0.33    111.211 0       0.333   110.321 0     0.336    109.43  0       0.338   108.529 128     0.339   107.618 0       0.341   106.717 0       0.345   105.834 0       0.347   104.932 128     0.35  104.039  0       0.354   103.155 0       0.358   102.27  0       0.365   100.466 128     0.375   99.6287 0       0       101.757 0       0       100.8360       0       99.9148 128     0       98.9934 0       0       98.0721 0       0.38    94.1412 0       0.374   93.1714 128     0.376   92.2664 0     0.419    91.6586 0       0.435   90.838  0       0.438   88.9905 128     0.44    88.0811 0       0.443   87.1776 0       0.446   86.2737 0       0.452 85.3866  128     0.458   84.4986 0       0.468   83.6309 0       0.478   82.7609 0       0.484   81.8694 1       0.496   81.0054 126     0.506   80.12990       0.513   79.2395 0       0.524   77.4203 1       0.533   76.536  163     0.538   75.6347 0       0.549   74.7562 0       0.553   73.85   1     074.9937 152     0       74.0724 0       0       73.1512 0       0.68    70.5517 33      0       71.3086 77      0       70.3874 0       0       69.46610       0       67.6    33      0       66.6787 57      0       65.7573 0       0.879   63.5386 0       0.844   62.5633 33      0.858   61.6641 84    0.918    60.8298 0       0.988   59.9966 0       0       60.2291 33      1.133   58.3018 93      1.19    57.4287 0       1.257   56.5585 0       0     55.6     33      0.114   44.5893 107     0       53.7573 0       0.209   47.3466 0       0.195   46.0288 33      0       50.9932 109     0       50.07180       0       49.1505 0       0       48.2291 34      0.138   38.9769 15      0.136   37.9326 0       0.128   36.4812 0       0.126   34.4731 34    0.125    33.4786 39      0.125   32.5571 0       0.125   31.6357 0       0.126   30.7875 34      0.124   29.7185 20      0.122   28.6448 0       0.119 27.4852  0       0.117   26.3984 34      0.115   25.3058 16      0.113   24.2072 0       0.113   23.2858 0       0       31.6    34      0       30.678612      0       29.7572 0       0       28.8358 0       0       27.9144 33      0       26.993  233     0       26.0716 0       0       25.1501 0     024.2287 34      0       23.3073 34      0       22.3859 0       0       21.4645 0       0       19.6    34      0       18.6786 19      0       17.75730       0       16.8359 0       0       15.9146 33      0       14.9932 241     0       14.0718 0       0       13.1505 0       0       12.2291 34    011.3078 7       0       10.3864 0       0       9.46504 0       0       7.6     34      0       6.67864 15      0       5.75728 0       0       4.835920       0       3.91456 33      0       2.9932  238     0       2.07184 0       0       1.15048 0       0       0.22912 33      0       -0.69224      253      0       -1.6136 0       0       -2.53496        0       0       -4.4    34      0       -5.32136        19      0       -6.24291        0     0-7.16437        0       0       -8.08582        33      0       -9.00728        205     0       -9.92874        0       0       -10.8502        0     0-11.7716        32      0       -12.6931        197     0       -13.6146        0       0       -14.536 0       0       -16.4   32      0       -17.3215       155     0       -18.2429        0       0       -19.1644        0       0       -20.0858        32      0       -21.0073        143     0     -21.9287 0       0       -22.8502        0       0       -23.7716        0       0       -24.6931        152     0       -25.6146        0       0     -26.536  0       0       -28.4   0       0       -29.3215        170     0       -30.243 0       0       -31.1645        0       0       -32.086 0     0-33.0075        149     0       -33.929 0       0       -34.8505        0       0       -35.772 0       0       -36.6935        195     0       -37.6150       0       -38.5365        0       0       -40.4   0       0       -41.3215        176     0       -42.243 0       0.11    -53.6209        0     0.11     -54.5424        0       0.111   -55.3697        178     0.112   -56.1987        0       0.112   -57.1202        0       0.113   -57.9507      00.114   -58.7829        208     0.114   -59.7044        0       0.116   -60.4518        0       0.118   -62.1469        0       0.119   -62.9864      201      0.12    -63.827 0       0       -55.1642        0       0       -56.0856        0       0       -57.007 222     0       -57.9284        0     0-58.8499        0       0       -59.7713        0       0       -60.6927        212     0       -61.6141        0       0       -62.5355        0     0-64.4   0       0       -65.3214        218     0       -66.2428        0       0       -67.1642        0       0       -68.0856        0       0.11  -79.4635 243     0.111   -80.2906        0       0.111   -81.212 0       0.111   -82.1335        0       0.112   -82.9623        243     0.115   -83.6156       0       0.114   -84.6248        0       0       -76.4   0       0       -77.3214        248     0.117   -88.0729        0       0.117   -88.9942       0       0.116   -90.0003        1       0.116   -90.9215        7
#Position2D (4:0)
#xpos   ypos    theta   speed   sidespeed       turn    stall
0.0334906 -0.00478894 -0.284061 0 0 -2.26265e-05 1






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